President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum
Or we could detain them while processing them to determine asylum, like we have done in the past.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum

Agreed. They are already disqualified for asylum. To qualify for US asylum, this has to be the first country of escape you came to. That's not the case here. Secondly, Mexico already offered them asylum which they refused. If you refuse asylum somewhere else, you can't come here and trade-up. Every one of those people are disqualified. Therefore they are only coming here to try and force their way into our country.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum

Agreed. They are already disqualified for asylum. To qualify for US asylum, this has to be the first country of escape you came to. That's not the case here. Secondly, Mexico already offered them asylum which they refused. If you refuse asylum somewhere else, you can't come here and trade-up. Every one of those people are disqualified. Therefore they are only coming here to try and force their way into our country.
Nonsense. Central Americans are granted asylum all the time.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Immigration and Central American Asylum Seekers - WOLA
You can have all the comic book fantasies you want (after all you are Trumpers) but the Army will be there in a purely support role.

By law that's all they can do

I’m certain you can post that “law” or statute...right?

He's actually right, I read up on it. They can detain people, though. Also fire if fired upon.

The level of action and force the military will be permitted to use in this case will all be determined by Trumps declaration. He could easily permit them to act as police, border patrol and military without limitation with the correct declaration.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum
Or we could detain them while processing them to determine asylum, like we have done in the past.

We already know they have no right to asylum. That would be a waste of time and resources
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum

Agreed. They are already disqualified for asylum. To qualify for US asylum, this has to be the first country of escape you came to. That's not the case here. Secondly, Mexico already offered them asylum which they refused. If you refuse asylum somewhere else, you can't come here and trade-up. Every one of those people are disqualified. Therefore they are only coming here to try and force their way into our country.
Nonsense. Central Americans are granted asylum all the time.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Immigration and Central American Asylum Seekers - WOLA

FIRM RESETTEMENT BAR This type of bar usually occurs when the applicant flees the home country and then resettles in another country before coming to the United States. If the applicant is a refugee and leaves the home country because of war and wide-spread persecution on account of membership in a particular clan or tribe or religious or political affiliation, and then goes on to a neighboring country where the applicant can find temporary safety, the government attorney will argue that the applicant has firmly resettled in that country and does not need to look further for safety in the United States.

Bars or Disqualifying Factors to Asylum | Law Offices of Alice Vacek Aranda, PLLC
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum

Agreed. They are already disqualified for asylum. To qualify for US asylum, this has to be the first country of escape you came to. That's not the case here. Secondly, Mexico already offered them asylum which they refused. If you refuse asylum somewhere else, you can't come here and trade-up. Every one of those people are disqualified. Therefore they are only coming here to try and force their way into our country.
Nonsense. Central Americans are granted asylum all the time.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Immigration and Central American Asylum Seekers - WOLA

FIRM RESETTEMENT BAR This type of bar usually occurs when the applicant flees the home country and then resettles in another country before coming to the United States. If the applicant is a refugee and leaves the home country because of war and wide-spread persecution on account of membership in a particular clan or tribe or religious or political affiliation, and then goes on to a neighboring country where the applicant can find temporary safety, the government attorney will argue that the applicant has firmly resettled in that country and does not need to look further for safety in the United States.

Bars or Disqualifying Factors to Asylum | Law Offices of Alice Vacek Aranda, PLLC

I would also note the requirements of being a country in a state of war or wide spread persecutions
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum

Agreed. They are already disqualified for asylum. To qualify for US asylum, this has to be the first country of escape you came to. That's not the case here. Secondly, Mexico already offered them asylum which they refused. If you refuse asylum somewhere else, you can't come here and trade-up. Every one of those people are disqualified. Therefore they are only coming here to try and force their way into our country.
Nonsense. Central Americans are granted asylum all the time.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Immigration and Central American Asylum Seekers - WOLA

FIRM RESETTEMENT BAR This type of bar usually occurs when the applicant flees the home country and then resettles in another country before coming to the United States. If the applicant is a refugee and leaves the home country because of war and wide-spread persecution on account of membership in a particular clan or tribe or religious or political affiliation, and then goes on to a neighboring country where the applicant can find temporary safety, the government attorney will argue that the applicant has firmly resettled in that country and does not need to look further for safety in the United States.

