President for Life: Trump-"Maybe we'll give that a shot some day...

Yes and he will remain to be president till 2024.

Yes and he will remain to be president till 2024.
yep he's made so many friends so far lol
Yes he has. He is starting the boom of a new economy. Tax cuts, and is serious about fixing our Infrastructure. So yes he is a great president. He isn't lying to everyone like the transvestite did, when he admitted those shovel ready jobs wasn't so shovel ready. So he wasted billions on nothing.
are you a republican deficit hawk too? My how the worm has turned
Let's wait and see, he inherited a mess from Obama. Infrastructure, Obama promised he would fix the terrible problem. 8 years later, he handed Trump an even worse problem. If he fixes that and lowers the debt he will be the man. If he don't, unless you run another Hillary. He won't get reelected. But with Obama you didn't care, after all his spending you reelected him to spend more.
under obama did the dow almost triple, did he have 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains, and cut unemployment in half???? He gave drumph a pot of gold compared to the field of dung GWB gave him, and drumpf pats himself on the back???
How many billions a month did he drop in the stock market.
Clinton also did that too. Lol, you are proving the hypocrite you are.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
sure dems cared but mostly overlooked because he was a great president ,,,,,,not like the nitwit in the wh now
Just tell me honestly what Republicans would be saying now if Obama was President ?
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
The point is Clinton IS NOT president now and if you want to take the worst of others and say it's all well and good for Trump there is something wrong with your head
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
sure dems cared but mostly overlooked because he was a great president ,,,,,,not like the nitwit in the wh now
Just tell me honestly what Republicans would be saying now if Obama was President ?
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
sure dems cared but mostly overlooked because he was a great president ,,,,,,not like the nitwit in the wh now
Just tell me honestly what Republicans would be saying now if Obama was President ?
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
-------------------------------------------------------- every country needs the azzes kicked by the big dog USA Eddie .
I'm saying you didn't care when it was your guy doing it. So you have no credibility to be outraged now. I admit, that's a quality I don't like, but your side just had to run Hillary. She is more a Shit head than Trump could dream to be.
sure dems cared but mostly overlooked because he was a great president ,,,,,,not like the nitwit in the wh now
Just tell me honestly what Republicans would be saying now if Obama was President ?
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
So what, Russia is our biggest threat. Oh I guess you still believe Obama when he said global warming was our greatest threat.
sure dems cared but mostly overlooked because he was a great president ,,,,,,not like the nitwit in the wh now
Just tell me honestly what Republicans would be saying now if Obama was President ?
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
So what, Russia is our biggest threat. Oh I guess you still believe Obama when he said global warming was our greatest threat.
Things change knowgood Russia hadn't reached into our election policy to the degree they did helping trump getting elected Of course that's the reason Trump dares not say a discouraging word about Putin
Lol, what made him a great president?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
So what, Russia is our biggest threat. Oh I guess you still believe Obama when he said global warming was our greatest threat.
Things change knowgood Russia hadn't reached into our election policy to the degree they did helping trump getting elected Of course that's the reason Trump dares not say a discouraging word about Putin
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?
google it become educated on the subject
He did lower our credit rating.
Trump has blasted everyone of our allies our friends blasted many in his own party Guess which country he hasn't opened his yapper about?? Go on 1 guess
So what, Russia is our biggest threat. Oh I guess you still believe Obama when he said global warming was our greatest threat.
Things change knowgood Russia hadn't reached into our election policy to the degree they did helping trump getting elected Of course that's the reason Trump dares not say a discouraging word about Putin
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?
He didn't but not all republicans are as smart as I am lol I got a lot smarter after voting for GWB in 2000..Never vote for a republican again
I am fully in support of a fascist dictatorship under Trump. When do we start the purge?
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.
Was trump serious about giving AH Kushner authority to heal Israel Palestine relations ? A know nothing schmuck?
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.
Was trump serious about giving AH Kushner authority to heal Israel Palestine relations ? A know nothing schmuck?

I don't care in the slightest about the Middle East, that's the part of the world I'm most sick to death of. The US Gov't. could conduct air raids spraying them with with pure LSD-25 to induce a giant-scale acid trip, and I still wouldn't give a fuck. It will always be a liability on us no matter what any politician does
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.
Was trump serious about giving AH Kushner authority to heal Israel Palestine relations ? A know nothing schmuck?

I don't care in the slightest about the Middle East, that's the part of the world I'm most sick to death of. The US Gov't. could conduct air raids spraying them with with pure LSD-25 to induce a giant-scale acid trip, and I still wouldn't give a fuck. It will always be a liability on us no matter what any politician does
so lets talk about the new nuclear threat since the mid east is so unimportant to you lol... putin talks about new weapons that can't be detected and trumps mouth is shut ??The big mouthed AH's mouth is shut?
I'm actually happy that facetious, non-really-serious comments by Trump push your all-too-predictable liberal buttons and drive you people into panicked misery. Let me guess, OP: you're one of those people who freaked out when Trump laughingly joked that his supporters are so loyal, "I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support." Obviously, to anyone with a brain, he wasn't serious and was just fucking around. But nope, it still made you liberals freak out and believe the sky was falling. Details like that are just Trump's brash personality/humor, nothing about which to take seriously and get upset.
Was trump serious about giving AH Kushner authority to heal Israel Palestine relations ? A know nothing schmuck?
Election promises.
I don't understand these cult members. What does he have to say to convince them trump is an Authoritarian in waiting? Maybe next he'll say....

"I don't think the Holocaust occurred and Stalin was a pacifist..."

I am sure he will be seen by the idiots as just joking.

He has some tendencies which are strong handed and in which he is sure of himself. He is a decision maker, having lead to many companies and worked frantically and tirelessly to succeed. So, a dictator wouldn't listen to others, take their opinions or work with them, Trump does.

He has chosen some good people in his administration from Mattis, Haley and Tillerson, to Wilbur Ross and others. He has leaned heavily on his economic team in fact, which is great news for Americans as he is well advised.
Does he? Listen to his advisors? I would look at his decision to open a trade war..and dispute that. It would seem, in fact, that he went against the advice of all those folks you cited.

Trump is determined to bring this country to its knees. He isn't known as the King of Bankruptcy for nothing!

Our nation should be on it's knees praying regardless of Trump

Our nation should be on its knees praying BECAUSE of Trump....

So why aren't you praying?
Actually a 20th century democrat party icon was as close to "president for life" as you can get. Every other president in history simply bowed out after two terms but they had to carry FDR out in a freaking box after almost four terms. You almost gotta laugh at the arrogance when democrats kicked their own sitting V.P. off the ticket while he was on vacation and replaced him with a timid little haberdasher with a high school education that they could push around when they knew FDR would not live out his term. If it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media democrats would have been laughed out of town after Woodie Wilson.

FDRs mentor Woodrow Wilson wanted a third term also. But Democrats had enough sense to oppose this then. Especially since Wilson was highly incapacitated because of a stroke. Probably an impetus for the 25th amendment

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