President Obama lied to us -- he told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare

What's illegal?

Many individual policies do not follow the new regulations in the law and are, therefore, illegal. Insurance companies are dropping these individual policies like hot cakes, leaving those people no choice but to go onto the exchanges.

I thought the Dems were the party of choice and wanted government to stay out of people's lives? Obviously not.


The individual palns will ALL end as planned on Dec 31st.

Good Lord.

Oh give me a break. No, I wasn't aware that all individual plans would be cancelled. Get off your high horse.
Gee. This seems serious.

Fortunately, TK lives in New York.....a state that has opted in to the Medicare expansion. Thus, as an unemployed Americn, he will qualify for health care.

Thanks, Obama!

I live in Georgia, you idiot. We opted out, thankfully. Thank you, Governor Deal!

As for you, how do you hold down a job with an attention span of a three year old?

Hmmmmm. I was mistaken regarding your place of residence. My bad. I wonder where I got the idea that you live in New York? Hmmmmmm.

And here you are, thanking your Governor for saying no to the Medicaid expansion...making 10's of thousands of Georgia's poor...including you...ineligible for the subsidy. Also, forcing Georgians to go to the exchange that is set up by the Federal government instead of the State of Georgia, brilliant.

This Georgia hospital shows why rejecting Medicaid isn?t easy.

It really hits a nerve with you people when anyone has the gall to reject the whims of federal interference, doesn't it?
Many individual policies do not follow the new regulations in the law and are, therefore, illegal. Insurance companies are dropping these individual policies like hot cakes, leaving those people no choice but to go onto the exchanges.

I thought the Dems were the party of choice and wanted government to stay out of people's lives? Obviously not.


The individual palns will ALL end as planned on Dec 31st.

Good Lord.

Oh give me a break. No, I wasn't aware that all individual plans would be cancelled. Get off your high horse.

Of course you weren't, next?
Sorry....we have a nice plan through my wife's employer. It is not changing. It is a little better than the Silver plan....and a little more expensive. And...the fact that our preexisting conditions will be covered and the added preventive care benefits that we will get make next years premium increase....whatever it is....much more palatable.

And no....that is not my AGI.


Then excuse yourself, you don't have a dog in this hunt.

Here is what matters.....

The plan you choose.
What you have on line 37.
...and how many you claim as dependent.


Is this a class? If so...start teaching the material that your students do not already know. Thanks.

The subject is individual plans....go away don't know shit.
Of all of the businesses who employ more than 50 people....only 1% do not currently offer health insurance to their employees. And that 1% does not have to worry about a penalty until 2015. If you employ fewer than 50 do not have to do a damned thing....but you will get some help from the rest of us if you decide to continue ( or begin ) sponsoring insurance coverage for your employees.

Anyone who has employer sponsored health insurance will be able to keep the plan provided their employer continues to offer it. As the cost to employers for doing this will not go up any more than it did before the ACA was passed ( in fact, the rate increases have gone down ), the ACA is not the cause for employers deciding to stop offering the plans.

The money that this country will SAVE as a result of the law means that the portion that those who are subsidizing the health of others need to pay will be LESS THAN IT IS NOW!!!!

Rock on, disingenuous half-truth tellers! Rock on!

And most of them will drop coverage because it's cheaper to pay the fine.
or, businesses that are able, will lay off just enough people or reduce hours to get under that 50 employee threshold..
Are you really that stupid as to believe business will not do what it must to protect itself against this awful law...
Hmmmmm. I was mistaken regarding your place of residence. My bad. I wonder where I got the idea that you live in New York? Hmmmmmm.

And here you are, thanking your Governor for saying no to the Medicaid expansion...making 10's of thousands of Georgia's poor...including you...ineligible for the subsidy. Also, forcing Georgians to go to the exchange that is set up by the Federal government instead of the State of Georgia, brilliant.

This Georgia hospital shows why rejecting Medicaid isn?t easy.

That got you all riled up didn't it? I see no further need in speaking to you, LL.

Typical Tampon response. You get owned in your own thread, so you 'end' the discussion.


So, pouty-pants, what IS the deal with your governor? Why wouldn't he want to help out poor people of his state and unemployed mooches like you?

Obamacare helps NO ONE...

Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?


Meh. Politicians lie, they'll say whatever it takes. Their minions will always defend them. Yawn.

Regarding Obamacare, it's the law, so enjoy. If you lost your plan, if you lost your doctor, if you lost your job, if you lost hours at work, if you didn't get that job because the employer can no longer offer it, if you can't get any more hours at work, if your premiums don't go down because you don't qualify for subsidies, if you're a business owner trying to deal with it, please remember the standard response to your complaint:

Nyah nyah nyah. Tough shit.

What's done is done. My only question, and it's a small one, is this: I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them.

My guess: Somewhere between zero and two percent. Who gives a shit.

America, 2013.


Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

That's the core of the problem, right there. We won't get this straightened out until we restore equal protection and end discrminatory taxation.
As long as the progressive/socialist policy of government picking winners and losers prevails, this shit will continue.
It's right in the socialist playbook.. A society sectioned off into groups where the interests of those groups are made to be in constant conflict is a society that is easily controlled. This allows the elite ruling class to have unencumbered acquisition of power for itself.
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

Back to OP.....Nigga/Cracka lied through his ass and not one of you brain dead Lefty's will admit it :)

I lost my healthcare plan. Doctor? Not sure yet, I haven't seen him for over a year.

