President for Life: Trump-"Maybe we'll give that a shot some day...

You got it all wrong again Obama and America had wonderful relationships with MOST of the world Then along came trump and now we are despised not trusted by all

His latest stupid idea has our closest allies fuming...."A trade war is easy to win..."
he should get back to his tv show The man is an accident waiting to happen

The closer Mueller gets to him and his crime family...the more unhinged he gets. When he is forced to testify...he will surely come up with a bigly distraction. Maybe he declares war on Canada...? IDIOT IN CHIEF!
The only thing the investigation is proving is, how corrupt the Obama administration was.
how many indicted from obama administration??? vs how many from dumps?
Lol, his minions covered for him. Holder had to step down. Lynch had to resign. Just wait, also if there was collusion Obama knew about it and did nothing. So if Trump gets charged he should also. For being an accomplice.
After the Dems take the House in November....trump will be impeached.


After nearly 2 years of multiple investigations, a stacked Special Counsel Deck, etc...Democrats have absolutely ZERO evidence against Trump for any criminal acts.

His biggest / ONLY crime is defeating the worst Presidential candidate in history - a PROVEN criminal who endangered national security, who took bribes from the KGB Bank, who colluded with a foreign spy and Russians to commit treason, rigged her parties primaries, engaged in election fraud during her party's primaries, cheated in debates, committed campaign and campaign finance crime, committed 'Espionage' / 'Criminal Negligence' / Illegal possession, storage, handling, and destruction of classified / Obstruction of Justice / Criminal Non-Compliance with a Federal Subpoena, over 30,000 criminal violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act...defeating a Candidate who should have been in prison on election day instead of on any ballot.

Butt-hurt, hate-driven partisans seek to set new precedence by making 'HATE' / 'Hatred For An Opposing Party Member' / 'Defeating a Democratic Party Candidate' a condition for Impeachment.

In their desire / effort to do so they have proven they have not learned anything from the continuous damage they have inflicted on themselves from their actions that have repeatedly boomeranged back on them, exposing their own crimes and taking down their own politicians and supporters.

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, defending, aiding, abetting, and dragging this nation into Un-Constitutional war to help terrorists, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...arming Mexican Drug Cartels...protecting Hezbollah drug ops....hiding Russian crimes / interference...standing with and aiding violent criminal aliens like MS13...aiding criminal illegals....protecting and engaging in Human trafficking...aiding our enemies through Un-Constitutional 'Treaties', ransoms, and 'gifting' hundred of millions of dollars to terrorists and the UN while lying to Americans about the money...illegally spied on and victimized American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...weaponized the IRS to illegally use the IRA against American citizens - only the 2nd President to ever do this, both Democrats...Set new records for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, he and his criminal Cabinet using illegal aliases and e-mails to attempt to avoid / violate the FOIA and Federal Records Act.....

Obama DESERVED / WARRANTED Impeachment a dozen times over...

...and all snowflakes / Democrats can come up with against Trump is 'Hate' and the fact that he kicked Hillary's ass!
His latest stupid idea has our closest allies fuming...."A trade war is easy to win..."
he should get back to his tv show The man is an accident waiting to happen

The closer Mueller gets to him and his crime family...the more unhinged he gets. When he is forced to testify...he will surely come up with a bigly distraction. Maybe he declares war on Canada...? IDIOT IN CHIEF!
The only thing the investigation is proving is, how corrupt the Obama administration was.
how many indicted from obama administration??? vs how many from dumps?
And the best part is Dump has 2 3/4 years to go to improve on his indictment record
He has 6 3/4 years to go, and nothing's gonna happen.
he should get back to his tv show The man is an accident waiting to happen

The closer Mueller gets to him and his crime family...the more unhinged he gets. When he is forced to testify...he will surely come up with a bigly distraction. Maybe he declares war on Canada...? IDIOT IN CHIEF!
The only thing the investigation is proving is, how corrupt the Obama administration was.
how many indicted from obama administration??? vs how many from dumps?
And the best part is Dump has 2 3/4 years to go to improve on his indictment record

After the Dems take the House in November....trump will be impeached. The Senate will acquit him. But he will be toothless for two years.

The real victim will be the Republican Party. It will take decades to get the trump sh*t stain off of their reputation.
You loons keep acting like spoiled babies and you won't win shit.
He has 6 3/4 years to go, and nothing's gonna happen.
If Democrats in Washington try to / successfully Impeach Trump, removing the President who was legally elected - the man America shoes and put into office through their vote, they will be inviting open rebellion, even 'civil war' in this country.

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