President Elect Trump on Obama & Isreal

When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
You're oversimplifying it I think. We differ from them plenty, but what you're seeing now is a unified & proper reaction to an administration that PUBLICLY THREW AN ALLIE UNDER THE BUS.
If I lived in Israel I would do everything in my power to move to America. Why live a life surrounded by Muslim nutjobs who want to kill you. It's just fucking dirt & rock. No better or worse than the dirt & rock anywhere else. Religious dogma is ridiculous. True freedom & safety is priceless.

I think it's time for Americans to stop obsessing over Israel. It's a tiny nation with way too much influence on our Government. We're a sovereign nation. We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. I don't understand why most Americans feel their Government has to go along with Israel no matter what it does.

I think the two foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. We need to separate the policies a bit. I'm tired of gong to war because Israel wants it. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. I just don't feel we have to continuously do that for them.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
This far only for the left. So important? I say naw lol
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
You're oversimplifying it I think. We differ from them plenty, but what you're seeing now is a unified & proper reaction to an administration that PUBLICLY THREW AN ALLIE UNDER THE BUS.

I hear ya somewhat. But i do observe most Americans obsessing over Israel. They truly feel their own Government should blindly support Israel no matter what it does. I mean no questioning at all. How can such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I really don't get it.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??

I don't know. That's why i always ask folks why they blindly support Israel on everything it does? Most do it, but they can't really explain why. I mean, Israel is a tiny nation. Why such a huge influence on our Government? I really don't understand it. I must be missing something.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.
If there are Islamic elements on the Westbank a two state settlement is dead.

I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. Their stated goal is to destroy Israel. The send death via rockets, suicide bombers, vehicle attacks & shooters into Israel on a regular basis.
Quite frankly I think Israel has been more than patient.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.

Great info. Thanks.

Yeah, i appreciate Israel as an ally, but i don't wanna always go to war just because it wants it. I would like to see my country scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't feel wee need to be in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore.

I'd like to see us disengage a bit from the Middle East. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to. We need to separate the two foreign policies. Right now, they're too tightly intertwined.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??

I don't know. That's why i always ask folks why they blindly support Israel on everything it does? Most do it, but they can't really explain why. I mean, Israel is a tiny nation. Why such a huge influence on our Government? I really don't understand it. I must be missing something.
They are a democratic nation in a sea of Islamic fundamentalists hell bent on killing them. What's not to support?
Not to defend Obama, cause he did screw an ally. But i don't understand why so many Americans are obsessed with Israel. I don't get why most feel that the US has to do everything Israel orders it to do. I mean we are a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from foreign nations. We can have a separate and different foreign policy than Israel. We don't have to go to war every time Israel wants it.

I think it's time for us to separate a bit from Israel's foreign policy. The two nations' foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. Israel does seem to have too much influence. Now i know the usual suspects are gonna toss that knee-jerk 'You hate Jews!' accusation at me, but i assure you i don't hate anyone. I just don't feel we as a sovereign nation, should allow foreign nations to dictate our policies. Israel's a tiny nation with a huge amount of influence on our Government. I think it's too much. That's how i feel anyway.
And we send them huge amounts of gelt aka money

Israel's a strong ally. I'm good with that. But i don't get the American obsession with it. Most Americans seem too willing to do anything Israel demands. They support everything without question. Israel says jump, they say 'How High?' I think we just need to separate our foreign policy from theirs.

We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. We are a sovereign nation. I would actually like to see us dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't want my country in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore. Let them sort out their differences. I'm tired of getting sucked into quagmires over there. We can maintain a close relationship with Israel, but we don't have to feel obligated to go along with everything it decides.

I am not going to tell you that you hate Jews, I am going to tell you why it is, what it is!

When we needed the oil, (which we may still if the leftists have their way) Israel was the only Democracy......or Republic........not sure, over there. When they were 1st formed after WWII, because of what happened in Germany, the world was highly sympathetic also. When they were attacked not all that long after being formed, they HOSED 5 or 6 nations alone. America took notice, and to be honest, we didn't want to have to deal with the Russians on the Middle East oil fields, so our attack dog became Israel.

How many wars has Israel fought with the Arab states? How many have they lost? The last thing I have read, puts Israel at the number 4 slot in military power in the world, and yes, they have the bomb!

And so, you ARE going to cut a deal with the head TERRORIST state in the world known as Iran......who DOESN"T have the bomb; but you aren't going to placate people like Israel who is an ally, who DOES! Does that make ANY sense to you!

