President Obama lied to us -- he told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare


Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

That's the core of the problem, right there. We won't get this straightened out until we restore equal protection and end discrminatory taxation.

Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


Of course they do. That's what these kinds of tax policies are all about - manipulating people (and companies). Why should companies like yours be wasting energy planning and strategizing around fickle government policy. Would it be better for everyone if they focused on satisfying the needs of customers, rather than jumping through the arbitrary hoops of the tax code?
The only thing he hasn't lied about is the fundamental transformation of America, unfortunately he was referring to beginning the transformation to a welfare state full of government dependency.
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We expect ALL politicians to lie, spin and obfuscate in the process of SELLING an idea/law.
What you should not expect is politicians at the highest level to lie during the IMPLEMENTATION of a policy/law.
Obama did that. There is no way he stood there and said what he said this week and not know that what he was saying was at best inaccurate.
I would say that nearly every adult in America personally knows at least one person whose hours were cut due to the coming of Obamacare. The evidence is everywhere and undeniable. Yet he stood there and did just that.
For everyone but the most blind Obama loyalist, he lost some credibility this week.
ObamaCare = Fascism

[ame=]The wrong words slip out of Congressman John Dingell's mouth - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, Obama has nothing but lied to us about Obamacare, and as we can see it isn't all it was cracked up to be. The President has broken his oath to the Constitution time after time by delaying or altering the law after it had been passed by Congress in 2009. He lied, some poor souls actually fell for it.

By Todd Starnes

President Obama lied to us.

It wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. It was a bold-faced lie.

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise,” President Obama told the American Medical Association in 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.

On Thursday I asked my Facebook community if they had faced hardships as a result of ObamaCare.

The response was overwhelming. I received nearly 1,000 replies – from small business owners, nurses, doctors, electricians, stay-at-home moms, and military personnel. Every single person said they had been adversely affected by President Obama’s signature legislation.

President Obama lied to us -- he told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare | Fox News

Too bad, dupes, you might have to get a cheaper, better, guaranteed new health plan. Intelligence and competition suq, gd dumb...your heroes are bought off hypocrites. READ SOMETHING NOT FROM BIG HEALTH OR THE KOCH BROS ETC LOL...

Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.
Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.

And maybe we can all reflect on how wrong that is.
Notice that defense of Obamacare is virtually non-existent with the Democrats.

They have found out that it isn't saving money, it isn't adding people onto the rolls of the insured.

Not what we were sold.
Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.

Since it's part of my profession, it's something I'm keenly aware of, far more than most.

And I notice you deflected, you didn't address my point, which was "I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them."

That's okay, I know how the game is played.

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.

Since it's part of my profession, it's something I'm keenly aware of, far more than most.

And I notice you deflected, you didn't address my point, which was "I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them."

That's okay, I know how the game is played.


More than reflected upon such shit when they used the ER......too late to get preventive care....and cost us MORE.

I am pretty sure that a large number of the people who will now have insurance that did not before the ACA will be very thankful for living in a nation that makes such things possible.

If you are looking for someone to kiss your ass.......visit a hospital and seek out the mother of a kid with a tumor.....that was discovered during a routine exam and will be removed before the kid is on her death bed.

We have simply got to take care of each other...and we need to be fucking happy to do it.
Notice that defense of Obamacare is virtually non-existent with the Democrats.

They have found out that it isn't saving money, it isn't adding people onto the rolls of the insured.

It's going to be adding millions to the rolls of the insured when the coverage expansions begin in January--check the papers sometime.

As for whether it's saving money, health spending has slowed considerably, costs actually fell earlier this for the first time since the 1970s, and medical price inflation hasn't been this low in a half century.

Look at what's happened to projections of total health spending next year (released by the official scorekeepers, the CMS actuaries) over the past several years as conditions have changed.

