President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

1500 new Border Agents
More Fentanyl screening at the border
More judges to speed up asylumhearings
Cap at 5000 migrants a day (currently up to 10,000)
Tougher rules for asylum approval
Financial aid to cities housing migrants

Why would Republicans disapprove when they got what they have been asking for?

Because Trump wants to use border security against Biden
and so all that money went just to the boarder?....what else was on the bill?....
1500 new Border Agents
More Fentanyl screening at the border
More judges to speed up asylumhearings
Cap at 5000 migrants a day (currently up to 10,000)
Tougher rules for asylum approval
Financial aid to cities housing migrants

Why would Republicans disapprove when they got what they have been asking for?

Because Trump wants to use border security against Biden
None of that us what Republicans asked for. All of that is for Biden;s program to stack the electoral deck with many more illegal aliens.
Sounds like you've been taking your cues from CNN, MSNBC, PBS.

  • 1500 new Border Agents - to speed up the processing of illegal aliens entering the country
  • Fentanyl screening is talk. Actions speak louder. Should have been done 3 years ago.
  • Speed up asylum hearings and bring more aliens in - Biden's primary plan
  • 5000 migrants a day ? Pheeew! This really shows Biden's plan. Should be ZERO per day.
  • Tougher rules for asylum approval is another example of Democrat compliance with the Biden VOTE plan to bring in illegals. Asylum should be ABOLISHED. HR 29 (the Border Safety & Security Act of 2023) sponsored by Chip Roy (R-TX), would have abolished it. Senate Democrats voted it down.
  • Financial aid to cities housing migrants has been opposd by Republicans since 1974, when then Pres. Ford refused to give New York mayor Abe Beame money for migrant welfare. Of course, that welfare is what brings them here. They're not running from crime. They're looking for handouts$$$$. Giving these handouts is the best way to encourage more caravans to come to the border. Insane. Only one who benefits is Biden, and Democrats running for re-election.
None of that us what Republicans asked for. All of that is for Biden;s program to stack the electoral deck with many more illegal aliens.
Sounds like you've been taking your cues from CNN, MSNBC, PBS.

  • 1500 new Border Agents - to speed up the processing of illegal aliens entering the country
  • Fentanyl screening is talk. Actions speak louder. Should have been done 3 years ago.
  • Speed up asylum hearings and bring more aliens in - Biden's primary plan
  • 5000 migrants a day ? Pheeew! This really shows Biden's plan. Should be ZERO per day.
  • Tougher rules for asylum approval is another example of Democrat compliance with the Biden VOTE plan to bring in illegals. Asylum should be ABOLISHED. HR 29 (the Border Safety & Security Act of 2023) sponsored by Chip Roy (R-TX), would have abolished it. Senate Democrats voted it down.
  • Financial aid to cities housing migrants has been opposd by Republicans since 1974, when then Pres. Ford refused to give New York mayor Abe Beame money for migrant welfare. Of course, that welfare is what brings them here. They're not running from crime. They're looking for handouts$$$$. Giving these handouts is the best way to encourage more caravans to come to the border. Insane. Only one who benefits is Biden, and Democrats running for re-election.
It was a republican bill. The dems hated it.
Can't, he's the president

Womp womp
/----/ Here's your guy, the laughing stock of the world.
None of that us what Republicans asked for. All of that is for Biden;s program to stack the electoral deck with many more illegal aliens.
Sounds like you've been taking your cues from CNN, MSNBC, PBS.

  • 1500 new Border Agents - to speed up the processing of illegal aliens entering the country
  • Fentanyl screening is talk. Actions speak louder. Should have been done 3 years ago.
  • Speed up asylum hearings and bring more aliens in - Biden's primary plan
  • 5000 migrants a day ? Pheeew! This really shows Biden's plan. Should be ZERO per day.
  • Tougher rules for asylum approval is another example of Democrat compliance with the Biden VOTE plan to bring in illegals. Asylum should be ABOLISHED. HR 29 (the Border Safety & Security Act of 2023) sponsored by Chip Roy (R-TX), would have abolished it. Senate Democrats voted it down.
  • Financial aid to cities housing migrants has been opposd by Republicans since 1974, when then Pres. Ford refused to give New York mayor Abe Beame money for migrant welfare. Of course, that welfare is what brings them here. They're not running from crime. They're looking for handouts$$$$. Giving these handouts is the best way to encourage more caravans to come to the border. Insane. Only one who benefits is Biden, and Democrats running for re-election.

So what did you get Republicans?

Dems gave you everything you asked for in order to get funding for Ukraine and Israel

Even McConnell and Graham acknowledged this is a better deal than Trump could get as President.

So, as usual……Republicans end up with nothing
It was a Democrat bill. The Republicans hated it (and thus, shot it down in the House)

Leftists never get anything right. As usual, come in here and present it backwards.
Sheesh! :rolleyes:

What part did you hate?

1500 more border agents?
Enhanced Fentanyl screening?
Aid to Republican border cities?
More judges to speed up trials?
Capping the number of migrants?
Tougher standards ?
What part did you hate?

1500 more border agents?
Enhanced Fentanyl screening?
Aid to Republican border cities?
More judges to speed up trials?
Capping the number of migrants?
Tougher standards ?
I hate the part where we “cap” the number of illegals swarming into our country, wrecking havoc on our cities, lowering the caliber in the classroom, and taking needed resources from honest Americans to nearly 2 million illegals a year!!
I hate the part where we “cap” the number of illegals swarming into our country, wrecking havoc on our cities, lowering the caliber in the classroom, and taking needed resources from honest Americans to nearly 2 million illegals a year!!

You do?
Lisa opposes allowing brown people into the country
Color me shocked.

What you got was a bill that reduces migrants from up to ten thousand a day down to 5000 top.

So by killing the bill, you go back to 10,000

You also killed aid to Israel
You happy with that?
They are equating the Jews with the terrorists.
More like equating Israel to Nazis running ghettos in open air concentration camps. Which they're now bombing as the final solution.

And which Biden is enabling. Nothing makes you happy, does it?
You do?
Lisa opposes allowing brown people into the country
Color me shocked.

What you got was a bill that reduces migrants from up to ten thousand a day down to 5000 top.

So by killing the bill, you go back to 10,000

You also killed aid to Israel
You happy with that?
Where did I say “brown”? That old “.raaaacist!” lie ain’t going to work.
More like equating Israel to Nazis running ghettos in open air concentration camps. Which they're now bombing as the final solution.
More antisemitism from the left. Color me surprised.

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