President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
good op/ed piece on Obama's spending. Here are some highlights, but much more in the piece.

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes
The analysis by Internet commentator Rex Nutting on which Obama based his claim begins by telling us “What people forget (or never knew) is that the first year of every presidential term starts with a budget approved by the previous administration and Congress.” Not exactly.

The previous administration, or President, proposes a budget. The previous Congress approves a budget. And what Congress approves can be radically different from what the President proposes.

But for fiscal year 2009, President Bush in February, 2008 proposed a budget with just a 3% spending increase over the prior year. Fiscal year 2009 ran from October 1, 2008 until September 30, 2009. President Obama’s term began on January 20, 2009.

Recall, however, that in 2008 Congress was controlled by Democrat majorities, with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and the restless Senator Obama already running for President, just four years removed from his glorious career as a state Senator in the Illinois legislature. As Hans Bader reported on May 26 for the Washington Examiner, the budget approved and implemented by Pelosi, Obama and the rest of the Congressional Democrat majorities provided for a 17.9 percent increase in spending for fiscal 2009!

“The Democrat Congress [in 2008], confident Obama was going to win in 2008, passed only three of fiscal 2009’s 12 appropriations bills (Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security). The Democrat Congress passed the rest of them [in 2009], and [President] Obama signed them.” So Obama played a very direct role in the runaway fiscal 2009 spending explosion.

After just one year of the Obama spending binge, federal spending had already rocketed to 25.2% of GDP, the highest in American history except for World War II. That compares to 20.8% in 2008, and an average of 19.6% during Bush’s two terms.

President Obama’s own 2013 budget shows that as a result federal debt held by the public will double during Obama’s four years as President. That means in just one term President Obama will have increased the national debt as much as all prior Presidents, from George Washington to George Bush, combined.
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So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?
President Obama’s own 2013 budget shows that as a result federal debt held by the public will double during Obama’s four years as President. That means in just one term President Obama will have increased the national debt as much as all prior Presidents, from George Washington to George Bush, combined.

Total public debt was 10.9 trillion as of 1/20/2009.

It is currently 15.7 trillion.

You're claiming that in the next 7 months we will add 6.1 trillion to the debt????
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So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.
So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

Moonbutt has an excuse for every Obama move. It's OK to jet around on the taxpayer's dollar, Bush I & II did it. Moonbutt got smarter in college (can't you tell by his avatar). And Congress which includes the Senate and the House are the reason all that $$$$$ is being spent. Wonder how many other threads he'll pop in to excuse the chosen one.
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This link is bullshit, the country was mired in two wars plus a recession, the cure is less spending?
So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

Moonbutt has an excuse for every Obama move. It's OK to jet around on the taxpayer's dollar, Bush I & II did it. Moonbutt got smarter in college (can't you tell by his avatar). And Congress which includes the Senate and the House are the reason all that $$$$$ is being spent. Wonder how many other threads he'll pop in to excuse the chosen one.

so by the prior presidents actions I am excusing Obama, did you bitch so much when republican presidents were doing the same as Obama?
So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

Not exactly dumbass, Blue dogs combined with Repugs blocked most of what he proposed similar to whats going on now, fucktard.
So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

Moonbutt has an excuse for every Obama move. It's OK to jet around on the taxpayer's dollar, Bush I & II did it. Moonbutt got smarter in college (can't you tell by his avatar). And Congress which includes the Senate and the House are the reason all that $$$$$ is being spent. Wonder how many other threads he'll pop in to excuse the chosen one.

I have noticed your declining ability to address anybody in a civil manner, you must have learned that by kindergarden.
So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

and Congress still controls tha budget process. If obama can spend on his oulays then it is Congress which allows him to.
When I read the link and saw this I knew the story was rightwing bullshit

Even under CBO’s horse and buggy static scoring, Ryan’s budget does serve to get federal debt under control and avoid any debt crisis, putting federal debt held by the public on a declining path from 77% of GDP in 2013 to 62% by 2022. That debt continues on a sharp decline from there, as the long term effects of Ryan’s structural entitlement reforms phase in. Debt held by the public is reduced to 53% of GDP by 2030, 38% by 2040, and 10% by 2050. That means the national debt is all but paid off by 2050, and would be soon thereafter. In fact, under dynamic scoring it probably would be paid off by then.

By putting how many Americans in the fucking poor house? I doubt that most Americans who agree to being put in the poor house just to balance the fucking budget and reduce debt, after reading that shit above I knew the writers of the article was batshit crazy.
Pale rider, fuck you you shitstain pussy hole, yeah I said it, no need to put it in neg rep comment you fucktard coward.
Here's the shit that the OP didn't bother checking like the partisan fucktard that he is : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

At issue, however, will be both spending and revenues. So we’ll end by reminding readers that while spending as a percentage of GDP is running at the highest level since the 1940s, tax revenues are also low by historical standards. For fiscal 2009 and 2010, receipts were just 15.1 percent of GDP, and last year they inched up to 15.4 percent. They haven’t been that low since 1950. And prior to 2009, the average since the end of World War II was 17.8 percent.

