
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.
WRONG AGAIN, Pub dupe- you ALREADY were paying for poor workers and people who couldn't get insurance, just in the stupidest and most uneconomical way possible. Nobody said $2500 IMMEDIATELY, dingbat. ACA changed NOTHING about trends in types of policies and networks, just started transparent competition, regulation of insurers (look that up ferchrissake), and intelligent cheap preventive care for poor workers and their families. It's working great and will get better and better- like when red states and crony insurers start cooperating.
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.
WRONG AGAIN, Pub dupe- you ALREADY were paying for poor workers and people who couldn't get insurance, just in the stupidest and most uneconomical way possible. Nobody said $2500 IMMEDIATELY, dingbat. ACA changed NOTHING about trends in types of policies and networks, just started transparent competition, regulation of insurers (look that up ferchrissake), and intelligent cheap preventive care for poor workers and their families. It's working great and will get better and better- like when red states and crony insurers start cooperating.

Nobody said "IMMEDIATELY"? Barack Obama promised that by the end of his first term. That was two years ago, Sparky. Care to try again?
President Obama has fired the first shot of the 2016 election

Democrats are the party that is offering programs to help the middle class
Republicans are killing those programs and standing up for the 1%
President Obama has fired the first shot of the 2016 election

Democrats are the party that is offering programs to help the middle class
Republicans are killing those programs and standing up for the 1%

Barack Obama has fired the first shot of what will be two years of Progressive obstructionism as he vetoes everything the country elected Republicans and sent them to Washington to accomplish.
Funny how when the Democrats controlled the White House, the House and the Senate they didn't do anything to help the Middle Class...yet NOW they've declared that they are the "champions" of the Middle Class!

Gee, guys...if you really cared about the Middle Class then why didn't you demonstrate that at some point in the last six years!
OK USMB Conservatives........

Do you support tax breaks for the middle class?

too stupid!! the top1% pay 40% of all federal income taxes so most in the middle class pay nothing. Taxes are already as high as they can be, govt can waste all there is to waste!!
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.

I pay for full coverage insurance (PPO) for 290 employees and their families. My cost have gone up no more than in previous years. btw; The poor have always received a freebie.
President Obama has fired the first shot of the 2016 election

Democrats are the party that is offering programs to help the middle class
Republicans are killing those programs and standing up for the 1%

I LOVE my Republican provided Bombardier Global deduction!
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.

I pay for full coverage insurance (PPO) for 290 employees and their families. My cost have gone up no more than in previous years. btw; The poor have always received a freebie.
Now poor WORKERS can get dignified health care with preventive medicine. Same with people with preexisting conditions. And many fewer bankruptcies that hurt everyone but banks.

Did any of your workers with preexisting have problems? Is that normal in company insurance, a problem more for independent workers? I mean in the past, thank God.
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.

I pay for full coverage insurance (PPO) for 290 employees and their families. My cost have gone up no more than in previous years. btw; The poor have always received a freebie.
Now poor WORKERS can get dignified health care with preventive medicine. Same with people with preexisting conditions. And many fewer bankruptcies that hurt everyone but banks.

Did any of your workers with preexisting have problems? Is that normal in company insurance, a problem more for independent workers? I mean in the past, thank God.

The whole preexisting conditions thing is one more issue that "sounds good" until you actually think about it rationally. The way it sets up now, people are going to sign up for platinum plans when they get diagnosed with something serious and after they get it taken care of they'll go back to the cheaper bronze plan...rinse and repeat. It's going to make the cost of ObamaCare skyrocket.
Time to lower the taxes on the middle class and raise them on the 1%! The 1% should pay the same percentage...

We should tax the shit out of anything imported from their foreign factory.

This is one of those lies fed to the sheep by Obumble and company. The rich don't pay their fair share. What a joke! If one person earned $75,000 a year pays 12% and another person earning $2,000,000 a year pays 12%, who paid more?

What he means is this. The lazy entitled people deserve more money from those that worked hard to get where they are. We already pay for lazy assholes, who have no sense to wait until they are stable to start popping out welfare coupons.

And Matthew, you should really learn more about tax rates / percentages before you spout off like you know something. Let me guess, Obumble told you?
Time to lower the taxes on the middle class and raise them on the 1%! The 1% should pay the same percentage...

We should tax the shit out of anything imported from their foreign factory.

This is one of those lies fed to the sheep by Obumble and company. The rich don't pay their fair share. What a joke! If one person earned $75,000 a year pays 12% and another person earning $2,000,000 a year pays 12%, who paid more?

What he means is this. The lazy entitled people deserve more money from those that worked hard to get where they are. We already pay for lazy assholes, who have no sense to wait until they are stable to start popping out welfare coupons.

And Matthew, you should really learn more about tax rates / percentages before you spout off like you know something. Let me guess, Obumble told you?
We don't have a progressive tax system any more. Everyone pays 21% in all taxes and fees, and the richest get 95% of new wealth, and you brainwashed morons defend it. Brilliant.
And quite frankly, 1%er...if your costs haven't gone up? You're part of the target audience for ObamaCare...the poor. You're getting a freebie. Enjoy it while you try not to think of the people who will be paying your share.

I pay for full coverage insurance (PPO) for 290 employees and their families. My cost have gone up no more than in previous years. btw; The poor have always received a freebie.
Now poor WORKERS can get dignified health care with preventive medicine. Same with people with preexisting conditions. And many fewer bankruptcies that hurt everyone but banks.

Did any of your workers with preexisting have problems? Is that normal in company insurance, a problem more for independent workers? I mean in the past, thank God.

The whole preexisting conditions thing is one more issue that "sounds good" until you actually think about it rationally. The way it sets up now, people are going to sign up for platinum plans when they get diagnosed with something serious and after they get it taken care of they'll go back to the cheaper bronze plan...rinse and repeat. It's going to make the cost of ObamaCare skyrocket.
Ridiculous, dingbat hater dupe.
What a waste of a thread.... Reduce taxes or wealth for the middle class? His last tax hike hurt the middle class.

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