President gives NK stern warning

If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.
If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Perhaps he will just let the UN and the french decide what our response should be........
If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Um... Obama's been a bad ass when it comes to foreign policy and military matters.
This is theater. Lil' Kim is trying to get some street cred since he's the new boss of the DPRK. He's got to rattle his saber at us and make big boy sounds.

"Leaking" photos of him look at maps that happen to have "SOOPER SEKRIT ATTACK PLANZ" prominently displayed on them...come on! Is anyone really falling for this?

Obama has to make some kind of response, or Alex Jones and the millions of mental midgets will criticize him for not doing so.

Lots of noise, signifying nothing.
Not sure why anyone should be scared of doughboy. Let China deal with them. We have no business there.
If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Maybe Obama will offer North Korea millions of dollars in aid, so North Korea can build golf courses and basketball gymnasiums.
If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Perhaps he will just let the UN and the french decide what our response should be........

What's wrong with someone else taking care of business for a change? If you bothered to read the article, you'd know the president in question wasn't Obama anyway. This was sort of a test to see who the knee-jerk ODS sufferers were. Some of the usual culprits did come out. :lol:
Sabre rattling on the part of NK. They must need more money.

The same old same old from the US. Its just Barry Boy doing what other presidents have done.

Wonder if they will send Jimmaaah Carter over there like Clinton did so he can make another deal with em. You know. We pay em billions and they do exactly as they have been doing??

Hear Clinton blew a gasket over that bullshit.
If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Um... Obama's been a bad ass when it comes to foreign policy and military matters.

Only if you count killing Americans.

If North Korea takes any action against the south, obama will scowl. If they continue, he will pout.

That should have them shaking in their boots.

Um... Obama's been a bad ass when it comes to foreign policy and military matters.

Only if you count killing Americans.

Just love your American terrorists, don't you? This more of your "secret glee" when Americans get hurt on Obama's watch? :cuckoo:
Um... Obama's been a bad ass when it comes to foreign policy and military matters.

Only if you count killing Americans.

Just love your American terrorists, don't you? This more of your "secret glee" when Americans get hurt on Obama's watch? :cuckoo:

How secret is it if you know?

one more time.

obama needs his ass kicked. If someone is foolish enough to support him and fight fir they get their asses kicked too. That's what happens when you pick a loser like obama.
Obama probably put NK up to this. He has to do something to bring about global destabilization if he is to lay the groundwork for martial law before the next election.

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