Bars or Disqualifying Factors to Asylum | Law Offices of Alice Vacek Aranda, PLLC

I would also note the requirements of being a country in a state of war or wide spread persecutions

Exactly, Nothing has changed in these countries in many years. They are just shitholes and will be shitholes for the coming years unless it's citizens decide to do something about it. We can't allow these places to be breeding grounds and then illegally immigrate here and bypass our Immigration system using phony asylum claims.

That's why I started a topic on it. I think it's just time to scrap the asylum system if this is how it's going to be abused.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.

Or we could just not let them into the country because they have no right to be in the country and no legal claim on asylum
Or we could detain them while processing them to determine asylum, like we have done in the past.

Which is what Trump is going to do, so you have your wish. The difference between Trump and Hussein is that they won't be allowed in the country until their asylum is determined to be genuine which we both know, is not the case here.

He said this on Laura's show last night in an interview. You can find the meat and potatoes of this topic at the 14:00 minute line:


Why is Trump wasting this kind of money?

There are right now 100's of Federali's & Mexican military on the southern border of Mexico already making certain that the "caravan" doesn't get into Mexico. Yes, Mexico does have a border that it protects and they don't want them in their country either. So "if" they get across into Mexico it will be another 1,982 miles before they reach our southern border, and throughout all of that, they .will be stopped FREQUENTLY by Mexican military and asked for papers, and if they don't have papers they will be sent back promptly.

Really, I don't think a Trump Tard has ever been gone further than their backyard, but anyone who has traveled to Mexico KNOWS THIS.

Mexico sent federal forces to its southern border Wednesday after President Trump called on several Latin American nations to stop a large caravan of Honduran immigrants heading toward the United States.Mexico’s federal police released images of two planes arriving in Tapachula, a Mexican city on the border with Guatemala that is a popular crossing point for migrants heading north. News reports showed hundreds of agents disembarking from the planes, some carrying riot gear.
Mexico sends federal forces to its southern border as migrant caravan heads north


And of course Honduras is going to pay for it--:auiqs.jpg:

If that is so, why are they in Mexico only 1000 miles away from our border?

Of course you have a verifiable credible link to that--or is that just what you're hearing from the usual sources. I have traveled a lot down to Mexico. There are basically 2 main highways that will get you through North to South Mexico. They are heavily guarded by Mexican military, who stop everyone at frequent checkpoints. It's not like coming into the States where there are side roads and highways everywhere to avoid detection.

This caravan doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making it to our border undetected. Mexicans don't want them in their country either, because they become a burden to them.

So what are you saying, that it's some sort of media conspiracy? There is no caravan in Mexico and it's not coming our way? The media is lying to us about them having penetrated the Mexican southern border?

Can you explain to me how the last batch got here, you know, the one where kids were being separated from their parents?

I didn't say that. I am saying that Mexico is stopping the "caravan" at their southern border 1,952 miles from ours, which you're not being told by any of your sources.
Mexico sends federal forces to its southern border as migrant caravan heads north

This isn't a media ploy, it is a Republican political tactic to get all the Trump tards stirred up into an hysterical frenzy right before the midterm. You're watching state run media known as Fox News--who is right now under a Federal Law suit for manufacturing with White House oversight a conspiracy around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich. You're listening to right wing talk show hosts--you;re not reading anything, you've been told not to for 2 decades and you won't change the channel. People who do that are easily manipulated into what they believe and who they're going to vote for.

A great article on this that you should actually spending the next 30 minutes reading is this.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

Now you can continue to let these people insult your integrity & intelligence every single day or you can turn them off and start educating yourself for a change.
Huff Post
TRUMP: MIGRANTS WILL GO INTO ‘TENT CITIES’ President Donald Trump said he planned to put people from the migrant caravan who apply for asylum into new “tent cities” that would be “all over the place.” Speaking to Fox News, he said: “We’re catching; we’re not releasing. If they apply for asylum, we’re going to hold them until such time as their trial takes place
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???

