
The rich are already in a higher income tax bracket than lower wage workers, and they already pay zillions more in taxes than middle income earners. 45% of the working class in this country pay no federal income taxes. A family could be making 50 to 75K a year and have a couple of kids and with mortgage interest deduction end up paying no federal taxes.

Don't forget about people like me that made millions last year and paid zero in federal tax to afford bi-coastal homes and private jets. But damn those people that have deductions that afford them to buy such unnecessary items as....FOOD. Damn those people with kids and mortgage interest.
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

It might interest you to know that Obama's jobs Czar--Jeffrey Immelt whom is also CEO of General electric is the one of the largest outsourcers of jobs to China. Even Dennis Kucinich a liberal democrat had a fit over that.

Kucinich to Immelt Resign - TheStreet

Then to add insult to injury--General Electric made 108 billion dollars in 2011 and didn't pay a penny in Federal Taxes on it. Of course, this was the corporate loophole Obama was talking about tonight, as he has done for the last 7 years--LOL.

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping 108 Billion Overseas

Here's your homework; Name an individual that is qualified for the position that HASN'T been involved directly or indirectly in Republican written corporate loopholes.
A $500 tax credit? I'm now the richest.
The can cram that credit up their liberal asses. That and the proposed tax on the wealthy will not have any effect on anything Obama states it will.
It is merely another installment of class warfare.

I'll bet you'll be the first to take yours.
I've run the numbers on the family of four (2 adults, 2 children). The family income can be $47,599.49 for tax year 2014 and no income taxes will be paid based solely on the standard deduction, personal exemptions x 4, and the child tax credit x 2 or, in other words, the makeup of the family. If there are any other credits/deductions, the amount goes up. If the amount hits $47,600, the tax is then $6.

I didn't count the mortgage interest deduction as that is only allowed if itemizing. I used the standard deduction. Again, if the itemized is greater than $12,400 (standard), the income level before paying taxes goes up.

While that's not wealthy, it's 200% of the poverty level for that size family.

Now they can afford to buy unnecessary items like FOOD.
Steve Jobs built a platform, his workers created the wealth.

100% stupid as always as if inventing the iphone wasn't creating wealth and his $15 billion wasn't wealth. You don't think well enough to be here; why waste your time?

News Flash: Steve Jobs didn’t invent anything!

Not the Mac. Not the iPod. Not the Next cube.

BrandVoice Steve Jobs Didn t Really Invent Anything. Really - Forbes

dear, he built a platform and a business that earned him $15 billion. That means he distributed 1000 times more wealth than $15 billion to the rest of us. The more one has under capitalism the more one's contribution to society.

Now you know why everyone is poor in Cuba and why everyone is getting rich in China. That you are still communist in light of the evidence is testimony to your pure liberal ignorance.
As the man just said...the middle class doesn't want tax cuts or redistributed wealth handouts. They want opportunity. They will handle the rest. Take your tax cut bribe and shove it.

and we can keep our doctor and our health plan if we like them. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA Suckers!
Yep, i knew that, and the left just doesn't give a shit because GE supports the commiecrats.

Except: Obama assails corporate tax loopholes TheHill

Just like most of his rhetoric, all hot air. The commiecrats didn't do a damned thing when they had bullet proof majorities in 09-10. I wonder why that is?
Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And you probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.
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Yep, i knew that, and the left just doesn't give a shit because GE supports the commiecrats.

Except: Obama assails corporate tax loopholes TheHill

Just like most of his rhetoric, all hot air. The commiecrats didn't do a damned thing when they had bullet proof majorities in 09-10. I wonder why that is?
Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.

Get back to me when you learn to communicate in complete sentences.
Yep, i knew that, and the left just doesn't give a shit because GE supports the commiecrats.

Except: Obama assails corporate tax loopholes TheHill

Just like most of his rhetoric, all hot air. The commiecrats didn't do a damned thing when they had bullet proof majorities in 09-10. I wonder why that is?
Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.

Get back to me when you learn to communicate in complete sentences.
Ooops. Here ya go: Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And you probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.

It is tough to argue with reality. BTW, grammatically and politically, I'm slumming with the dupes here. It's casual, but correct- except I did forget a subject there.

It's been six years and he's still talking about it. What has he or the Dems actually done? Obamacare raised taxes. If he wants to lower them for the low and middle classes, he could just repeal Obamacare.
There are NO taxes on the middle class in O-Care. Just good things.
Yep, i knew that, and the left just doesn't give a shit because GE supports the commiecrats.

Except: Obama assails corporate tax loopholes TheHill

Just like most of his rhetoric, all hot air. The commiecrats didn't do a damned thing when they had bullet proof majorities in 09-10. I wonder why that is?
Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.

Get back to me when you learn to communicate in complete sentences.
Ooops. Here ya go: Because, STUPID, the middle of a Pub economic meltdown is NOT the time to scare business. DUH. And you probably think they had a filibuster proof majority for two years, hater dupe. Not THIRTEEN DAYS in session. Or the recovery would have happened in 2010.

It is tough to argue with reality. BTW, grammatically and politically, I'm slumming with the dupes here. It's casual, but correct- except I did forget a subject there.

Of course the ACA had no impact on the business climate, right? BTW tax changes can be done in budget reconciliation doesn't require a super majority, well it could have been done if the commiecrats would have ever passed a budget. But hey if you feel better believing the fairy tale who am I to burst your bubble.
Nope, according to everyone but bought off Pub "experts"...

Of course, Dems let W have a little honeymoon. unlike the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). Especially with a black president.

dear, he built a platform and a business that earned him $15 billion. That means he distributed 1000 times more wealth than $15 billion to the rest of us. The more one has under capitalism the more one's contribution to society.

Now you know why everyone is poor in Cuba and why everyone is getting rich in China. That you are still communist in light of the evidence is testimony to your pure liberal ignorance.

So Steve Jobs didn't invent the iPhone. Thank You.

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