President Tiny Hands LIED about counterprotesters not having permit

Read your own connection you bloody simpering fool. They had no legal permit for Emancipation Park. They blocked the only two exits for the rally attendees.
The Comrade said they did not have a permit. It lied, again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again.
It's my understanding they had a permit at a location several blocks away.
They left that location which of course means they were violating that permit.
and that was in her link

"Walt Heinecke, a professor at the University of Virginia, told Moyer that he received a “special events certificate of approval” for events at McGuffey Park and Justice Park — sites blocks from Emancipation Park, where white nationalists had a permit for a Saturday rally."
The Comrade said they did not have a permit. It lied, again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again.

Stop being a nancy boy. Cripes you've become like a bad ex wife. Bitching and whining and moaning every chance you get. They didn't have a permit period full stop for that location.
The Comrade said they did not have a permit. It lied, again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again.

Their permit was for areas far removed from where the protest was taking place.
Read your own connection you bloody simpering fool. They had no legal permit for Emancipation Park. They blocked the only two exits for the rally attendees.
Their permit was for areas far removed from where the protest was taking place.

The counter-protester locales were not that far removed -- 0.2 miles and 420 feet, respectively. C-ville is a small town. The city blocks aren't at all big. If you've been to the National Mall in least two of C-ville's relevant-to-this-discussion blocks will fit inside one of those Mall blocks. (Waking between two museums on the National Mall.)

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Read your own connection you bloody simpering fool. They had no legal permit for Emancipation Park. They blocked the only two exits for the rally attendees.

Did YOU bother to read the whole link? Counter protesters didn't need a permit to be in the park.

From the link....................

Charlottesville spokeswoman Miriam I. Dickler told Moyer that only one permit was issued for Emancipation Park — the one received by white nationalists staging the “Unite the Right” rally. However, counterprotesters did not need permits to protest that rally, she said.

“Please bear in mind that people do not need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is scheduled to take place there, nor are they required to have one to be on streets or sidewalks adjacent to or outside the park,” Dickler said in an email.

Per the spokeswoman, people don't need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is taking place there. And, they don't need one for the streets or sidewalks adjacent either.

Yeah, the white supremacists did get their permit to hold a rally. But, the people who showed up to protest their rally didn't need a permit, because it's a public park.
READ the article:

However, counterprotesters did not need permits to protest that rally, she said.

“Please bear in mind that people do not need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is scheduled to take place there, nor are they required to have one to be on streets or sidewalks adjacent to or outside the park,” Dickler said in an email.
The Comrade said they did not have a permit. It lied, again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again again, and again, and again, and again.

Their permit was for areas far removed from where the protest was taking place.

Read the link. The white supremacists got a permit to hold their rally in a public park. Because it was in a public park, other people could go there if they wanted, even if it was to protest the rally. And, there are no restrictions on access for the sidewalks and roads leading to the public park. Those are public access ways to the park.

He lies about everything!

Trump again misleads his sheeple with bad information.

Why do people with rainbow colors in their avatars ALWAYS lie profusely?

Is there some secret code...rainbow colors mean consistent deceiver or something?

Well, if he would quit lying, then maybe people would quit calling him out on it. The white supremacists yeah, they did have a permit to hold their RALLY in the park. But, because it was a PUBLIC PARK, anyone else (according to the city rules) can go to the park, even if another event is being held there, and even if they are showing up to protest the rally. It's a public park, and the streets and sidewalks leading up to the park are also public access ways.

Maybe next time, they will hold their rally on private land so they don't have as many hassles.

And, as far as deception, did you check out Trump's latest tweeting lie? He tweeted and talked about Gen. Pershing in the Philippines, when he dipped bullets in pigs blood and executed Muslim terrorists. Yeah, the story sounds good, and yeah, it sounds like tough policy, but there's only one problem........

It never happened.

Like I said, if Trump would quit lying or twisting the facts to suit his agenda, then maybe he'd quit getting called out.
Read your own connection you bloody simpering fool. They had no legal permit for Emancipation Park. They blocked the only two exits for the rally attendees.
Who's the simpering fool and who should have closely read the article, DUMMY!
"Charlottesville spokeswoman Miriam I. Dickler told Moyer that only one permit was issued for Emancipation Park — the one received by white nationalists staging the “Unite the Right” rally. However, counterprotesters did not need permits to protest that rally, she said.

“Please bear in mind that people do not need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is scheduled to take place there, nor are they required to have one to be on streets or sidewalks adjacent to or outside the park,” Dickler said in an email."

So only the group with a permit for an affair in a park are allowed in your one-ended world?

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