
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

Corporate America is seeing record profits, yet they are not including their employed wage earners in the financial end of their success. It's so obvious, it baffles one's mind how you came to such an outlandish conclusion.
You are talking about trickle down which hasn't worked. You say welfare hasn't worked, What does welfare have to do with working wage earners? They are earning their wages, they are not sitting on their ass looking for a hand out. Or is it that workers deserving to be rewarded for the contribution to a company's success now welfare?
View attachment 36010

First of all, Kiwi...when you use the term "trickle down" you immediately send the message that you are totally ignorant about economics and business in general. There is no such's a term used by progressives to mock supply side economics. Profits trickle up...not down! Employed wage earners get paid their wage whether a profit is made or not...they don't make what is left over after companies take what they see fit.

Actually Oldstyle, I use trickle down for a good reason.
It seems every solution for lifting the Middle Class up that is offered from the right, involves helping the groups that are financially superior to the Middle Class. That is because in theory, when those groups are helped and gain more wealth, then those groups will help the Middle Class (create more jobs/raise wages). Wouldn't that involve trickle down?
There was a time when businesses did reward their employees because the business had good earning. What was that?
Look at the graph below. We see in earlier years companies compensated their employees much more generously than they do now, That was trickle down. Note that this trend reversed itself. That is the trickle up you mentioned. One can certainly see when things changed.
"Employed wage earners get paid their wage whether a profit is made or not...they don't make what is left over after companies take what they see fit" If there are no profits, companies downsize or cut hours of their workforce, it's against the law not to pay their workers.
By the way, when I went to college where I got my degree in Business Administration and Marketing, I did take three quarters of econ. I was also a General Manager of a chain of men's clothing stores. When business was good, the employees were rewarded either by raises or by bonuses.. The saying "a happy employee is a good employee" is true in my book. When business was soft, we worked with fewer employees.
Anyway, take a look at the graph, it says a lot.
View attachment 36020

I'm curious then, Kiwiman...when business was bad did you tell your employees that they had to give back part of the wages that they made so that the corporation could maintain their profits? I'm guessing that was a no?

If there were no profits your employees still got paid. It's why the whole "trickle down" thing is laughably inaccurate. Profits trickle up. If I start a business, I have to pay for the space I'm going to run the business out of...I have to hire and train my staff...I have to pay for advertising to let the public know that I exist...I have to buy the raw materials to make my product or perform my service. I have to get permits and licenses from various governmental entities before they'll let me open the doors. All this takes place before the first dollar comes back into the business. I'm risking large amounts of capital on the anticipation of making a profit. So where is it that your supposed "trickle down" takes place?

Oldstyle, I mentioned that when we had a good year, people got raises and people got very generous bonuses. Also, we had people who wanted to be there because we took good care of the employees. When times were tougher, inventory levels were decreased before we had to lay off people. In most cases the employees were hired back after short layoffs. And because people wanted to be there they were good employees and went out of their way to provide excellent customer service. The employees felt they were part of comapny and were treated like family, not like "just an employee.
That company was in business over a 120 years before they sold off their stores to stores and in many cases, the stores were sold to the employees.
Those days were the good old days, there aren't many companies that operate like that anymore.
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?
Actually, the nonrich pay about 12% of their income in state and local taxes, the richest about 6%. And fees hit the nonrich much harder, and you may have noticed they've gotten ridiculous under Reaganism the last 30 years too.

A greater percentage does not equate to more, hater dupe.

No shit

But why should the rich pay a lower percentage of their income? Only in a conservative paradise

The rich pay 35% for income tax should we lower that to the 10% or less that the poor pay? If you want equal then let's get fucking equal.
For the billionth time- with link- everyone is now paying 21% in all taxes and fees. UNFAIR. With 95% of new wealth going to the richest. NOT YOU. lol
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?
Yes, the BUDGET- about 3 weeks ago. And have tried a million times over the last 5 years. ACA IS A COMPROMISE- THE PUB PLAN.
Actually, the nonrich pay about 12% of their income in state and local taxes, the richest about 6%. And fees hit the nonrich much harder, and you may have noticed they've gotten ridiculous under Reaganism the last 30 years too.

A greater percentage does not equate to more, hater dupe.

No shit

But why should the rich pay a lower percentage of their income? Only in a conservative paradise

The rich pay 35% for income tax should we lower that to the 10% or less that the poor pay? If you want equal then let's get fucking equal.
For the billionth time- with link- everyone is now paying 21% in all taxes and fees. UNFAIR. With 95% of new wealth going to the richest. NOT YOU. lol

Excuse me if I'm skeptical of your biased sources, besides I'm retired, my biggest concerns are inflation and energy cost which you lefties seem to want to drive up.
He made a law that makes purchasing something the law. Something nobody can afford but they get subsidies and somehow you think with all of that going on he will drop your taxes? How the fuck do you make more mandates on people and lower taxes?

