President Joe runs the free world while Trump argues with Americas fooball team

He did this sort of thing while he was trying to be Pres. But now there is an adult in the office taking care of the important stuff.
So he can huff and Puff as much as he wants and nobody is getting hurt.
STFU retard.

President Joe runs the free world while Trump argues with Americas fooball team​

On ABC This Week Governor Christie (R-NJ) gave a brief, lucid explanation about the ideological doldrums of the currently rudderless GOP.
Christie explained, it will take a while for Republicans to ideologically regroup, and knit together a viable political agenda that can compete successfully against Biden / Pelosi / Schumer Dems.

Considering the recent ouster of L. Cheney from leadership, the ideological Republican phoenix is not soon to rise from Trump's ashes.
They are struggling to find coherent policies. This type of wedge issue will only get you so far.They dont seem to attract thinkers who can craft proper policies. It all seems to be about demonising other people.
Dumb shits.

There is no "free world" with an illegitimate President, owned by the Chinese, in the White House.
It's always easy to pick out very specific things and arrange your own context and paint your own picture with very defined rules to make anyone look bad.

You could argue Oprah is a bad person because when she had a talk show she once took a vacation while another talk show host was doing a charity event for kids with cancer. When you only compare two specific things in that singular context one is good and one is bad.

Trust me, this kind of thing makes you and Biden supporters look narrow minded and dumb to everyone else.
You can pick from a smorgasbord of petty issues that trump runs on. NFL, Kneeling, purple heart parents, Megyn Kelly, POWs, servicemen, the disabled, the meeja, In fact anybody who disagrees with him. That is all he has and you have 4 years of "Arizona, how I was robbed" blowing out of his flabby arse.
He did this sort of thing while he was trying to be Pres. But now there is an adult in the office taking care of the important stuff.
So he can huff and Puff as much as he wants and nobody is getting hurt.
How is Senile Joe"running the world", disgusting dimwit?

Joe's approval ratings continue to drop and his unfavorables continue to rise.
You put all your faith in opinion polls, don't you.

He's not leading anyone! We are used to and amused by your daily lies but this one
is beyond the pale. Even by your horrendous standards.
How is Senile Joe"running the world", disgusting dimwit?

Joe's approval ratings continue to drop and his unfavorables continue to rise.

He's not leading anyone! We are used to and amused by your daily lies but this one
is beyond the pale. Even by your horrendous standards.
He isnt trump and thats enough. I could shit a better president than donny.
He isnt trump and thats enough. I could shit a better president than donny.
Uh huh. Very believable change of direction from you. :icon_rolleyes:

We understand why you find Brain Damaged Joe Biden's brilliant leadership is suddenly
not taken for granted anymore.
Your concession is accepted though we never believed your b.s. to begin with.
You just fall in line and blend in with the sheep all around you.

As far as "shitting out" a better president than Donald Trump your opinion is of no importance
and if you somehow began to appreciate him I would get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
The problem is our ammo already ran out. Guns and ammo are flying off the shelves and over double in price that they were before. People are coming to realize the anti-police party is in charge and ultimately we won't have police officers any longer. Unless we have our guns, we will be subdued by all the criminals in the country.

Civil war is coming - or here, depending on how you look at it.
That turnover is guaranteed unless the Ds dump the filibuster and finish the coup. Ask the Tan Messiah how much a president can accomplish without Congress. He had the quickest "pen and phone" around but Trump came along a couple of years later and dismantled ALL OF IT. Then, Joe did that and more after he was installed. Without that filibuster rule, THAT will be America's future. Hard swings, over and over. Personally, I don't think the Dems have any intention of relinquishing power again.
And the Republicans refuse to fight them in their efforts.

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