President Elect Trump on Obama & Isreal

Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.

Obama will learn the hard way he can't fuck around with Trump.....
Oh you're wrong and Obamas not through yet
Let us know if Obama ever starts....thanks....
Guess you didn't think this israel thing the oil ban didn't get to chump???
Again...English please....
Netanyahu made Obama look like a stupid punk during a press conference, talking down to him like he was an idiot. This has stuck in Obama's craw every since, this is why you see Obama stabbing Israel in the back. The coward didn't even have the guts to be open about he, claiming he had nothing to do with it he just 'abstained'. Only a few more weeks and this gutless punk is gone from the White House, unfortunately Trump now has to clean up this mess also.

As for Kerry he has a track record of being a back stabbing traitor.
Clean up messes??? lol like obama cleaned up after your last moron bush??
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


We have continuously treated Israel with respect. Obama gave him a HUGE financial package - the biggest EVER. What is wrong with asking Israel - FOR ONCE - to stop something? The continued expansion of settlements is a huge sticking point in establishing a 2-state solution and Bibi has relentlessly pushed it while giving lipservice to two states and peace. Keep in mind - we voted against establishing an independent Palestinian state (outside of negotiation with Israel) in 2014. So much for treating Israel with disrespect. I think it's time ask Israel if it's serious about a 2-state solution or not.
Until Obama...

Gee...Obama gave Bibi the biggest aid package ever spanning 10 years and vetod an independent Palestinian state and he is disrespecting Israel :cuckoo:
So, when do you want Jews to leave jerusalem? Seriously, your propaganda is worthless on this issue.....
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


We have continuously treated Israel with respect. Obama gave him a HUGE financial package - the biggest EVER. What is wrong with asking Israel - FOR ONCE - to stop something? The continued expansion of settlements is a huge sticking point in establishing a 2-state solution and Bibi has relentlessly pushed it while giving lipservice to two states and peace. Keep in mind - we voted against establishing an independent Palestinian state (outside of negotiation with Israel) in 2014. So much for treating Israel with disrespect. I think it's time ask Israel if it's serious about a 2-state solution or not.
Until Obama...

Gee...Obama gave Bibi the biggest aid package ever spanning 10 years and vetod an independent Palestinian state and he is disrespecting Israel :cuckoo:
So, when do you want Jews to leave jerusalem? Seriously, your propaganda is worthless on this issue.....

Hyperbole much?
I do not think the UN can impose sanctions without the Security Council. And Obama didn't change US policy on that. Other countries may decide to make agreements with each other to impose sanctions. That's what we did with Iran.

So despite Bibi's outrage, we really didn't change anything. The Israelis need to realize though that if they become an apartheid state, it would be morally impossible for us to veto UN sanctions. Bibi refuses to confront the uber-Zionists with that reality. And, he's pissed Obama gave him a shove. We gave them more military hardware though, so they have no near term fears.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


We have continuously treated Israel with respect. Obama gave him a HUGE financial package - the biggest EVER. What is wrong with asking Israel - FOR ONCE - to stop something? The continued expansion of settlements is a huge sticking point in establishing a 2-state solution and Bibi has relentlessly pushed it while giving lipservice to two states and peace. Keep in mind - we voted against establishing an independent Palestinian state (outside of negotiation with Israel) in 2014. So much for treating Israel with disrespect. I think it's time ask Israel if it's serious about a 2-state solution or not.
Until Obama...

Gee...Obama gave Bibi the biggest aid package ever spanning 10 years and vetod an independent Palestinian state and he is disrespecting Israel :cuckoo:
So, when do you want Jews to leave jerusalem? Seriously, your propaganda is worthless on this issue.....

Hyperbole much?
Right....the UN resolution.....memorialized for all to see the magnitude of Obamas failure......
Not to defend Obama, cause he did screw an ally. But i don't understand why so many Americans are obsessed with Israel. I don't get why most feel that the US has to do everything Israel orders it to do. I mean we are a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from foreign nations. We can have a separate and different foreign policy than Israel. We don't have to go to war every time Israel wants it.

I think it's time for us to separate a bit from Israel's foreign policy. The two nations' foreign policies are too tightly intertwined. Israel does seem to have too much influence. Now i know the usual suspects are gonna toss that knee-jerk 'You hate Jews!' accusation at me, but i assure you i don't hate anyone. I just don't feel we as a sovereign nation, should allow foreign nations to dictate our policies. Israel's a tiny nation with a huge amount of influence on our Government. I think it's too much. That's how i feel anyway.
And we send them huge amounts of gelt aka money

Israel's a strong ally. I'm good with that. But i don't get the American obsession with it. Most Americans seem too willing to do anything Israel demands. They support everything without question. Israel says jump, they say 'How High?' I think we just need to separate our foreign policy from theirs.

