President Obama: Expects Republicans to offer him more cooperation after elections...

What needs to be done is as soon as the 112th Congress begins, Senate investigations should be persued against Obama on his qualifications to be president, the Joe Sestak job offer and a host of other impeachable violations he and his Administration have done. Only then can this country be put on track to prosperity.

You really are an Obama plant aren't you? If the GOP heads down this path then 2012 will be a cakewalk for Obama.
Moderates are leaving Obama in droves. He can't lie to them in 2012 like he did in 2008 and get away with it.
Moderates are leaving Obama in droves. He can't lie to them in 2012 like he did in 2008 and get away with it.

Why would he have to? The GOP seems intent on making 2012 as easy for him as possible. Palin's the frontrunner and face of the party, the rhetoric against moderates and independents that cost them in 2006 has already started, and they insist on running unvetted tea party backed candidates with skeletons in the closet.

Add to that the fact that GOP control of the House means they'll actually have to start trying to fix things and work with Obama.

Put it all together and Obama's got to be sleeping easier at night when it comes to the 2012 election.
Conservatives are great at saying "NO!" and calling their opposition outlandish names.

The American people are stupid enough to get excited over "Reality" television shows.

The stars have aligned. the Conservatives shout stupid things, the American public (dopey after being unemployed and filled with images of 'stars' dancing a tango) will listen.

The problem always comes when it's time to actually govern. Then, Conservatives flounder in their ideological purity and zeal for investigations while the problems continue to mount up.

Then comes 2012 and the frustration levels among the American people build to a fever pitch. No governance from Conservatives. No real solutions from Democrats eager to build a bi-partisan team.

lather, rinse repeat.
Ahh, yes, the Democrat's idea of bipartisanship: "Do what we tell you and STFU." :cool:
Conservatives are great at saying "NO!" and calling their opposition outlandish names.

The American people are stupid enough to get excited over "Reality" television shows.

The stars have aligned. the Conservatives shout stupid things, the American public (dopey after being unemployed and filled with images of 'stars' dancing a tango) will listen.

The problem always comes when it's time to actually govern. Then, Conservatives flounder in their ideological purity and zeal for investigations while the problems continue to mount up.

Then comes 2012 and the frustration levels among the American people build to a fever pitch. No governance from Conservatives. No real solutions from Democrats eager to build a bi-partisan team.

lather, rinse repeat.

2010 GOP control of the House is a dream scenario for Obama. As President he can easily get out in front of any good news and claim it for his own. He can make a show of signing into law any popular legislation the GOP hand him. When they refuse to work with him, he's got the biggest bullypit in the world to hammer them from. If things get worse he can talk pie in the sky solutions he knows the GOP won't even entertain, then blame them for not working with him.

It helps the GOP is even willing to put Palin out there as the face of the party. Palin was poison to moderates in 2008. For all her "clot" she couldn't carry even the most Red midwestern states in 2008 for McCain.

As a moderate myself, mixed party control is my dream scenario. Newt and Clinton produced a lot of good things despite an adversarial relationship. Reagan and the Democrats worked together and won the Cold War. After DeLay/Frist/Bush and Pelosi/Reid/Obama I'm not at all excited about one party control.
Ahh, yes, the Democrat's idea of bipartisanship: "Do what we tell you and STFU." :cool:

And labelling anyone even willing to talk with the Democrats a RINO and actively campaigning against them is any better?
History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?
Ahh, yes, the Democrat's idea of bipartisanship: "Do what we tell you and STFU." :cool:

And labelling anyone even willing to talk with the Democrats a RINO and actively campaigning against them is any better?
History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?

So you also reject bipartisanship?
And labelling anyone even willing to talk with the Democrats a RINO and actively campaigning against them is any better?
History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?

So you also reject bipartisanship?
When one side insists the other rubber-stamp their proposals and refuses to accept input, that's not bipartisanship.
History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?

So you also reject bipartisanship?
When one side insists the other rubber-stamp their proposals and refuses to accept input, that's not bipartisanship.

You just said:

History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?

So it certainly sounds like you're advocating that the GOP act in a similar way to how you claim the DNC operates.

If you're in favor of rejecting bipartisanship, that's fine. Take that ball and run with it. The problem is to win elections, you have to hold on to moderates and independents that don't necessarily agree with liberal or conservative positions 100% of the time.

That's part of what has sunk Pelosi: forgetting that you have to keep the moderates and independents happy. If the GOP is swept into power in 2010 and starts chanting "Mandate!" they'll find themselves out of power just as fast.
“It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, they feel more responsible, either because they didn’t do as well as they anticipated, and so the strategy of just saying no to everything and sitting on the sidelines and throwing bombs didn’t work for them,” Mr. Obama said. “Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals and work with me in a serious way.”

Although this is a somewhat reasonable analysis..some day President Obama has got to realize he is not dealing with reasonable people.

They are far right extremists that want to go beyond what the Bush administration did. They want an Authoritarian Theocratic State beholden to corporate interests.

That's really very plain. Elevating these people is bad for the country. They must be fought tooth and nail for the good of the Republic.

It's no wonder liberals are out of touch with reality... Just look at this post... The American people who want these new people elected are not "reasonable people".... :cuckoo:

People like Sallow are typical libs... They claim they know what's best for the people more than the people do....


