President reassigning WH staff to his “campaign.”


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

I suppose this means that they will no longer be on our public payroll.

I sure hope that there is a good watchdog group to make sure that none of them remain on the government payroll.

So now, suddenly, Potato is going to have to dip into his campaign budget to “run” for re-election.

Imagine that. A couple of early wins for Trump on the GOP part of primary season — and now it’s the Potato who is gonna have to start campaigning and spending money. He may have to even stay up past 8:30 pm!

(Needless to say, however, that he will get a lot of free assistance from our main stream liberal propaganda media.)
They'll hide that bed-shitting shut-in as much as they can, and trot it out to have a war with the English language only when absolutely necessary.

Kumala hates the fucktard as much as the rest of the country, so no help there. She'll bend over and grab her ankles when she has to, but only for her benefit.... and that's assuming somebody would actually want to fuck that mess.

Harris has been rallying the women voters. Biden can handle his end.
All Trump has is the pity parties and his tards.
What has she been telling them? That the way to have a successful career is to sleep with your boss like she did? I feel sorry for anyone who looks to a cheap whore as an inspiration but there She is living The dream to both her fans.
You know what would be a hoot?

Potato is told that he has decided to withdraw. He does.

The DNC honchos will be crushed if the VP demands her chance to run for his spot on the ballot. They know full well that she doesn’t have the goods.

But let’s say she gets the Dim nomination. Then comes the big Presidential debate.

Trump skewers her with one question:

“Spit or swallow?”
Harris couldn’t rally anybody. She babbles incoherently much like Potato.
Harris uses words because words are how she communicates by using words, and she uses a lot of words because there are a lot of words to use and using a lot of words means you say a lot of words and a lot of words are important so people know you can use words in a effective manner to communicate with words.

I channeled by inner Harris for that reply

President reassigning WH staff to his “campaign.”​

I suppose this means that they will no longer be on our public payroll.
Do not worry. Nobody in the White House was doing anything worth a damn anyway. :smoke:

I sure hope that there is a good watchdog group to make sure that none of them remain on the government payroll.
AG Merrick Garland is right on top of it.

So now, suddenly, Potato is going to have to dip into his campaign budget to “run” for re-election.
It'll take a team of hundreds to whip up all the lies about what a good job Joe is doing saving democracy.

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