Also---------> Israel is small, very, very, small. A couple of middling size nuclear weapons going off in their country would kill 85% of their population. It is true! Now, if it was you, and knowing that Iran is HUGE compared to Israel, and Iran knows what I just told you is fact, and that the response time for Israel to launch is akin to nuclear missiles being Cuba, (and we know what Kennedy thought about it, now don't we) how would you feel about this......DEAL? And then after this deal, Obama sets you up for SANCTIONS, after he REMOVED SANCTIONS on Iran?!?!?!?! Your kidding me, right!

I am no apologist for Israel, and I know Israel can easily handle herself..........but remember this about Israel, and the United States------------>when the gulf war was going on, Iraq was shooting scud missiles in Israel, killing their citizens. America BEGGED Israel not to respond, even as their citizens were killed night, after night. If they had, the war would have escalated to other nations, and yet everyone knew Israel could have wiped all of them off the face of the map, with just their conventional weapons! Israel stood by as their citizens died on the word of OUR country, The United States of America, their ALLY! Where do you live? If someone was shooting missiles in at you, killing your friends, neighbors, and family, would you have let YOUR PRESIDENT sit by while they died and not retaliate when you could have destroyed them easily!

So why are the Israelies so upset! You tell me! And why are they so happy that Obysmal is leaving office! Well, let me put it this way.................if a minor war broke out today in the Middle East and Obama had 12 or 18 months left in office, if one scud missile flew into Israel, and Obama asked them to stand friend, the world would be at war, because the whole Middle East would light up like a Christmas tree. Israel would not believe him, and nobody else would believe him either. Remember the red line! Yep! Obama was and is a fool, and we can only hope that Trump doesn't follow suit!
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??

I don't know. That's why i always ask folks why they blindly support Israel on everything it does? Most do it, but they can't really explain why. I mean, Israel is a tiny nation. Why such a huge influence on our Government? I really don't understand it. I must be missing something.
They are a democratic nation in a sea of Islamic fundamentalists hell bent on killing them. What's not to support?

We've always maintained close relationships with bloody despotic nations in the Middle East. We're still doing it. So it can't be solely about 'Democracy.' How can such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean in general, Israel says jump, our Government says 'How High?' And i just don't get that.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.

That ought to go over well with Trump's Nazi and KKK constituents!
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.
If there are Islamic elements on the Westbank a two state settlement is dead.

I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. Their stated goal is to destroy Israel. The send death via rockets, suicide bombers, vehicle attacks & shooters into Israel on a regular basis.
Quite frankly I think Israel has been more than patient.
You are right that the pales have never evidenced any agreement to live peacefully next to a Jewish state. But that does not mean Israel should take over all the land of the Jewish Kingdom. A lot of US Christians are ok with them doing just that, btw.

There are legal and ethical issues, and also issues with Syria, Jordan and Egypt. But the bottom line is that if there is some "greater Israel" all the pales will either be citizens, in which case Jews will be the minority, or Israel will be a sort of apartheid state. And the US cannot protect that state in the international community. THAT was what Obama's abstention on the settlement resolution was about.
Not to defend Obama, cause he did screw an ally. But i don't understand why so many Americans are obsessed with Israel. I don't get why most feel that the US has to do everything Israel orders it to do. I mean we are a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from foreign nations. We can have a separate and different foreign policy than Israel. We don't have to go to war every time Israel wants it.

I think it's time for us to separate a bit from Israel's foreign policy. The two nations' foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. Israel does seem to have too much influence. Now i know the usual suspects are gonna toss that knee-jerk 'You hate Jews!' accusation at me, but i assure you i don't hate anyone. I just don't feel we as a sovereign nation, should allow foreign nations to dictate our policies. Israel's a tiny nation with a huge amount of influence on our Government. I think it's too much. That's how i feel anyway.
And we send them huge amounts of gelt aka money

Israel's a strong ally. I'm good with that. But i don't get the American obsession with it. Most Americans seem too willing to do anything Israel demands. They support everything without question. Israel says jump, they say 'How High?' I think we just need to separate our foreign policy from theirs.

We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. We are a sovereign nation. I would actually like to see us dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't want my country in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore. Let them sort out their differences. I'm tired of getting sucked into quagmires over there. We can maintain a close relationship with Israel, but we don't have to feel obligated to go along with everything it decides.

I am not going to tell you that you hate Jews, I am going to tell you why it is, what it is!

When we needed the oil, (which we may still if the leftists have their way) Israel was the only Democracy......or Republic........not sure, over there. When they were 1st formed after WWII, because of what happened in Germany, the world was highly sympathetic also. When they were attacked not all that long after being formed, they HOSED 5 or 6 nations alone. America took notice, and to be honest, we didn't want to have to deal with the Russians on the Middle East oil fields, so our attack dog became Israel.