What will you say when you dont get the BIG results you are dreaming of in this election?

YOU have still never accepted your party was kicked out on its ASS for completely fucking up the country.

I doubt you will EVER accept what the American people vote for UNLESS its is just what YOU want.

The right distroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted the responsibility for your mess.
So you also reject bipartisanship?
When one side insists the other rubber-stamp their proposals and refuses to accept input, that's not bipartisanship.

You just said:

History has shown the Democrats' ideas to be failures. Why should anyone who holds conservative principles be willing to work with Democrats?

So it certainly sounds like you're advocating that the GOP act in a similar way to how you claim the DNC operates.

If you're in favor of rejecting bipartisanship, that's fine. Take that ball and run with it. The problem is to win elections, you have to hold on to moderates and independents that don't necessarily agree with liberal or conservative positions 100% of the time.

That's part of what has sunk Pelosi: forgetting that you have to keep the moderates and independents happy. If the GOP is swept into power in 2010 and starts chanting "Mandate!" they'll find themselves out of power just as fast.
Democrats don't want bipartisanship. They want immediate, unthinking acceptance and endorsement.

The GOP members who give it to them aren't being conservative.
Although this is a somewhat reasonable analysis..some day President Obama has got to realize he is not dealing with reasonable people.

They are far right extremists that want to go beyond what the Bush administration did. They want an Authoritarian Theocratic State beholden to corporate interests.

That's really very plain. Elevating these people is bad for the country. They must be fought tooth and nail for the good of the Republic.

It's no wonder liberals are out of touch with reality... Just look at this post... The American people who want these new people elected are not "reasonable people".... :cuckoo:

People like Sallow are typical libs... They claim they know what's best for the people more than the people do....


What will you say when you dont get the BIG results you are dreaming of in this election?

YOU have still never accepted your party was kicked out on its ASS for completely fucking up the country.

I doubt you will EVER accept what the American people vote for UNLESS its is just what YOU want.

The right distroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted the responsibility for your mess.

No, actually they lost for being "Obama Lite". We now have the real Obama and it will be a thrashing in November. Get used to it... the American people don't want to have our country turned into a Euro-style Social Democracy. THAT is why you guys are getting kicked to the curb in a few weeks. Deal with it.
Obama didn't get much cooperation from his own party. Isn't Gitmo still open?
Why would he expect more from the opposition he has spent 2 years shutting out and demonizing?
No, this is a referendum on the Democratic Congress and Obama's policies. If they get voted out, it would be suicide for the GOP to cooperate with him in furthering any of that.

Now, if obama promises to cooperate with the GOP, we might be able to talk.

Compromise is not capitulation.

Republicans got most of what they wanted in the biggest legislation passed by the Obama administration. But they wanted more..they wanted everything.

So I guess..the cocktail parties didn't work.
The right distroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted the responsibility for your mess.

I'm willing to concede both sides have contributed to the situation. I'm just sick of hearing the Right talk about it. It's like a beeping broken record that just loops. And I'm not just talking about this year. It's the same damn message for the last 30 years.

Deregulate!!! Never mind that every time you roll back regulations with abandon someone finds a way to make a fortune and crash the economy. Joy.

Cut Taxes!: Sure, because cutting taxes all by itself with roll back the debt. Idiots.

God, Gays, and Guns! Never mind every damn time you get in power and have a chance to actually act on your rhetoric you refuse to do a damn thing.

I'd love to see the Conservatives come up with one new solution that doesn't use the word Deregulate or Tax Cut.

Take for example health care. Repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly ad nauseum when Cons talk about healthcare they either have no solution, or they incorporate deregulating Insurance and allowing companies to sell across state lines.

If they thought about it for longer than 30 seconds, they might realize that's a bad idea. HINT: Why do all of your credit card bills come from Delaware and Utah?

But it doesn't matter. The brain is disengaged and the mouth runs with the same words over and over.

Stupid partisans. Left and Right they're going to be the death of us all.
It's no wonder liberals are out of touch with reality... Just look at this post... The American people who want these new people elected are not "reasonable people".... :cuckoo:

People like Sallow are typical libs... They claim they know what's best for the people more than the people do....


What will you say when you dont get the BIG results you are dreaming of in this election?

YOU have still never accepted your party was kicked out on its ASS for completely fucking up the country.

I doubt you will EVER accept what the American people vote for UNLESS its is just what YOU want.

The right distroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted the responsibility for your mess.

No, actually they lost for being "Obama Lite". We now have the real Obama and it will be a thrashing in November. Get used to it... the American people don't want to have our country turned into a Euro-style Social Democracy. THAT is why you guys are getting kicked to the curb in a few weeks. Deal with it.

You are fucking delusional
What will you say when you dont get the BIG results you are dreaming of in this election?

YOU have still never accepted your party was kicked out on its ASS for completely fucking up the country.

I doubt you will EVER accept what the American people vote for UNLESS its is just what YOU want.

The right distroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted the responsibility for your mess.

What will you say should the Republicans succeed and make the BIG gains many on both sides are predicting?

Will you accept that your party was kicked out on it's ASS for continuing to completely fuck up the country?

I doubt you will EVER accept what the American people vote for UNLESS its is just what YOU want.

BOTH the left and right have destroyed the American economy and you have NEVER accepted your share the responsibility for the mess.

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