
As the man just said...the middle class doesn't want tax cuts or redistributed wealth handouts. They want opportunity. They will handle the rest. Take your tax cut bribe and shove it.

The ones with the bucks control opportunity, and there is your conundrum.
Of course the ACA had no impact on the business climate, right? BTW tax changes can be done in budget reconciliation doesn't require a super majority, well it could have been done if the commiecrats would have ever passed a budget. But hey if you feel better believing the fairy tale who am I to burst your bubble.

Correct. Insurance companies buying hospitals and Doctors had a huge effect.
I've run the numbers on the family of four (2 adults, 2 children). The family income can be $47,599.49 for tax year 2014 and no income taxes will be paid based solely on the standard deduction, personal exemptions x 4, and the child tax credit x 2 or, in other words, the makeup of the family. If there are any other credits/deductions, the amount goes up. If the amount hits $47,600, the tax is then $6.

I didn't count the mortgage interest deduction as that is only allowed if itemizing. I used the standard deduction. Again, if the itemized is greater than $12,400 (standard), the income level before paying taxes goes up.

While that's not wealthy, it's 200% of the poverty level for that size family.

Now they can afford to buy unnecessary items like FOOD.

Or they can get your bleeding heart Liberal ass to buy it for them. If being part of society means contributing to society, when are those not contributing going to start doing their fair share.

It's been six years and he's still talking about it. What has he or the Dems actually done? Obamacare raised taxes. If he wants to lower them for the low and middle classes, he could just repeal Obamacare.

That's a lie.
Pucker up to Obama's ass lately?
As the man just said...the middle class doesn't want tax cuts or redistributed wealth handouts. They want opportunity. They will handle the rest. Take your tax cut bribe and shove it.

The ones with the bucks control opportunity, and there is your conundrum.
The way I see it the ones with the bucks have those Bucks because they produce what the middle class wants....the more money the middle class has to buy what they are selling, the more money they make. It is in the interest of the wealthy for there to be a vibrant middle class.
So Steve Jobs didn't invent the iPhone. Thank You.

dear, most importantly he built a platform( your words) and a business that earned himself $15 billion. That means he distributed 1000 times more wealth than $15 billion to the rest of us. The more wealth one has under capitalism the more one's contribution to society.

Now you know why everyone is poor in Cuba and why everyone is getting rich in China. That you are still communist in light of the evidence is testimony to your pure liberal ignorance.[/QUOTE]
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Of course the ACA had no impact on the business climate, right? BTW tax changes can be done in budget reconciliation doesn't require a super majority, well it could have been done if the commiecrats would have ever passed a budget. But hey if you feel better believing the fairy tale who am I to burst your bubble.

Correct. Insurance companies buying hospitals and Doctors had a huge effect.

What about the employer mandate and the killing of the 40 hour work week. There are 1.7 million fewer full time employees today than the day your dear leader took office, are you contending the ACA has no responsibility for that.
It is in the interest of the wealthy for there to be a vibrant middle class.

yes and vibrant does not mean supplied with tons of welfare it means hard at work making and selling new Republican goods and services.

If you understand that you are on the Ph.D level.
Of course the ACA had no impact on the business climate, right? BTW tax changes can be done in budget reconciliation doesn't require a super majority, well it could have been done if the commiecrats would have ever passed a budget. But hey if you feel better believing the fairy tale who am I to burst your bubble.

Correct. Insurance companies buying hospitals and Doctors had a huge effect.

What about the employer mandate and the killing of the 40 hour work week. There are 1.7 million fewer full time employees today than the day your dear leader took office, are you contending the ACA has no responsibility for that.

yes ACA, highest liberal corporate taxes in world and liberal unions drove 30 million jobs off shore!! Make liberalism illegal as our Founders intended and all the problems go away!
I've run the numbers on the family of four (2 adults, 2 children). The family income can be $47,599.49 for tax year 2014 and no income taxes will be paid based solely on the standard deduction, personal exemptions x 4, and the child tax credit x 2 or, in other words, the makeup of the family. If there are any other credits/deductions, the amount goes up. If the amount hits $47,600, the tax is then $6.

I didn't count the mortgage interest deduction as that is only allowed if itemizing. I used the standard deduction. Again, if the itemized is greater than $12,400 (standard), the income level before paying taxes goes up.

While that's not wealthy, it's 200% of the poverty level for that size family.

Now they can afford to buy unnecessary items like FOOD.

Or they can get your bleeding heart Liberal ass to buy it for them. If being part of society means contributing to society, when are those not contributing going to start doing their fair share.

this is true tax breaks should go to those who contribute most, not to those who contribute least. Taking investment capital from Jobs and Gates is insanity.

It's been six years and he's still talking about it. What has he or the Dems actually done? Obamacare raised taxes. If he wants to lower them for the low and middle classes, he could just repeal Obamacare.

That's a lie.
Pucker up to Obama's ass lately?

How did ACA raise taxes?
Or they can get your bleeding heart Liberal ass to buy it for them. If being part of society means contributing to society, when are those not contributing going to start doing their fair share.

When the people we're discussing work and pay taxes?

its hard to work when liberal taxes and liberal unions are shipping all the jobs offshore and when liberals invite 20 million illegals in to take the remaiing jobs and drive down the remaining wages. Isn't thinking fun??

It's been six years and he's still talking about it. What has he or the Dems actually done? Obamacare raised taxes. If he wants to lower them for the low and middle classes, he could just repeal Obamacare.

That's a lie.
Pucker up to Obama's ass lately?

How did ACA raise taxes?

Someone has to fund the subsidies 4 of 5 recipeints of coverage on the exchanges get.
As the man just said...the middle class doesn't want tax cuts or redistributed wealth handouts. They want opportunity. They will handle the rest. Take your tax cut bribe and shove it.

The ones with the bucks control opportunity, and there is your conundrum.
The way I see it the ones with the bucks have those Bucks because they produce what the middle class wants....the more money the middle class has to buy what they are selling, the more money they make. It is in the interest of the wealthy for there to be a vibrant middle class.

The ones with the bucks don't produce anything, their employees do.

It's been six years and he's still talking about it. What has he or the Dems actually done? Obamacare raised taxes. If he wants to lower them for the low and middle classes, he could just repeal Obamacare.

That's a lie.
Pucker up to Obama's ass lately?

How did ACA raise taxes?

medical device manufacturers for one obviousl example and 12 million instantly put on Medicaid. You don't read the papers?
The only thing onepercenter knows is Obama said it.
The ones with the bucks don't produce anything, their employees do.

to say that Jobs didn't produce anything is idiotic and liberal. He was one of the most productive people in human history and oddly an idiot liberal like you feels the need to diminish what he accomplished.

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