How many wars has Israel fought with the Arab states? How many have they lost? The last thing I have read, puts Israel at the number 4 slot in military power in the world, and yes, they have the bomb!

And so, you ARE going to cut a deal with the head TERRORIST state in the world known as Iran......who DOESN"T have the bomb; but you aren't going to placate people like Israel who is an ally, who DOES! Does that make ANY sense to you!

Also---------> Israel is small, very, very, small. A couple of middling size nuclear weapons going off in their country would kill 85% of their population. It is true! Now, if it was you, and knowing that Iran is HUGE compared to Israel, and Iran knows what I just told you is fact, and that the response time for Israel to launch is akin to nuclear missiles being Cuba, (and we know what Kennedy thought about it, now don't we) how would you feel about this......DEAL? And then after this deal, Obama sets you up for SANCTIONS, after he REMOVED SANCTIONS on Iran?!?!?!?! Your kidding me, right!

I am no apologist for Israel, and I know Israel can easily handle herself..........but remember this about Israel, and the United States------------>when the gulf war was going on, Iraq was shooting scud missiles in Israel, killing their citizens. America BEGGED Israel not to respond, even as their citizens were killed night, after night. If they had, the war would have escalated to other nations, and yet everyone knew Israel could have wiped all of them off the face of the map, with just their conventional weapons! Israel stood by as their citizens died on the word of OUR country, The United States of America, their ALLY! Where do you live? If someone was shooting missiles in at you, killing your friends, neighbors, and family, would you have let YOUR PRESIDENT sit by while they died and not retaliate when you could have destroyed them easily!

So why are the Israelies so upset! You tell me! And why are they so happy that Obysmal is leaving office! Well, let me put it this way.................if a minor war broke out today in the Middle East and Obama had 12 or 18 months left in office, if one scud missile flew into Israel, and Obama asked them to stand friend, the world would be at war, because the whole Middle East would light up like a Christmas tree. Israel would not believe him, and nobody else would believe him either. Remember the red line! Yep! Obama was and is a fool, and we can only hope that Trump doesn't follow suit!

Just not getting American obsession with Israel. It's like Americans have been hypnotized or something. It's a tiny nation. Why so much influence on our Government? I mean, are you a 'racist' or 'Anti-Semite' if you won't go along with everything Israel demands? That seems to be the standard response from many Americans, to anyone questioning Israeli policies.

When did Israel gain so much power & influence over our Government? We are a sovereign nation after all. We have to go our own way on some issues. We can disagree with Israel. That doesn't automatically make you an 'Anti-Semite.' We need to regain our independence from Israel on our foreign policy.
Not to defend Obama, cause he did screw an ally. But i don't understand why so many Americans are obsessed with Israel. I don't get why most feel that the US has to do everything Israel orders it to do. I mean we are a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from foreign nations. We can have a separate and different foreign policy than Israel. We don't have to go to war every time Israel wants it.

I think it's time for us to separate a bit from Israel's foreign policy. The two nations' foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. Israel does seem to have too much influence. Now i know the usual suspects are gonna toss that knee-jerk 'You hate Jews!' accusation at me, but i assure you i don't hate anyone. I just don't feel we as a sovereign nation, should allow foreign nations to dictate our policies. Israel's a tiny nation with a huge amount of influence on our Government. I think it's too much. That's how i feel anyway.
And we send them huge amounts of gelt aka money

Israel's a strong ally. I'm good with that. But i don't get the American obsession with it. Most Americans seem too willing to do anything Israel demands. They support everything without question. Israel says jump, they say 'How High?' I think we just need to separate our foreign policy from theirs.

We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. We are a sovereign nation. I would actually like to see us dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't want my country in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore. Let them sort out their differences. I'm tired of getting sucked into quagmires over there. We can maintain a close relationship with Israel, but we don't have to feel obligated to go along with everything it decides.
Israel is our strongest ally in the region. We should be promoting fairness for this country.
Just waiting for Trump to exercise some faith and sense to our foreign policy. Obama cannot leave office soon enough!
Not to defend Obama, cause he did screw an ally. But i don't understand why so many Americans are obsessed with Israel. I don't get why most feel that the US has to do everything Israel orders it to do. I mean we are a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from foreign nations. We can have a separate and different foreign policy than Israel. We don't have to go to war every time Israel wants it.