EVERYONE in the Nation who had an Indvidual Plan lost it.

Gee. This seems serious.

Fortunately, TK lives in New York.....a state that has opted in to the Medicare expansion. Thus, as an unemployed Americn, he will qualify for health care.

Thanks, Obama!

What the fuck are you babbling about..
Drive by spineless entitlement mentality lib..
I see you have no problem taking from others what you did not earn..
All of you libs in support of ACA are fucking parasites..
Free shit, right slacker?

Oh look! It's coach!

Eat shit, dummy. You are way too lame for the effort.
Too bad, dupes, you might have to get a cheaper, better, guaranteed new health plan. Intelligence and competition suq, gd dumb...your heroes are bought off hypocrites. READ SOMETHING NOT FROM BIG HEALTH OR THE KOCH BROS ETC LOL...

Guaranteed? WHAT?!!! Where in the Obamacare law is it stated that anything is guaranteed?
The only guarantee is that anyone who makes a decent living is going to see their taxes go through the roof to pay for this piece of shit.
Do you get any tax deductions/credits/subsidies that other people don't get?

Yes, absolutely, through ownership of a business. It's something I plan for and strategize on. And those amounts are paid for by people like me, those who pay taxes. Of course, I pay both personal and business taxes. And I help many of my clients do the same.

I hope you're not saying that low income people plan and strategize to get assistance.

Are you?


I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.

They are not tax breaks. They are by tax law legitimate business expense deductions.
Don't like it? You have two choices. Write to you US Senator or House member and request they sponsor legislation to change the tax code. Or, start your own business and take those same deductions.
Oh, your premise that because a business is able to write off expenses does not correlate to you having a larger tax burden.
BTW, the tax code is written largely with liberalism as it's main support.
I'm saying that you should stop and reflect a moment that I'm paying the taxes to cover your tax breaks.

Since it's part of my profession, it's something I'm keenly aware of, far more than most.

And I notice you deflected, you didn't address my point, which was "I wonder what percentage of the millions of people who will receive subsidies will take just one just one moment to reflect on the fact that someone else is paying for the remainder of their plan for them."

That's okay, I know how the game is played.


More than reflected upon such shit when they used the ER......too late to get preventive care....and cost us MORE.

I am pretty sure that a large number of the people who will now have insurance that did not before the ACA will be very thankful for living in a nation that makes such things possible.

If you are looking for someone to kiss your ass.......visit a hospital and seek out the mother of a kid with a tumor.....that was discovered during a routine exam and will be removed before the kid is on her death bed.

We have simply got to take care of each other...and we need to be fucking happy to do it.

The idea that indigent use of ER's costs the rest of us more is a MYTH...Most hospitals have significant reserves for "charity care"..Especially public hospital corporations which are also publicly owned. Also, hospitals owned by the Catholic Church are widely known for their care for the poor.
I do not want to know where you live. I want to know what fucking State you live in. And I have already said that I will find your plan. Just give up the name of it. You know....United Copay Select....Aetna Option Value 1000.....etc.

If you will not tell me what state you live in, how old you are and if you smoke or are coming off as someone who wants to hide the truth.

If you don't think my plans exist, then Google it, call an insurance agent. If you followed me at all you would know about smoking or not.

You are coming off as an internet asshole and I you think I'm hiding the truth, then so be it. I choose not to give out that type of info. You can choose not to believe me.

You have a right to ask and I have a right to tell you to fuck off, it is none of your business. The deductible is $5000 only if hospitalized for a catastrophic event. No doctor visits, no prescriptions, nothing else. I go to a doctor and my cost is negotiated with my doctor. $50 for my urologist and $35 for my general.

I don't smoke. I'm a male, you see my deductible, that's all you get. My age is my business.

No point.

Eat shit, liar.

I don't have to give a psycho asshole like you anything and I'm not going to. Go look it up yourself lazy ass fucker.
Notice that defense of Obamacare is virtually non-existent with the Democrats.

They have found out that it isn't saving money, it isn't adding people onto the rolls of the insured.

It's going to be adding millions to the rolls of the insured when the coverage expansions begin in January--check the papers sometime.

As for whether it's saving money, health spending has slowed considerably, costs actually fell earlier this for the first time since the 1970s, and medical price inflation hasn't been this low in a half century.

Look at what's happened to projections of total health spending next year (released by the official scorekeepers, the CMS actuaries) over the past several years as conditions have changed.

Projections for total national health spending in 2014:

2009 prediction: $3,282 billion
2010 prediction (pre-reform): $3,225 billion
2013 prediction: $3,093 billion

That final projection was released earlier this month and incorporates the assumption that 11 million Americans will gain coverage in the first year of the coverage expansion (i.e. next year), something the 2009/10 projections obviously did not since they did not incorporate health reform. Yet even with millions more insured, health spending next year will be lower than it was on track to be when Obama took office in 2009. Funny, that!

I lost my plan of choice and am now paying more for my insurance.

Projections still show the same amount uninsured as before Obamacare.

Bottom line many parts of Obamacare are being delayed, yet the middle class is going to support it.
This will draw howls of protest and outright slings and arrows from the Obamacare left's sycophantic supporters....They despise facts...
Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women - Forbes

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