Your post makes no sense. But then again, you believe that Ford didn't take a bailout!
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?
Yes, the BUDGET- about 3 weeks ago. And have tried a million times over the last 5 years. ACA IS A COMPROMISE- THE PUB PLAN.

Far left propaganda from a far left drone..
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?
Yes, the BUDGET- about 3 weeks ago. And have tried a million times over the last 5 years. ACA IS A COMPROMISE- THE PUB PLAN.

Far left propaganda from a far left drone..
Love to see Teapublicans make a stand now on why they need to protect the rich and block a program that helps the middle class
I'm curious, Winger...would you say that the Middle Class has been better off under this Administration or worse off? I hear so much talk from Progressives about how they are working for the benefit of the Middle Class but then they turn around and pass something like the Affordable Care Act that forces the Middle Class to pick up the tab for healthcare subsidies for the poor.

The biggest break the Middle Class have had in years is the present low cost of gasoline and that's despite Barry's best efforts! If it was up to him and his little "green" buddies...we'd all be paying six bucks a gallon.
Good question

Are they better off on wages? No
Are they better off on retirement savings? Yes
Are they better off on healthcare? yes

Overall.....about even

So, why are Republicans going to block these initiatives to finally do something for working Americans?

Because they have to protect the one percent

Now THAT is an amusing answer!

A whole lot of the Middle Class have had their retirement savings savaged by being out of work for record amounts of time and the value of real estate they own is still lagging far behind what it used to be. Hard to see how anyone's retirement savings is better off under Barry's six years.

As for healthcare? The Middle Class was told that they would be saving money because of the ACA. That was a lie. They will be expected to pay more for the ACA because someone has to pick up the tab for all of the subsidies for the poor.
Fer chrissake dupe, you're blaming Obama for Booosh's 2nd Great Pub Depression, AND Pubs blocking a full recovery for four years. Then ACA is supposed to perform miracles IMMEDIATELY (it just kept price hike to 3%) even WITH Pubs screwing it up in red states...OK, give us more destructive Pub fear mongering BULLSHYTTE propaganda.

Propaganda? You progressives told Middle Class Americans that the ACA would save an average family about $2,500 a year in healthcare costs and that was a total LIE! The healthcare costs for the average Middle Class American have gone up sharply! Many of the 8,000,000 Americans who lost their old health care plans because they didn't meet ObamaCare guidelines are now faced with either paying extremely high rates for worse coverage than they had before...or paying a penalty for not having any coverage at all because they can't afford it!
Nobody said immediately- wait a few years ferchrissake.. And the reports you believe are Pubcrappe. ACTUAL rates are up less than 5%- record low increases, even including red states.
Actually, the nonrich pay about 12% of their income in state and local taxes, the richest about 6%. And fees hit the nonrich much harder, and you may have noticed they've gotten ridiculous under Reaganism the last 30 years too.

A greater percentage does not equate to more, hater dupe.

No shit

But why should the rich pay a lower percentage of their income? Only in a conservative paradise

The rich pay 35% for income tax should we lower that to the 10% or less that the poor pay? If you want equal then let's get fucking equal.
For the billionth time- with link- everyone is now paying 21% in all taxes and fees. UNFAIR. With 95% of new wealth going to the richest. NOT YOU. lol

Excuse me if I'm skeptical of your biased sources, besides I'm retired, my biggest concerns are inflation and energy cost which you lefties seem to want to drive up.
Unlike Pub propaganda, these articles are linked to the CBO, the IRS, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, and other BEST SOURCES, ACTUAL figures, not bs predictions and other bs Pub propaganda. Your "news" is a bad joke. Only RW drones don't know it, even moderate Pubs have had it with the divisive, destructive malarkey.
The truth that Franco will never admit that the ACA was never about lowering healthcare costs for the American Middle was always about providing healthcare for the poor and having the Middle Class pay for most of it.

The reason why people like Peter Gruber felt it was necessary to lie about the ACA was that he understood what the reaction would be when the Middle Class found out that their costs would be going up substantially. It's why key components of the ACA kept getting put off until the next election...Democrats were scared to death that the voters would figure out how badly they'd been lied to.
There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?
Yes, the BUDGET- about 3 weeks ago. And have tried a million times over the last 5 years. ACA IS A COMPROMISE- THE PUB PLAN.

Far left propaganda from a far left drone..
I'm curious, Winger...would you say that the Middle Class has been better off under this Administration or worse off? I hear so much talk from Progressives about how they are working for the benefit of the Middle Class but then they turn around and pass something like the Affordable Care Act that forces the Middle Class to pick up the tab for healthcare subsidies for the poor.

The biggest break the Middle Class have had in years is the present low cost of gasoline and that's despite Barry's best efforts! If it was up to him and his little "green" buddies...we'd all be paying six bucks a gallon.
Good question

Are they better off on wages? No
Are they better off on retirement savings? Yes
Are they better off on healthcare? yes

Overall.....about even

So, why are Republicans going to block these initiatives to finally do something for working Americans?