I think it's time for us to separate a bit from Israel's foreign policy. The two nations' foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. Israel does seem to have too much influence. Now i know the usual suspects are gonna toss that knee-jerk 'You hate Jews!' accusation at me, but i assure you i don't hate anyone. I just don't feel we as a sovereign nation, should allow foreign nations to dictate our policies. Israel's a tiny nation with a huge amount of influence on our Government. I think it's too much. That's how i feel anyway.
And we send them huge amounts of gelt aka money

Israel's a strong ally. I'm good with that. But i don't get the American obsession with it. Most Americans seem too willing to do anything Israel demands. They support everything without question. Israel says jump, they say 'How High?' I think we just need to separate our foreign policy from theirs.

We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. We are a sovereign nation. I would actually like to see us dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't want my country in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore. Let them sort out their differences. I'm tired of getting sucked into quagmires over there. We can maintain a close relationship with Israel, but we don't have to feel obligated to go along with everything it decides.
Israel is our strongest ally in the region. We should be promoting fairness for this country.

I'm good with that. I don't think it's fair to label anyone who doesn't always go along with Israel, as being 'Racist' or 'Antisemitic.' I mean, there are many racists and Anti-Semites out there, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel 'hates Jews.' I just think it's time for our Government to separate its foreign policy from Israel's. We don't always have to go along. We're a sovereign nation that has to go its own way sometimes.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


No surprise that you are so brainwashed by the media that you dont get it how Israel is always starting wars with other countries all the time and plays the innocent victem card. you are one silly brainwashed old man.

you might actually want to stop listening to what the corporate controlled media tells you and get educated here for once.:rolleyes:

Of course you are so much in denial and only see what you WANT to see,you wont look at these DOCUMENTED facts of we both know,you'll do this-:scared1:

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

you wont even accept FACTS the NFL is as corrupt as our government is ignoring FACTS how the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal other teams get punished for so you certainly wont read this link as we both know.:lmao::haha: knowing YOU,you probably actually believe this is a free country we live in and our politicians in washington are here to SERVE us and look out for our well being,they are not criminals up there,no way.not in america is your thinking of course.:haha::lmao:

Wow, way to really justify your hatred of Jews. An attack in 1967. In 1951 we were at war in Korea, and Soviet Pilots were flying Migs and shooting and killing American planes. Do we use that as a basis of hatred now? No, we're not going to get over things. We are somehow awesome or something.

Yet, in the real world, the one you claim to live in, we don't have to go back to 1967, we have to go back to 1945. US Resolution 181 divided the region into two states. Everyone knew the British were pulling out, and ten seconds after they did, the various Islamic people and nations were planning on wiping out the survivors of the Holocaust. The United States did everything humanly possible to make this eradication of the Jews a reality by refusing to sell aircraft to Jews or if they did manage to get them, refuse to allow them to leave the country. Ten seconds after Israel declared independence and statehood the nations surrounding it attacked. When the Jews survived the initial onslaught this was of course unexpected, and was not something that could be allowed. Royal Air Force planes were flying photo reconnaissance missions for the assembled Arab enemies. It didn't take long, and eventually Israeli planes shot down the RAF aircraft gathering information for the enemies of the Jews.

The Jews having learned what happens when they depend on others for their safety did exactly what one would expect. They fought. Using the teachings of Sun Tzu, the Jews were on Death Ground. There was no where to retreat to. No where to seek succor. No one wanted them to win. The various nations had done everything possible to set the Jews up for defeat. The new Israeli people fought and won their nation with second hand equipment bought in bits and tiny amounts from all over the world. They flew Nazi aircraft, American Aircraft, and anything with wings and a rubber band to turn the propeller. They fought with whatever rifles they could get their hands on. They not only survived, but won against overwhelming odds. Everyone was expecting to see the end of the Jews then and there. Everyone was wrong.

Time and again the Jews have been attacked. Even now, while Obama demands the Israeli cave and go for whatever peace terms that he demands, the Palestinians are launching rockets and mortars into Israeli settlements.

How Long Has Israel Been Without Rockets?

65 days. Palestinians who supposedly only want peace fired Rockets into Israel 65 days ago. Want to bet that it reaches 90 days?

We're told how awful it is that the Palestinians don't have medicine, or sanitation, or any of those civilized things. But they can manage to get weapons to fire at the Israeli's. Supplies to kill Jews, those have a priority. Supplies to help the people to survive? Well, we'll get those after the Jews are killed right?

I've looked at the History. I've read the stuff, and I've considered the USS Liberty attack. A spy ship gathering information, just like the RAF aircraft of years ago. Yeah, I'm sure we would believe that the foreign spy ship off our coast was not feeding information to our enemies if we were fighting for our lives against impossible odds.

I'm not surprised that Israel is prepared to Nuke those around them. I am surprised that they haven't done it yet.

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