President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Turn off CNN.

Take a look at a photo of Biden in 2018 and next to a photo of the guy pretending to be Biden at SOTU with a cleft testicles chin, earlobes that are now attached, different nose, cheekbones and black X Files eyes.

Then tell me that’s the same person
It's the same person. Biden
I don't have CNN.
His current 56% disapproval is why his delivering such a successful SOTU address is so important.

With the sexual abuser/cry baby loser facing 91 criminal counts and whining like a stuck pig, it'll be interesting.



Well delivered speech. No one is claiming it wasn’t. Get with the talking points, the line now is he too full of energy and mean to republicans.
I claim it was not well-delivered. He was like a screaming Alzheimer's patient. He stuttered, mispronounced the most important name of the night --- Laken Riley --- twice. Then he rotated around like a roomba when the speech was finished. Once again didn't know where to go until the guy in the earpiece set him straight.
Did Joe talk about this ?

  • The Trump Administration created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime.
    • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement launched the VOICE Office in April 2017, following an Executive Order by the President calling for its creation.
  • The VOICE Office operates a hotline to connect victims with social services and, when possible, assist them in obtaining immigration information regarding the offender.
    • The VOICE Office has released a new report that includes case studies explaining how they were able to assist victims who contacted them.
  • A 2011 Government Accountability Office report found nearly 3 million offenses tied to criminal aliens, including:
    • More than 25,000 homicide offenses.
    • More than 42,000 robbery offenses.
    • Nearly 70,000 sex crime offenses.
    • Nearly 15,000 kidnapping offenses.
  • In Texas alone, more than 250,000 criminal aliens have been arrested and charged with over 600,000 criminal offenses between 2011 and 2017.
  • In fiscal year 2017, more than 8,000 criminal illegal aliens in police custody were released back into our communities as a result of sanctuary policies.
ALL these crimes were preventable by by ENFORCING strong border security policy.
Did Joe talk about this ?

  • The Trump Administration created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime.
    • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement launched the VOICE Office in April 2017, following an Executive Order by the President calling for its creation.
  • The VOICE Office operates a hotline to connect victims with social services and, when possible, assist them in obtaining immigration information regarding the offender.
    • The VOICE Office has released a new report that includes case studies explaining how they were able to assist victims who contacted them.
  • A 2011 Government Accountability Office report found nearly 3 million offenses tied to criminal aliens, including:
    • More than 25,000 homicide offenses.
    • More than 42,000 robbery offenses.
    • Nearly 70,000 sex crime offenses.
    • Nearly 15,000 kidnapping offenses.
  • In Texas alone, more than 250,000 criminal aliens have been arrested and charged with over 600,000 criminal offenses between 2011 and 2017.
  • In fiscal year 2017, more than 8,000 criminal illegal aliens in police custody were released back into our communities as a result of sanctuary policies.
ALL these crimes were preventable by by ENFORCING strong border security policy.
Ten bucks says the sleepy joe wanders off to some Delaware beach again not caring about our border.
Here we go again , even through all the republican administrations , like trump's 300 , 000 + came over " illegally " during his time in office. While millions waited at the border considering waiting until he was out of office.

Then without the November coup they would still be there.
I claim it was not well-delivered. He was like a screaming Alzheimer's patient. He stuttered, mispronounced the most important name of the night --- Laken Riley --- twice. Then he rotated around like a roomba when the speech was finished. Once again didn't know where to go until the guy in the earpiece set him straight.
No one gives a shit what you morons dreamt. Donald Trump is exhibiting dementia symptoms while Joe made you cry cuz he was tough on you.

what else was on the bill?....

1500 new Border Agents
More Fentanyl screening at the border
More judges to speed up asylumhearings
Cap at 5000 migrants a day (currently up to 10,000)
Tougher rules for asylum approval
Financial aid to cities housing migrants

Why would Republicans disapprove when they got what they have been asking for?

Because Trump wants to use border security against Biden

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