We don't have to go along with Israel on everything. We are a sovereign nation. I would actually like to see us dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't want my country in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore. Let them sort out their differences. I'm tired of getting sucked into quagmires over there. We can maintain a close relationship with Israel, but we don't have to feel obligated to go along with everything it decides.
Israel is our strongest ally in the region. We should be promoting fairness for this country.

I'm good with that. I don't think it's fair to label anyone who doesn't always go along with Israel, as being 'Racist' or 'Antisemitic.' I mean, there are many racists and Anti-Semites out there, but not everyone who disagrees with Israel 'hates Jews.' I just think it's time for our Government to separate its foreign policy from Israel's. We don't always have to go along. We're a sovereign nation that has to go its own way sometimes.

OK, lets talk turkey for a second here-------->

We are making you President today! Todays policy is going to set the Middle East trajectory for the next 5 years.

1. Being President, you now wear big boy pants, and the Middle East, who do you trust the most! (you have to pick one because you are going to have to set policy with that country. It is the way of the world, and having influence on that region, so you MUST CHOOSE 1)

2. Who do DISTRUST the most? (and again, you must choose 1)

3. Which country is the one most likely to do our bidding if need be?

4. Which country most closely mirrors how Americans think, and will be most likely to stay on board?

5. If for some reason we have to go to war in the Middle East and need our ally to help, who would be in the position to help the most?

6. Finally.........and this is a biggie...a real biggie----------->Which country in the Middle East, actually wants its current leaders? Because remember, we can cut a deal with anyone, but if that regime is ever overthrown, so to may be the deal. Remember our so called ally, the Shah of Iran! At this time in history, virtually EVERY Middle Eastern country's citizens are being oppressed by its leaders. There are probably more than 2, but the most OBVIOUS 2 that are more free than the rest are.......Israel and Turkey. Guess who our closest allies are in the region today-) (until Obama and Kerry pulled their crapola)

Finally, I ask you this question.......and there is no right or wrong answer, it is just based on opinion, but you seem intelligent, so play along----------->

You and fact all of us wake up tomorrow morning to discover that one of our coastal cities has been attacked from offshore; not with nuclear weapons, but conventional ones. I will not name the country that did it, we will just call it country of America haters. In the attack, 22,000 of our fellow citizens perished, massive amounts of damage, we have to send in supplies to that city instantly, as the infrastructure has collapsed. Without relief, we will lose another 5 to 10,000 within a week as it is the middle of winter.

Our President (make it whomever you want, I know, lets make it Biden) discovers through intelligence rather quickly which country did it. Problem is, this particular country has a loose coalition with other country's, that will probably stand up to us if we are alone, therefore we need back up, and fast.

Biden sends a delegation to the UN, and of course, one of the security council which is in the cabal VETOES the resolution to attack the killer country.

So now, we are alone! Or are we?!?!?!?! Who is with us! And which country from the Middle East would be there, ready to help us light the offender up, while scaring their coalition that America is NOT alone!

Politics my friend, politics! Something that when it comes to foreign policy, Obama is not to good at. Again, we can only hope for better from Trump!

We have other allies in the region as well. But i'm not saying we shouldn't maintain close ties with Israel. I'm just saying that i as an American Citizen, am not obligated to blindly support everything Israel does. For instance, if Israel wants to bomb & invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to.

We need to separate the two foreign policies. They're too tightly intertwined at this point. We have to step back from that entanglement a bit. I don't feel Israel should dictate our policies in the Middle East. We're a sovereign nation. Like i said, i just don't get why so many Americans feel they shouldn't ever question anything Israel does. They just follow blindly and dutifully. I don't understand how we got to that point. Something is wrong with this picture.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.

Thoughts? Simple. Trump suckered 60 million people into thinking 1. He was AMERICA FIRST and 2. That ALL nations need to pay their own way and yet here we are GIVING money away because bible thumpers think they will go to some invisible place in the ground called hell if they don't.
Oh and another thought AS USUAL the US to its own detriment will continue to back a racist,genocidal country when the rest of the world refuses to. We used to invade these countries and depose their leaders but because of MUH BIBLE we now ally ourselves with them!
I do not think the UN can impose sanctions without the Security Council. And Obama didn't change US policy on that. Other countries may decide to make agreements with each other to impose sanctions. That's what we did with Iran.

So despite Bibi's outrage, we really didn't change anything. The Israelis need to realize though that if they become an apartheid state, it would be morally impossible for us to veto UN sanctions. Bibi refuses to confront the uber-Zionists with that reality. And, he's pissed Obama gave him a shove. We gave them more military hardware though, so they have no near term fears.

