President Joe runs the free world while Trump argues with Americas fooball team

Yes. We know. You prefer it when lefties tell America to fuck off.
I didn't see lefties attacking our Capitol, trying to subvert our very presidential political process, threatening to harm lawmakers, denying the will of the American people.

Oh wait. That was the Chinese. Or Antifa. Or the FBI. Or BLM. Or Hillary. Or Soros. ANYONE else but Trumpsters.

And you think you're "patriots".
Her hate has made her rot from the inside out. Poor thing.
Its amazing that you have such insight into the life of an elite athlete. But do you think that you may be lowering the tone of a serious political debate when you discuss looks. It might make people think that women are out of their depth on such matters.
I didn't see lefties attacking our Capitol,

Yes you did, but you have purged it in order to serve your Reich.

trying to subvert our very presidential political process, threatening to harm lawmakers, denying the will of the American people.

You Nazis were trying to subvert our very judicial confirmation process, openly assaulting lawmakers, and denying the will of the American people.

{“Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House,” tweeted Paul. “Thank you to [the Metropolitan Police Department] for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.”}

Say Nazi Mac, you lying partisan fuck, no one from Congress was assaulted or even approached during the Reichstag Fire, were they?

But you Nazis have repeatedly assaulted and tried to kill members of congress.

Oh wait. That was the Chinese. Or Antifa. Or the FBI. Or BLM. Or Hillary. Or Soros. ANYONE else but Trumpsters.

And you think you're "patriots".

I think you Nazis are traitors - in fact I know you are.

So what did you have to do with unleashing the biological weapon in order seize power..... How closely did your Reich coordinate with the CCP?
Yes you did, but you have purged it in order to serve your Reich.

You Nazis were trying to subvert our very judicial confirmation process, openly assaulting lawmakers, and denying the will of the American people.

{“Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House,” tweeted Paul. “Thank you to [the Metropolitan Police Department] for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.”}

Say Nazi Mac, you lying partisan fuck, no one from Congress was assaulted or even approached during the Reichstag Fire, were they?

But you Nazis have repeatedly assaulted and tried to kill members of congress.

I think you Nazis are traitors - in fact I know you are.

So what did you have to do with unleashing the biological weapon in order seize power..... How closely did your Reich coordinate with the CCP?

Silly goofball.
You're just another Trumpster feverishly humping my leg.

You're boring.

You're just a fraud who spews shit from the hate sites and runs like a bitch when facts are presented exposing you.

Fuck off now Nazi, you have nothing to contribute to any conversation. You're a mindless automaton bleating Nazi hate slogans - there is no capacity for thought in you.
I didn't see lefties attacking our Capitol, trying to subvert our very presidential political process, threatening to harm lawmakers, denying the will of the American people.

Oh wait. That was the Chinese. Or Antifa. Or the FBI. Or BLM. Or Hillary. Or Soros. ANYONE else but Trumpsters.

And you think you're "patriots".

So what's the riot attack ratio now between the left and right, like 100 to 1 or something?

Your people setup funds to bail out rioters so they can go back out and cause more damage, promoted by your now VP Kommie Whorris. One of your Mayors called it the Summer of Love. All refused President Trump's offer for assistance just like Piglosi did with the Capital because they wanted to stretch it out as long as possible for political advantage. Did any of us on the right do that? Every single right-wing broadcaster on television and radio all denounced the attack and openly stated all participants should get the maximum penalty under the law.

He did this sort of thing while he was trying to be Pres. But now there is an adult in the office taking care of the important stuff.
So he can huff and Puff as much as he wants and nobody is getting hurt.
so is a senile old racist who cant recall when kamala changed his adult dippi
If ”President Joe“ is running the free world we are doomed.



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