And rightwing fucktards still want taxcuts and lower tax rates which equals low revenue, self defeating bullshit.

good op/ed piece on Obama's spending. Here are some highlights, but much more in the piece.

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes
The analysis by Internet commentator Rex Nutting on which Obama based his claim begins by telling us “What people forget (or never knew) is that the first year of every presidential term starts with a budget approved by the previous administration and Congress.” Not exactly.

The previous administration, or President, proposes a budget. The previous Congress approves a budget. And what Congress approves can be radically different from what the President proposes.
But for fiscal year 2009, President Bush in February, 2008 proposed a budget with just a 3% spending increase over the prior year. Fiscal year 2009 ran from October 1, 2008 until September 30, 2009. President Obama’s term began on January 20, 2009.

Recall, however, that in 2008 Congress was controlled by Democrat majorities, with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and the restless Senator Obama already running for President, just four years removed from his glorious career as a state Senator in the Illinois legislature. As Hans Bader reported on May 26 for the Washington Examiner, the budget approved and implemented by Pelosi, Obama and the rest of the Congressional Democrat majorities provided for a 17.9 percent increase in spending for fiscal 2009!

After just one year of the Obama spending binge, federal spending had already rocketed to 25.2% of GDP, the highest in American history except for World War II. That compares to 20.8% in 2008, and an average of 19.6% during Bush’s two terms.
President Obama’s own 2013 budget shows that as a result federal debt held by the public will double during Obama’s four years as President. That means in just one term President Obama will have increased the national debt as much as all prior Presidents, from George Washington to George Bush, combined.

How long until someone Nutting's this?
And this too from the same link

Nevertheless, the spending Obama inherited was so high that even modest increases keep it at a level that is extraordinarily lofty by historical standards.Perhaps the most relevant measure of federal spending is how it compares with the nation’s total economic output, as measured by gross domestic product. And spending in fiscal 2009 hit 25.2 percent of GDP — the highest since 1945.

LMAO more

Overrated ‘TARP Effect’

Some have claimed that the modest spending increases since fiscal 2009 are illusory, and Obama’s spending has been masked by the way the government accounts for TARP spending. For example, Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto wrote that TARP would have caused “a sharp increase in 2009, followed by a sharp decrease in 2010.”

Actually, not so much. A close look shows the TARP effect has been rather modest.

Spending on the TARP program turned out to be much less than the $700 billion originally authorized. Congress later reduced the authorization to $475 billion in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that Obama signed on July 21, 2010. And not all was spent in 2009.

Actual outlays for TARP in fiscal 2009 totaled $154 billion, according to the CBO. So the one-time bump in spending amounted to about 4 percent of fiscal 2009 spending.

It’s true that money recovered since then is recorded as negative spending rather than as increased revenues. And that does artificially reduce Obama’s spending figures — but not by much.

TARP decreased federal spending by $108 billion in fiscal 2010 and $39 billion last year, according to the CBO. Those artificial reductions brought down federal spending by just 3 percent in fiscal 2010, and 1 percent in fiscal 2011. Even without those reductions, Obama’s spending increases wouldn’t come close to equaling the average annual increase under Bush.

ALL of Obama's spending has been to pay for what Bush didn't. Bush ran up the debt and Obama is trying to spend us out of it and it is working. From Day One. Obama is paying for two war that Bush did not pay for. Paying for effects of tax cuts for millionaires. Stimulus to create and save jobs. HealthcBare bill that has been trying to pass for 50 years that save lives. More money spend on homeland security that cause by Bush ignoring 911 warnings. when are you village idiots going to stop blaming Obama for Bush's drunken president spending of the surplus handed him by Clintion and the spending money we did not have borrowed from China. Obama is pay for unemployment for all americans that lost their job under Bush and jobs he sent over seas. And the jobs Romney sent to India. I could go on but you get the message?

What Bush inherited - $127 Billion surplus, 5.7% unemployment
What Obama inherited - $1,400 Billion deficit, 7.8% unemployment
Obama has not made things worse. He has had to spend more to fix what bush broke. Plus the healthcare act, more border secruity and deportation that are costly. Plus unemployment insurance, food stamps, etc for those who lost job as a result of Bush. Sorry, we all know that.
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So Congress that okays the budget and allocates funds for such are the reason that Obama spends monies. So what you are saying that obama is the Congress?

Moron... are you just acting stupid or are you REALLY this stupid.

The first TWO YEARS of the kenyan's REIGN, he had FULL CONTROL of BOTH HOUSES with DEM MAJORITIES.

AssMoon would have us believe that Obama objected to the budget put together by Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid. The reality is that he told them to put every spending proposal they ever wished for into the "stimulus."

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