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President Obama tells Medvedev-‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility'

It's kind of heartening that so many democrats think that obama would never try to seize the remainder of dictatorial powerm or wouldn't get away with it if he did.

That's called, "having at least a fingernail's grip on reality." Seriously. It's not high praise of Obama to say that he isn't about to impose a dictatorship. It's just rejection of an absurdity.

And what exactly is absurd about it?

History has countless evil men in power who seize power and overthrow freedom. Why should now be any different?
After the election, why would Russia care what an former President has to say on missle defense?

its a very good question. But you do realize that Obama is so arrogant that he can't even concieve of losing, right?

And that's precisely why he will. Pride comes before the fall.

maybe "missle defense" is code for "golf game"...
It is the policy of the United States to deploy as soon as is technologically possible an effective National Missile Defense system capable of defending the territory of the United States against limited ballistic missile attack (whether accidental, unauthorized, or deliberate) with funding subject to the annual authorization of appropriations and the annual appropriation of funds for National Missile Defense.

– National Missile Defense
Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-38)

Actually ladies and gentlemen, missle defense is not only viable, but it's viability has been demonstrated a number of times over the past several years. There is an entire Department of Defense agency, the Missle Defense Agency, that is dedicated to continue the development and deployment of a missle defense.

I noticed that someone used the term 'star wars' to refer to the missle defense system. Actually, the term star wars more aptly used to refer to the investigation of high-energy weapons for missle defense. In recent years, it has been found more economical and viable to use kinetic based anti-missle weapons (striking an incoming missle with another missle). Although high-energy weapons have had some success, they are still several years away from becoming a viable tool. Right now, the Patriot Missle, the joint Israeli -US Arrow system, and SM-3s used by the Navy are the primary mode of missle defense.

I strongly support missle defense and the deployment of a missle defensive shield. Not for the Russians or for the Chinese, as I think they posses a sheer number which makes missle defense improbable. But more for those rogue nations such as Iran and North Korea. Does anyone really have a doubt that Iran is crazy enough to try something of this magnitude? And given the propensity of North Korea to do absolutely CRAZY things when 'provoked' (refer to the shelling of South Korea last year) I think a missle defensive shield is something that must be achieved.

Barry doesn't like it. Wow... that surprises me how?
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So, now Dems can't admit to the ridiculousness of jumping on Romney's campaign manager's comment about shifting focus after the primaries... Dembots actually fabricated lies about what he must have meant by what he said and the internet was all atwitter with etch-a-sketch jokes and snarky inferences AS IF shifting focus after primaries isn't standard operating procedure, at which point voters still have an opportunity to fully vet the candidate and his campaign proposals before casting their votes...

Here we have the incumbent President whispering to foreign powers about how he can't be straight with the American people prior to the election........... :eusa_shhh:

So, now Dems can't admit to the ridiculousness of jumping on Romney's campaign manager's comment about shifting focus after the primaries... Dembots actually fabricated lies about what he must have meant by what he said and the internet was all atwitter with etch-a-sketch jokes and snarky inferences AS IF shifting focus after primaries isn't standard operating procedure, at which point voters still have an opportunity to fully vet the candidate and his campaign proposals before casting their votes...

Here we have the incumbent President whispering to foreign powers about how he can't be straight with the American people prior to the election........... :eusa_shhh:


Well no mittens has a long history of flipflopping on issues.typically within minutes of each other.

On the other hand obama isn't being secretive at all. He is stating the campaign will eat up a lot of time and missle defense is not a pressing issue at this time. Its not going anywhere anytime soon.

No, that is political spin for partisans who choose to see a "flip flop" where none really exists. Why don't you name one POLICY Mitt ever implemented which was contrary to a campaign promise...

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

Translation: After the election I will shake up the etch-a-sketch and do whatever I want. :eusa_clap:

Fair point. The Obama administration, which promised during its transition to power that it would enhance “whistle-blower laws to protect federal workers,” has been more prone than any administration in history in trying to silence and prosecute federal workers.

The Espionage Act, enacted back in 1917 to punish those who gave aid to our enemies, was used three times in all the prior administrations to bring cases against government officials accused of providing classified information to the media. It has been used six times since the current president took office.

President Obama promised on the campaign trail that he would have the most transparent administration in history. As part of this commitment, he said that the public would have five days to look online and find out what was in the bills that came to his desk before he signed them. It was his first broken promise, and it's the promise that keeps on breaking. He has now signed 11 bills into law and gone, at best, 1 for 11 on his five-day posting promise. The Obama administration should deliver on the Web-enabled transparency he promised and post bills for five days before signing.

To the thrill of technology and transparency advocates, candidate Obama promised sunlight before signing: "As president," his campaign website said, "Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days."