Projections for total national health spending in 2014:

2009 prediction: $3,282 billion
2010 prediction (pre-reform): $3,225 billion
2013 prediction: $3,093 billion

That final projection was released earlier this month and incorporates the assumption that 11 million Americans will gain coverage in the first year of the coverage expansion (i.e. next year), something the 2009/10 projections obviously did not since they did not incorporate health reform. Yet even with millions more insured, health spending next year will be lower than it was on track to be when Obama took office in 2009. Funny, that!
Hmmmmm. I was mistaken regarding your place of residence. My bad. I wonder where I got the idea that you live in New York? Hmmmmmm.

And here you are, thanking your Governor for saying no to the Medicaid expansion...making 10's of thousands of Georgia's poor...including you...ineligible for the subsidy. Also, forcing Georgians to go to the exchange that is set up by the Federal government instead of the State of Georgia, brilliant.

This Georgia hospital shows why rejecting Medicaid isn?t easy.

That got you all riled up didn't it? I see no further need in speaking to you, LL.

Typical Tampon response. You get owned in your own thread, so you 'end' the discussion.


So, pouty-pants, what IS the deal with your governor? Why wouldn't he want to help out poor people of his state and unemployed mooches like you?

Best post of the day.
Yeah, Obama has nothing but lied to us about Obamacare, and as we can see it isn't all it was cracked up to be. The President has broken his oath to the Constitution time after time by delaying or altering the law after it had been passed by Congress in 2009. He lied, some poor souls actually fell for it.

By Todd Starnes

President Obama lied to us.

It wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. It was a bold-faced lie.

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise,” President Obama told the American Medical Association in 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.

On Thursday I asked my Facebook community if they had faced hardships as a result of ObamaCare.

The response was overwhelming. I received nearly 1,000 replies – from small business owners, nurses, doctors, electricians, stay-at-home moms, and military personnel. Every single person said they had been adversely affected by President Obama’s signature legislation.

President Obama lied to us -- he told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare | Fox News
Ahhhh... You asked your Facebook community. It doesn't get anymore scientific than that. I suspect some of those Facebook people who replied probably bitched about death panels also.
He took my healthcare plan away.. Had it for over 20 years .... Now its illegal under Obamacare..

Pretty much , eaves me to die at the mercy of the govt.
My theory is NO ONE promoting this farce ever read it or knew what it contai ed... All they cared about is creating millions of new e titlement slaves.

What's illegal?

Many individual policies do not follow the new regulations in the law and are, therefore, illegal. Insurance companies are dropping these individual policies like hot cakes, leaving those people no choice but to go onto the exchanges.

I thought the Dems were the party of choice and wanted government to stay out of people's lives? Obviously not.


The individual palns will ALL end as planned on Dec 31st.

Good Lord.
Notice that defense of Obamacare is virtually non-existent with the Democrats.

They have found out that it isn't saving money, it isn't adding people onto the rolls of the insured.

It's going to be adding millions to the rolls of the insured when the coverage expansions begin in January--check the papers sometime.

As for whether it's saving money, health spending has slowed considerably, costs actually fell earlier this for the first time since the 1970s, and medical price inflation hasn't been this low in a half century.

Look at what's happened to projections of total health spending next year (released by the official scorekeepers, the CMS actuaries) over the past several years as conditions have changed.

Projections for total national health spending in 2014:

2009 prediction: $3,282 billion
2010 prediction (pre-reform): $3,225 billion
2013 prediction: $3,093 billion

That final projection was released earlier this month and incorporates the assumption that 11 million Americans will gain coverage in the first year of the coverage expansion (i.e. next year), something the 2009/10 projections obviously did not since they did not incorporate health reform. Yet even with millions more insured, health spending next year will be lower than it was on track to be when Obama took office in 2009. Funny, that!

I lost my plan of choice and am now paying more for my insurance.

Projections still show the same amount uninsured as before Obamacare.

Bottom line many parts of Obamacare are being delayed, yet the middle class is going to support it.

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