Let them sort that out over there. It's time to remove ourselves from always being in the middle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When or if they truly want peace, it'll happen. We've gotten too involved. Time to move on.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.

Great info. Thanks.

Yeah, i appreciate Israel as an ally, but i don't wanna always go to war just because it wants it. I would like to see my country scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't feel wee need to be in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore.

I'd like to see us disengage a bit from the Middle East. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to. We need to separate the two foreign policies. Right now, they're too tightly intertwined.

Of all the wars Israel has fought where they weren't the aggressor, only one, (1967, I believe) were of them making a preemptive attack on what looked like forces amassing on their borders.

The reason the U.S. supports Israel is because they are the only democracy in the middle east, they are a staunch ally, and they are in a constant state of war with having daily attacks on their homeland.

Additionally, I don't believe they have anymore influence on American policy than would Britain, for example, if it faced the of annihilation that Israel is.

American (and most world wide) Christians tend to support Israel because it is the place of birth of Christianity, and the Old Testament says the Israel is " the apple in God's eye". In other words, it is God's favored land.
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.

Great info. Thanks.

Yeah, i appreciate Israel as an ally, but i don't wanna always go to war just because it wants it. I would like to see my country scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't feel wee need to be in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore.

I'd like to see us disengage a bit from the Middle East. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to. We need to separate the two foreign policies. Right now, they're too tightly intertwined.

Of all the wars Israel has fought where they weren't the aggressor, only one, (1967, I believe) were of them making a preemptive attack on what looked like forces amassing on their borders.

The reason the U.S. supports Israel is because they are the only democracy in the middle east, they are a staunch ally, and they are in a constant state of war with having daily attacks on their homeland.

Additionally, I don't believe they have anymore influence on American policy than would Britain, for example, if it faced the of annihilation that Israel is.

American (and most world wide) Christians tend to support Israel because it is the place of birth of Christianity, and the Old Testament says the Israel is " the apple in God's eye". In other words, it is God's favored land.

I just wanna see our Government regain an independent separate foreign policy. Right now it's, Israel says jump, and our Government says 'How High.' No foreign nation should have that kind of power and control over our Government.

And as far as 'Democracy' goes, that meme's very overrated. We've always supported evil despotic nations in the Middle East. And we're still doing it. We just need some separation and independence from Israeli policies.
Kerry: "Israel can be Jewish or Democratic...but they cannot be both!"

What kind of crap is that?Kerry: ‘Israel Can Either Be Jewish or Democratic — It Cannot Be Both’
It means that Israel must agree to be destroyed by Muslim vote.
The Muslims in Israel are illegal aliens.

Actually they're not. In Israel Muslims vote and hold public office,and seats in the Kineset (sp), they own property and operate businesses. They are legal and lawful citizens.
Netanyahu made Obama look like a stupid punk during a press conference, talking down to him like he was an idiot. This has stuck in Obama's craw every since, this is why you see Obama stabbing Israel in the back. The coward didn't even have the guts to be open about he, claiming he had nothing to do with it he just 'abstained'. Only a few more weeks and this gutless punk is gone from the White House, unfortunately Trump now has to clean up this mess also.

As for Kerry he has a track record of being a back stabbing traitor.
Clean up messes??? lol like obama cleaned up after your last moron bush??

LOL what did Obama clean up name them :lmao::lmao::lmao:
When did it happen that Americans decided they had to walk in lock-step with Israel on everything? Why does such a tiny nation have such a huge influence on our Government? I mean, who's really calling the shots in the relationship? It seems like Israel is. I don't get it.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.

Great info. Thanks.

Yeah, i appreciate Israel as an ally, but i don't wanna always go to war just because it wants it. I would like to see my country scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't feel wee need to be in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore.

I'd like to see us disengage a bit from the Middle East. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to. We need to separate the two foreign policies. Right now, they're too tightly intertwined.

Of all the wars Israel has fought where they weren't the aggressor, only one, (1967, I believe) were of them making a preemptive attack on what looked like forces amassing on their borders.

The reason the U.S. supports Israel is because they are the only democracy in the middle east, they are a staunch ally, and they are in a constant state of war with having daily attacks on their homeland.

Additionally, I don't believe they have anymore influence on American policy than would Britain, for example, if it faced the of annihilation that Israel is.

American (and most world wide) Christians tend to support Israel because it is the place of birth of Christianity, and the Old Testament says the Israel is " the apple in God's eye". In other words, it is God's favored land.

I just wanna see our Government regain an independent separate foreign policy. Right now it's, Israel says jump, and our Government says 'How High.' No foreign nation should have that kind of power and control over our Government.

And as far as 'Democracy' goes, that meme's very overrated. We've always supported evil despotic nations in the Middle East. And we're still doing it. We just need some separation and independence from Israeli policies.