But nine days after taking office, he signed a bill into law without posting it on Whitehouse.gov for five days. Since then, 10 more bills have become law over the president's signature, and only one has been posted online for five days - and that was for five days after it cleared Congress, not after formal presentment. Two bills have been held by the White House for five days before signing - but they weren't posted online!

It is easy to dismiss the five-day promise as an idea that would not have changed much anyway. Bills coming out of Congress are faits accomplis, aren't they? They are not.


The Promise That Keeps on Breaking | Jim Harper | Cato Institute: TechKnowledge

But the reality has not matched the president’s rhetoric. We, presidents of two of the nation’s largest journalism organizations, and many of our thousands of members, have found little openness since Obama took office. If anything, the administration has gone in the opposite direction: imposing restrictions on reporters’ newsgathering that exceed even the constraints put in place by President George W. Bush.

Democrats criticized the Bush administration for not making decisions based on the best science. But the Obama administration now muzzles scientists and experts within federal agencies. When they are allowed to talk about important public health issues, a chaperone often supervises every word. These constraints keep the public from learning whether decisions are science-based or politically motivated.

Where’s the transparency that Obama promised? - The Washington Post
An ex-professor of constitutional law, President Obama understands an unsettling truth about executive overreach: It’s unconstitutional only if somebody squawks. Sure, the Constitution says the president can’t make an appointment without the Senate’s consent. But if he does, and nobody objects, what’s stopping him? Obama

The Food and Drug Administration placed an unusual restriction on reporters when announcing changes to its medical device approval process this year. In exchange for providing the information to the media ahead of time, reporters were told they could not seek insights from outside experts before the formal announcement. This ensured the first version of the story contained only the FDA’s official position and ran counter to the way medical journals handle such embargoes.

Where’s the transparency that Obama promised? - The Washington Post

Nothing to see here........... :eusa_whistle:

What’s at Stake

Health care is more than just one-sixth of the American economy. It is an essential source of well-being for individuals and families.

Our health care system is blessed with many extraordinary strengths. It produces and attracts the best and the brightest across all fields of medicine, and provides unparalleled innovation, choice, and quality of care. But it also faces significant challenges: high cost, inefficiency, inconsistency, and tens of millions of Americans lacking insurance coverage. We can fix these problems.

Obama’s Failure

Unfortunately, the transformation in American health care set in motion by Obamacare will take us in precisely the wrong direction. The bill, itself more than 2,400 pages long, relies on a dense web of regulations, fees, subsidies, excise taxes, exchanges, and rule-setting boards to give the federal government extraordinary control over every corner of the health care system. The costs are commensurate: Obamacare added a trillion dollars in new health care spending. To pay for it, the law raised taxes by $500 billion on everyone from middle-class families to innovative medical device makers, and then slashed $500 billion from Medicare.

Obamacare was unpopular when passed, and remains unpopular today, because the American people recognize that a government takeover is the wrong approach. While Obamacare may create a new health insurance entitlement, it will only worsen the system’s existing problems. When was the last time a massive government program lowered cost, improved efficiency, or raised the consistency of service? Obamacare will violate that crucial first principle of medicine: “do no harm.” It will make America a less attractive place to practice medicine, discourage innovators from investing in life-saving technology, and restrict consumer choice.

In short, President Obama’s trillion dollar federal takeover of the U.S. health care system is a disaster for the federal budget, a disaster for the constitutional principles of federalism, and a disaster for the American people.

Mitt’s Plan
Health Care
After the election, why would Russia care what an former President has to say on missle defense?

its a very good question. But you do realize that Obama is so arrogant that he can't even concieve of losing, right?

And that's precisely why he will. Pride comes before the fall.

You guys are really scared shitless dumbfucks. Obama isn't saying "my (his) election. He is saying '"my (our nations) electon.he is not being arrogant or saying he will win period.

Good try on trying to make an issue out of nothing, by totally taking his words out of context.

You fuckstain 0bama fluffers will spin ANYTHING he says...:lol:

If 0bama was caught humping your dog, you'd take a picture and hang it above the mantle with pride...

You're a fucking joke...:badgrin:
KUDLOW: I want to come back to crony capitalism, but I just want to ask, do you think, if you get the nomination and you run against President Obama, is free market capitalism and the free enterprise system going to be one of the very main issues? Is it, we're just going to have it out? Is that what you want to do? It's been in your speeches, it's been in your debate summaries, just let's have it out. Obama says 1 percent vs. 99 percent, class warfare and envy. You say no, we want success, we want free enterprise. Is that what this election is going to be about?