Guessing Faun like em chunky.
Huff Post
TRUMP: MIGRANTS WILL GO INTO ‘TENT CITIES’ President Donald Trump said he planned to put people from the migrant caravan who apply for asylum into new “tent cities” that would be “all over the place.” Speaking to Fox News, he said: “We’re catching; we’re not releasing. If they apply for asylum, we’re going to hold them until such time as their trial takes place

It's in the video I provided a few posts up.
Huff Post
TRUMP: MIGRANTS WILL GO INTO ‘TENT CITIES’ President Donald Trump said he planned to put people from the migrant caravan who apply for asylum into new “tent cities” that would be “all over the place.” Speaking to Fox News, he said: “We’re catching; we’re not releasing. If they apply for asylum, we’re going to hold them until such time as their trial takes place

It's in the video I provided a few posts up.

Thanks don't do video much.

Why is Trump wasting this kind of money?

There are right now 100's of Federali's & Mexican military on the southern border of Mexico already making certain that the "caravan" doesn't get into Mexico. Yes, Mexico does have a border that it protects and they don't want them in their country either. So "if" they get across into Mexico it will be another 1,982 miles before they reach our southern border, and throughout all of that, they .will be stopped FREQUENTLY by Mexican military and asked for papers, and if they don't have papers they will be sent back promptly.

Really, I don't think a Trump Tard has ever been gone further than their backyard, but anyone who has traveled to Mexico KNOWS THIS.

Mexico sent federal forces to its southern border Wednesday after President Trump called on several Latin American nations to stop a large caravan of Honduran immigrants heading toward the United States.Mexico’s federal police released images of two planes arriving in Tapachula, a Mexican city on the border with Guatemala that is a popular crossing point for migrants heading north. News reports showed hundreds of agents disembarking from the planes, some carrying riot gear.
Mexico sends federal forces to its southern border as migrant caravan heads north


And of course Honduras is going to pay for it--:auiqs.jpg:

If that is so, why are they in Mexico only 1000 miles away from our border?

Of course you have a verifiable credible link to that--or is that just what you're hearing from the usual sources. I have traveled a lot down to Mexico. There are basically 2 main highways that will get you through North to South Mexico. They are heavily guarded by Mexican military, who stop everyone at frequent checkpoints. It's not like coming into the States where there are side roads and highways everywhere to avoid detection.

This caravan doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making it to our border undetected. Mexicans don't want them in their country either, because they become a burden to them.

So what are you saying, that it's some sort of media conspiracy? There is no caravan in Mexico and it's not coming our way? The media is lying to us about them having penetrated the Mexican southern border?

Can you explain to me how the last batch got here, you know, the one where kids were being separated from their parents?

I didn't say that. I am saying that Mexico is stopping the "caravan" at their southern border 1,952 miles from ours, which you're not being told by any of your sources.
Mexico sends federal forces to its southern border as migrant caravan heads north

This isn't a media ploy, it is a Republican political tactic to get all the Trump tards stirred up into an hysterical frenzy right before the midterm. You're watching state run media known as Fox News--who is right now under a Federal Law suit for manufacturing with White House oversight a conspiracy around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich. You're listening to right wing talk show hosts--you;re not reading anything, you've been told not to for 2 decades and you won't change the channel. People who do that are easily manipulated into what they believe and who they're going to vote for.

A great article on this that you should actually spending the next 30 minutes reading is this.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

Now you can continue to let these people insult your integrity & intelligence every single day or you can turn them off and start educating yourself for a change.

I guess that would make the NY Post liars:

And then there are the liars at the Mexican Daily news:

Mexico City sends 47-vehicle aid brigade to support first migrant caravan

I guess Reuters is in on the conspiracy as well:

Migrant caravan crosses river into Mexico | Pictures | Reuters

How about News Asia?

Mexico honors migrants at Day of the Dead as caravan treks north

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