Look, Dschrute, you have been given the reasons by many of why the U.S. supports Israel, but you keep making the same statement and asking the same question. Your mind is made up and you won't accept the reasons. You fail to recognize the precarious position Israel holds in the Middle East.

You keep saying that we go to war when Israel tells us to. Name one war where that actually occurred. Did we go to war with Egypt? No. Syria? No. Jordan? No. Lebanon? No. Iran? No. Those are the countries that have had a beef of one sort or another in 70+ years that modern Israel has been in existence.

I really hate to tell you this, my friend, but you're verging on Trollism.
Jewish vote in USA important??
Not so many Jews voting. But there's the money from lobbyists and Adelson. And the Christian conservatives have a tie to a Jewish state that is more than just about political ideology and support for democracy.

That is, I think less radically Zionist Jews will get that the settlement of the west bank is pretty inconsistent with the two state solution. Obama is not abandoning Israel. I don't think anyone knows if the two state solution is totally dead. And, France and Russia were going to end their sanctions on Iran one way or another, and at least this way they aren't over their building reactors.

But their are Christians who are more radically Zionist than a lot of US Jews.

Great info. Thanks.

Yeah, i appreciate Israel as an ally, but i don't wanna always go to war just because it wants it. I would like to see my country scale back our presence in the Middle East overall. I don't feel wee need to be in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict anymore.

I'd like to see us disengage a bit from the Middle East. If Israel wants to bomb and invade, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to. We need to separate the two foreign policies. Right now, they're too tightly intertwined.

Of all the wars Israel has fought where they weren't the aggressor, only one, (1967, I believe) were of them making a preemptive attack on what looked like forces amassing on their borders.

The reason the U.S. supports Israel is because they are the only democracy in the middle east, they are a staunch ally, and they are in a constant state of war with having daily attacks on their homeland.

Additionally, I don't believe they have anymore influence on American policy than would Britain, for example, if it faced the of annihilation that Israel is.

American (and most world wide) Christians tend to support Israel because it is the place of birth of Christianity, and the Old Testament says the Israel is " the apple in God's eye". In other words, it is God's favored land.

I just wanna see our Government regain an independent separate foreign policy. Right now it's, Israel says jump, and our Government says 'How High.' No foreign nation should have that kind of power and control over our Government.

And as far as 'Democracy' goes, that meme's very overrated. We've always supported evil despotic nations in the Middle East. And we're still doing it. We just need some separation and independence from Israeli policies.

Look, Dschrute, you have been given the reasons by many of why the U.S. supports Israel, but you keep making the same statement and asking the same question. Your mind is made up and you won't accept the reasons. You fail to recognize the precarious position Israel holds in the Middle East.

You keep saying that we go to war when Israel tells us to. Name one war where that actually occurred. Did we go to war with Egypt? No. Syria? No. Jordan? No. Lebanon? No. Iran? No. Those are the countries that have had a beef of one sort or another in 70+ years that modern Israel has been in existence.

I really hate to tell you this, my friend, but you're verging on Trollism.

I'm good with Israel being an ally. I just feel it's been given too much power and influence over our Government. Israel seems to instigate a lot of conflict in the region. And we're usually left being the one to head over and sacrifice in more wars, as a result. I'm fine with Israel bombing and invading. That's its call as a sovereign nation. It doesn't mean we have to though. Israel's policies and actions don't have to be ours.
I do not think the UN can impose sanctions without the Security Council. And Obama didn't change US policy on that. Other countries may decide to make agreements with each other to impose sanctions. That's what we did with Iran.

So despite Bibi's outrage, we really didn't change anything. The Israelis need to realize though that if they become an apartheid state, it would be morally impossible for us to veto UN sanctions. Bibi refuses to confront the uber-Zionists with that reality. And, he's pissed Obama gave him a shove. We gave them more military hardware though, so they have no near term fears.

What I would like to see the Pali's attack Israel en mass. Then watch, again, that while Israel is in the middle of stomping their ass in to a mud puddle, they throw up their hands and start crying: WAIT! WAIT! We didn't mean it! You're just being mean! Then the UNSC passes a resolution to force Israel to cease and desist. Then less than 30 days later it's back to Katyusha's, suicide bombers, and VBIED's.

Next time give the UN the Universal Greetings and Salutations Sign, and then finish the job at hand.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


That's cute, the Donald and the Benjamin are carrying on a bromance via Twitter. :cool:
Putin will get jealous.
Trump via Twitter:

We can't continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the US, but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal and now this (UN)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching.

Netanyahu later responded via Twitter:

President Elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear cut support for Israel.


That's cute, the Donald and the Benjamin are carrying on a bromance via Twitter. :cool:
Putin will get jealous.
Your response is as shallow as your avatar

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