Gov. ROMNEY: I think you hit the nail on the head. This is an election about what is the course for America? What is the soul of America going to be? Are we going to be a nation which is led by government? As Mitch Daniels said last night, the trickle down government, is that what we want? Bigger and bigger government taking the larger and larger slice of America, depressing the opportunity for success in America, supplanting ambition with envy. Is that the kind of America we're going to have? That's the kind of America President Obama is creating. Or are we going to return to the principles of economic freedom and opportunity and free enterprise that has build the most--built the most powerful nation in the history of the Earth? I take the latter course. That's what I want to return to. I want those principles to work for the American people. Not because I want the rich to get richer. The rich are doing fine. I'm not worried about the 1 percent. I'm worried about the 99 percent. I want to help the 99 percent. But you don't help the 99 percent by attacking and creating warfare on the 1 percent.

KUDLOW: And how does the cronyism play into that? You've come out, you had a very good summary in one of your debates about cronyism, cronyism and insiderism in Washington.

Gov. ROMNEY: Yes.

KUDLOW: Special favors and carve-outs for either big business or big labor or big environmentalists. How does that play in to economic growth and your critique against Mr. Obama?

Gov. ROMNEY: Well, take a look at his investment in a company like Solyndra. He--we know it failed. But let's say it hadn't failed. Here's the rest of the story. There must've been 100 different solar energy entrepreneurs in the country trying to get capital to start their ideas and see which one might be best. The president chose one, Solyndra, gave them $500 million. Guess what happened to the other 99 when that happened? The other guys that were out looking for investment couldn't get it because all their investors looked and said, `The government's already picked the winner. How can we give you 1 or $2 million to pursue your solar idea when the government has chosen their winner?' The president playing venture capitalist kills the capacity of other entrepreneurs in the entire economy to create their visions and to build enterprises. The idea of government picking winners and losers kills the ability of the private sector to create the best ideas.

Romney Sounds Off on 'Buffett Tax' - CNBC

Video of interview ^^

News Headlines

Full transcript of last week's Kudlow interview ^^
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aka I can do what I want.

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

SEOUL, South Korea — At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.
The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.


Aka, after the election, the American people won't be able to stop me disarming missile defense and leaving this country defenseless.

Remember this and vote.

November 2012 is coming.

Sounds like someone is dying to finally take his mask off and commence with the speedy destruction of America.
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

Which is pretty standard. The second term is the term where you can really solve problems without having to fund raise and network for a re-election campaign, which eats up a stupid amount of time for the first term.
Oh..and missile defense doesn't work.

Then why are Russians so adamantly against it?

Same reason they were in the Cold War. Once you open that can of worms it kicks off a new arms race no one can win. Plus, all it take is one loon convinced that their missile defense system will actually work and you can start talking about "Preemptive" strikes and BLAMO! WWIII.

MAD was a pretty crucial part of preventing a nuclear exchange, and Star Wars threatened to upend that even though it was a universally acknowledged failure.
After the election, why would Russia care what an former President has to say on missle defense?

its a very good question. But you do realize that Obama is so arrogant that he can't even concieve of losing, right?

And that's precisely why he will. Pride comes before the fall.

You guys are really scared shitless dumbfucks. Obama isn't saying "my (his) election. He is saying '"my (our nations) electon.he is not being arrogant or saying he will win period.

Good try on trying to make an issue out of nothing, by totally taking his words out of context.

You know, for being scared **@#less, you think I'd be scared. You'd also think I would be aware of it.

I guess I should be grateful that you think you know me better than I know myself. Otherwise, I might never have known I was afraid. Thank you.
The right continues to show that it is not fact-based.

Abandoning missile defense will not leave us defenseless, or not more defenseless than we are anyway in a nuclear age. It would merely save money that we don't have.

And there is no way that Obama COULD suspend elections. Good grief.

Then why doesn't Obama just say so publically before elections, instead of essenitially promising the Russians he will after his election?

He'll have to address it now. Missile Defense wasn't in anyone's platform and pulling it into the election muddies up even further the issues that needed to be addressed. Now I guarantee a debate over missile defense will be part of an election that was supposed to be about the economy. Joy.
Hard to link on my phone right now,but you know as well as I do mitt changes his stances daily.

Right his election....as in this nations....but see what you want to see.

Well, that's all well and good, but we aren't talking about Governor Romney. We are talking about Barack Obama. Oddly saying what you claimed he didn't say.

Nor are we talking about changing positions. We are talking about the fact that President Obama realizes he can do whatever the heck he wants if he gets reelected, regardless of what he promises the people. Because he is no longer accountable.

And considering he has already dont alot contrary to the people's will, I can't imagine what he has planned for the next four years.
It looks like obama isn't trusted on ANY issue at all. He is presumed already to act in something other than the best interests of the American people. It is also very well deserved.

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