President Obama on terrorism and domestic security


Jan 25, 2011
I was watching Fox news not long ago who had an analyst talking about the recent resuming of trials at Gitmo. He had some interesting points to make regarding President Obama's record on terrorism. From what he reported, President Obama has detained more suspected terrorists than George W. did his entire Presidency. This, I found interesting, as well as a few other points he made that I've already forgotten. But his basic point was that Obama has a strong record against terrorism, he's just bad at spreading the message.

So I want to talk a little bit about Obama's Presidency thus far regarding terrorism and domestic security. Does he have a strong or weak record on these, and why do you say so?

P.S. If you aren't going to contribute something constructive to the discussion, and your plan is to just rant and rave, go fuck yourself in the ass with a cactus.
Obama promised one thing to get elected, but now is emulating "Dubya" as far as foreign policy is concerned. Why the change?

That leaves honest Liberals to think either one of two things about the President:

A. He lied to get elected.
B. Someone else is controlling him.

Hey, people said Bush wasn't in charge so you could say the same about Obama right?
I agree, his actions do not match what he said he would do. Gitmo is still open. Though one point the analyst made was that he needs funding to close Gitmo, in order to move the detainees to other facilities. But Congress has banned such funding. Again, a case of the President not communicating the situation well to the American people.

But how do you appraise him on whether he is strong or weak on terrorism and national security?
When his administration starts to refer to terrorism as terrorism instead of man-made disasters I'll take the nitwit Obama seriously on the topic. Until then, he can stick PC up his ass followed by your cactus.

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