Because they have to protect the one percent

Now THAT is an amusing answer!

A whole lot of the Middle Class have had their retirement savings savaged by being out of work for record amounts of time and the value of real estate they own is still lagging far behind what it used to be. Hard to see how anyone's retirement savings is better off under Barry's six years.

As for healthcare? The Middle Class was told that they would be saving money because of the ACA. That was a lie. They will be expected to pay more for the ACA because someone has to pick up the tab for all of the subsidies for the poor.
Fer chrissake dupe, you're blaming Obama for Booosh's 2nd Great Pub Depression, AND Pubs blocking a full recovery for four years. Then ACA is supposed to perform miracles IMMEDIATELY (it just kept price hike to 3%) even WITH Pubs screwing it up in red states...OK, give us more destructive Pub fear mongering BULLSHYTTE propaganda.

Propaganda? You progressives told Middle Class Americans that the ACA would save an average family about $2,500 a year in healthcare costs and that was a total LIE! The healthcare costs for the average Middle Class American have gone up sharply! Many of the 8,000,000 Americans who lost their old health care plans because they didn't meet ObamaCare guidelines are now faced with either paying extremely high rates for worse coverage than they had before...or paying a penalty for not having any coverage at all because they can't afford it!
Nobody said immediately- wait a few years ferchrissake.. And the reports you believe are Pubcrappe. ACTUAL rates are up less than 5%- record low increases, even including red states.

In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.” Barack Obama, June 5th, 2008
That was the big lie that Obama and his people used to "sell" the Affordable Care Act to the American people.
The truth that Franco will never admit that the ACA was never about lowering healthcare costs for the American Middle was always about providing healthcare for the poor and having the Middle Class pay for most of it.

The truth you will never admit to it that the insurance companies (who Republicans support mightily and vice versa) wrote the ACA for their benefit and do you ever hear of the insurance companies complaining about all this new business? Fuck no. And the monies pour into those political war chests and you Republicans have your hands out for that money and your politicians give you lip service all the way to the fund raiser being held by the insurance industry for those same politicians who are giving you lip service.

You being played for a fool dude. Republican have no intention of doing away with the ACA. They make way to much money from both sides. The insurance company gives them money and you fools give them money.
Fucking nuts is what this situation is.
The truth that Franco will never admit that the ACA was never about lowering healthcare costs for the American Middle was always about providing healthcare for the poor and having the Middle Class pay for most of it.

The truth you will never admit to it that the insurance companies (who Republicans support mightily and vice versa) wrote the ACA for their benefit and do you ever hear of the insurance companies complaining about all this new business? Fuck no. And the monies pour into those political war chests and you Republicans have your hands out for that money and your politicians give you lip service all the way to the fund raiser being held by the insurance industry for those same politicians who are giving you lip service.

You being played for a fool dude. Republican have no intention of doing away with the ACA. They make way to much money from both sides. The insurance company gives them money and you fools give them money.
Fucking nuts is what this situation is.

With all due respect, Zeke...the ACA contains a clause where the insurance companies will be compensated by the Federal Government if their costs are higher than anticipated due to the ACA. That wasn't something that was given to them by the GOP...that was something that was granted to them by the Obama Administration, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Almost time for the GOP adults to again ignore the brainwashed tinfoil twit "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME)...

can you tell us the last time the DNC compromised on something the GOP wanted?

On the rare occasion when the Dem's compromise they have to be dragged kicking and screaming then they welch on the deal.
With all due respect, Zeke...the ACA contains a clause where the insurance companies will be compensated by the Federal Government if their costs are higher than anticipated due to the ACA. That wasn't something that was given to them by the GOP.

With all due respect (this is interesting) the provision you mentioned was inserted by the insurance companies.

Did you know that the two main Congressional staffers charged with writing this bullshit legislation BOTH had careers in the insurance industry? Why what a strange coincidence that a provision that protects the insurance companies from loss would be inserted by staffers from the insurance industry.

And you are correct. The Republicans shirked their responsibility to participate in the legislative process. Maybe had they been constructively engaged in the bill writing process, we might have a better piece of legislation.

Repubs are guilty by omission in this mess. Dems are guilty in allowing the insurance companies to write the legislation.

All Americans except the ultra wealthy and Insurance company executives (they are one and the same) got fucked by this legislation.

Single payer for all is the answer.
How can someone with a 401k that saw the stock market rise from 6600 to over 17000 not have made money under Obama?

Because a 401K does not increase in value simply because the Dow is up. That you're even asking this shows you probably don't even know what a 401K is, or how it works.
He made a law that makes purchasing something the law. Something nobody can afford but they get subsidies and somehow you think with all of that going on he will drop your taxes? How the fuck do you make more mandates on people and lower taxes?

Your post makes no sense. But then again, you believe that Ford didn't take a bailout!
Really stupid people usually don't get my posts. You aren't unique in this situation there are many like you on this board.

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