President for Life: Trump-"Maybe we'll give that a shot some day...

you lefty guys MAY have a long time to go with TRUMP as President Eddie .
Ever read The rise and fall of the Roman empire? With Trump we're on dangerous ground

Good thing we are a republic and not an empire then eh?

Trump isn't what we have to worry about. It's the people that will determine whether we rise or fall
What guys, Avatar? Be specific. Are you now, as an active Latter-day Saint, calling for a Trump no-term limit Presidency? Go talk to you Bishop if you do.
For what?
for starters ,,,,all his lies ,his mistreatment of all those women, his stupidity for all selections he made dropping out or being forced out ,his money making while president etc etc etc
With Clinton new ethic rules were set for future presidents. Got a blow job in the oval office, lied about it, destroyed a young woman's life. Obama couldn't tell the truth if he wanted to. So yawn, I'm enjoying watching Trump make America great again. Oh, and don't forget Clinton also lied Under oath. Your fake outrage is noted.
Really?? What you're saying is taking the worst of Clintons and Obama and putting it on trump is maga??
Nope, liberals said back in the nineties, that a person's sex life is nobody's business. What he did behind closed doors doesn't matter. What you changing your mind now?
Yes a persons sex life is their own business UNLESS it interferes with others like grabbing pussy etc etc

Sex lives effect the world. While I don't care about nitty gritty details in anyone's intimate affairs, it's shortsighted to think it has no effect on others
He should get life.

For what?

Wouldn't that get you locked up with him?
The last person he'd want to be locked up with The last....he's a swine and he's yours
Nope, liberals said back in the nineties, that a person's sex life is nobody's business. What he did behind closed doors doesn't matter. What you changing your mind now?
Yes a persons sex life is their own business UNLESS it interferes with others like grabbing pussy etc etc
Clinton also did that too. Lol, you are proving the hypocrite you are.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
Trump on China's Xi consolidating power: 'Maybe we'll give that a shot some day.' - CNNPolitics

Well, the first of America's Royal family has spoken. He wants to be King.

Nah, that only one who really tried that was your boy, FDR.

Really? I didn't know that.

Either way, I am sure it was a joke. Not surprising CNN wet their pants to "report this breaking news". Incredible really.
What the fuck ever. If Obama had said this, you people wouldn’t shut up about it to this day.

Pretty sure Obama did say something similar
Yes a persons sex life is their own business UNLESS it interferes with others like grabbing pussy etc etc
Clinton also did that too. Lol, you are proving the hypocrite you are.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
He is worse far worse ...only the blind can't see it No country respects us trusts us
Clinton also did that too. Lol, you are proving the hypocrite you are.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
He is worse far worse ...only the blind can't see it No country respects us trusts us

8 years of Obama did that
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.

So if a person is against Trump, he's a liberal right? Here's some conservatives who are against him. One link of many I could find if I wanted to. I voted for Trump, believing some of his lies, like when he said he was totally self funding his campaign so that he could act independently and not have to repay favors. That turned out to be a lie. Does anybody here still think that he thinks things out and/or consults with people in the know before tweeting and running off at the mouth? The guy's got me kinda scared, like he wouldn't mind starting a war just because.

Trump is stress-testing the Republican Party
He has some tendencies which are strong handed and in which he is sure of himself. He is a decision maker, having lead to many companies and worked frantically and tirelessly to succeed. So, a dictator wouldn't listen to others, take their opinions or work with them, Trump does.

He has chosen some good people in his administration from Mattis, Haley and Tillerson, to Wilbur Ross and others. He has leaned heavily on his economic team in fact, which is great news for Americans as he is well advised.
Does he? Listen to his advisors? I would look at his decision to open a trade war..and dispute that. It would seem, in fact, that he went against the advice of all those folks you cited.

Trump is determined to bring this country to its knees. He isn't known as the King of Bankruptcy for nothing!

Our nation should be on it's knees praying regardless of Trump

Our nation should be on its knees praying BECAUSE of Trump....

So why aren't you praying?

Believe me....lots of people...including Christians are.
Trump on China's Xi consolidating power: 'Maybe we'll give that a shot some day.' - CNNPolitics

Well, the first of America's Royal family has spoken. He wants to be King.

You know Trump was joking, right? Right?

You people are paranoid beyond belief. You can't even take a joke.

Its not something he should have been joking about but the progressive meltdown over it is over the top

He wasn't joking. Everyone knows he admires Dictators. He dreams of putting his political opponents in jail and making the Justice Department his legal defense team.
Clinton also did that too. Lol, you are proving the hypocrite you are.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
He is worse far worse ...only the blind can't see it No country respects us trusts us
No country trust us because of Obama.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
He is worse far worse ...only the blind can't see it No country respects us trusts us
No country trust us because of Obama.
You got it all wrong again Obama and America had wonderful relationships with MOST of the world Then along came trump and now we are despised not trusted by all
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
trump can not govern Hill could VAST difference in presidential abilities

Trump is governing quite fine. Better than anticipated. Could use some improvement but he isn't as bad as expected
He is worse far worse ...only the blind can't see it No country respects us trusts us
No country trust us because of Obama.
You got it all wrong again Obama and America had wonderful relationships with MOST of the world Then along came trump and now we are despised not trusted by all
Lol, he drew a red line in front of the world, then stepped back. He gave Iran permission to go nuclear. Yeah the world loves us.

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