President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

You do?
Lisa opposes allowing brown people into the country
Color me shocked.

What you got was a bill that reduces migrants from up to ten thousand a day down to 5000 top.

So by killing the bill, you go back to 10,000

You also killed aid to Israel
You happy with that?
It doesn't reduce "migrants from up to ten thousand a day down to 5000 top". It's encounters a day, at the border, before they enter.

And if it had passed, the border would have already been shut down because of the number of encounters/week.
I love this thread. It's been awesome reading the confident predictions of how Trump was going to be the senile, bumbling, doddering fool like the selected/ edited images and video fed to "conservatives" by the likes of Fox and OAN. Which then changed to he's antagonistic, he's angry, he's partisan, Trump's rent-free in his head.... And best of all, he can't have done what he did without being on drugs.

I. Love. It.
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FFS…… Yes, I’m sure Keith Olberman was moved to tears. It was probably a very happy day on the set of The View also.
Haven’t thought about him in years.

RW Apple and Tim Russert were my favorites. John King is probably the best

Keith Olberman is probably the worst ever.

From the sounds of it there, the right wing loons are the ones doing most of the crying.
You’re a conservative, right?

You support him “100%” even though he added $8T of new debt?

/——/ You went to public school, right? Your knowledge of civics is appalling. Only Congress can spend money. No president is responsible for debt. They have little power to stop it. Reagan wanted the line item veto like many governors have, but the USSC said no. Stop embarrassing yourself.
/——/ You went to public school, right? Your knowledge of civics is appalling. Only Congress can spend money. No president is responsible for debt. They have little power to stop it. Reagan wanted the line item veto like many governors have, but the USSC said no. Stop embarrassing yourself.
The president doesn’t sign off on spending?
/——/ You went to public school, right? Your knowledge of civics is appalling. Only Congress can spend money. No president is responsible for debt. They have little power to stop it. Reagan wanted the line item veto like many governors have, but the USSC said no. Stop embarrassing yourself

I went to public school and your post is

oh I guess you must be referring g to some of the other very serious media types, like Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Cenk Uygur…..

The GOP’s heckling and low expectations backfired again​

At The Atlantic, David A. Graham notes that Republicans set Biden up to succeed:

It could help reset the Biden campaign narrative, if the campaign and its supporters take the baton​

At the HuffPost, Jonathan Cohn argues that as far as SOTU speeches go, this could be a very useful one, moving forward:

Intelligencer’s Jonathan Chait explains that after Biden defied the feeble expectations they set for him, Trump and his allies decided to claim the president was Barry Bonds–ing it with performance-enhancing drugs:

Biden’s speech exceeded the media’s very low expectations, too​

Vox’s Andrew Prokop argues that the the aftermath of the SOTU shows how media coverage of Biden and his campaign up to now has been too focused on trivialities:
Not all fawning from the NewYorker....

‘Joe from Delaware’ might not win over disaffected workers​

Paul Sracic, a politics professor at Youngstown State University and Hudson Institute adjunct fellow, told CNN that he didn’t think Biden did enough to win over white working-class voters without college degrees who have been voting for Trump:

‘There’s life in the old boy yet.’​

The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan seemed at least somewhat impressed:

“It’s dangerous rhetoric. And I think that the president is getting bad advice from his advisers and speech writers. That kind of rhetoric is what inspired the people who killed Aaron Martinez,” U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro said, referring to a North Texas man who was killed by his neighbor who repeatedly harassed Martinez’s family over their Latino ethnicity. Castro brought Martinez’s wife, Priscilla Martinez, as his guest Thursday.

Ahh balance. As someone who is perpetually should try it some time. Enjoy your Ramen Shirley.
The only people who “worship” Trump are the ones whose entire world revolves around Trump. The people who make every thread about Trump. Those people get their entire self worth and sense of moral superiority from “worshiping” Trump. They never shut up about fearing the wrath of Trump. Trump is going to cause floods, famine and pestilence unless you adhear to their loony rituals.

/——/ What am I incorrect about? Seems you would have pointed it out.

You have a simplistic view of our budgeting process if you think the President is not involved

The President sends Congress his annual budget with his wish list and priorities.
While Congress is planning the budget, Presidential staff are working with the Budget Committee on details.
The President will use his bully pulpit and twist arms behind the scenes to get his agenda approved.
If all else fails, he has the power of the veto

The GOP’s heckling and low expectations backfired again​

At The Atlantic, David A. Graham notes that Republicans set Biden up to succeed:

It could help reset the Biden campaign narrative, if the campaign and its supporters take the baton​

At the HuffPost, Jonathan Cohn argues that as far as SOTU speeches go, this could be a very useful one, moving forward:

Intelligencer’s Jonathan Chait explains that after Biden defied the feeble expectations they set for him, Trump and his allies decided to claim the president was Barry Bonds–ing it with performance-enhancing drugs:

Biden’s speech exceeded the media’s very low expectations, too​

Vox’s Andrew Prokop argues that the the aftermath of the SOTU shows how media coverage of Biden and his campaign up to now has been too focused on trivialities:
Not all fawning from the NewYorker....

‘Joe from Delaware’ might not win over disaffected workers​

Paul Sracic, a politics professor at Youngstown State University and Hudson Institute adjunct fellow, told CNN that he didn’t think Biden did enough to win over white working-class voters without college degrees who have been voting for Trump:

‘There’s life in the old boy yet.’​

The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan seemed at least somewhat impressed:

“It’s dangerous rhetoric. And I think that the president is getting bad advice from his advisers and speech writers. That kind of rhetoric is what inspired the people who killed Aaron Martinez,” U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro said, referring to a North Texas man who was killed by his neighbor who repeatedly harassed Martinez’s family over their Latino ethnicity. Castro brought Martinez’s wife, Priscilla Martinez, as his guest Thursday.

Ahh balance. As someone who is perpetually should try it some time. Enjoy your Ramen Shirley.
Ah, now I understand. Like a typical leftists, when you are trying to be taken seriously you cite all white people as your intellectual standards. And mostly white men.

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