President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

Well, maybe as a result of this we can have actual laws designed to let a Presidents' nominations get an up-or-down vote. Kinda like wiseacre talked about earlier.

If you want to amend the Constitution, then go for it. Until you get your Amendment passed, the President can not make recess appointments when Congress is not in recess.
Actually, I think he's relishing the fight, as he should be.

well wonderful...let him act like a dick. the people are already sick of him

Now please contact your congresscritter to get impeachment proceedings going. I'm sure the Republicans in the Senate are eager to explain - in this political climate, no less - why they were holding up not only Cordray's nomination, but also for members of the NLRB.

You think the Prez is so unpopular, they should have no problems, then.

You really think the people are worrying about some dumb appointments, that they are going to have to END UP PAYING? Or some damn NEW worthless GOVERNMENT agency that will be stepping even MORE INTO THEIR LIVES?

you all are more delusional than normal. but you all sure do love you some Guberment, that is for sure. I guess you all can't live without them
Well, maybe as a result of this we can have actual laws designed to let a Presidents' nominations get an up-or-down vote. Kinda like wiseacre talked about earlier.

If you want to amend the Constitution, then go for it. Until you get your Amendment passed, the President can not make recess appointments when Congress is not in recess.

Oh well, we'll just watch how this all gets sorted out then, eh?
well wonderful...let him act like a dick. the people are already sick of him

Now please contact your congresscritter to get impeachment proceedings going. I'm sure the Republicans in the Senate are eager to explain - in this political climate, no less - why they were holding up not only Cordray's nomination, but also for members of the NLRB.

You think the Prez is so unpopular, they should have no problems, then.

You really think the people are worrying about some dumb appointments, that they are going to have to END UP PAYING? Or some damn NEW worthless GOVERNMENT agency that will be stepping even MORE INTO THEIR LIVES?

you all are more delusional than normal. but you all sure do love you some Guberment, that is for sure. I guess you all can't live without them

Translation: I got nothin'. Buh-bye
Now please contact your congresscritter to get impeachment proceedings going. I'm sure the Republicans in the Senate are eager to explain - in this political climate, no less - why they were holding up not only Cordray's nomination, but also for members of the NLRB.

You think the Prez is so unpopular, they should have no problems, then.

You really think the people are worrying about some dumb appointments, that they are going to have to END UP PAYING? Or some damn NEW worthless GOVERNMENT agency that will be stepping even MORE INTO THEIR LIVES?

you all are more delusional than normal. but you all sure do love you some Guberment, that is for sure. I guess you all can't live without them

Translation: I got nothin'. Buh-bye

LOL, just knocked the wind out of your sails...the people COULD CARE LESS.
so let Obama be a dick...the people are sick of him already.
YOU GO OBAMA...get all mean and tuggish like your rabid dog base wants..:lol:

Voters Still Trust Republicans More Than Democrats on Economy
Monday, January 02, 2012

The number of Republicans in the country increased by a percentage point in December, while the number of Democrats fell back two points to the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports.

During December, 35.4% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s up from 34.3% in November and just below the high for the year of 35.6% reached in May.

At the same time, just 32.7% of adults said they were Democrats, down from 34.9% in November. The previous low for Democrats was 33.0% in August of this year. .
Partisan Trends - Rasmussen Reports™
Well, maybe as a result of this we can have actual laws designed to let a Presidents' nominations get an up-or-down vote. Kinda like wiseacre talked about earlier.

If you want to amend the Constitution, then go for it. Until you get your Amendment passed, the President can not make recess appointments when Congress is not in recess.

The facts are what they are, not what you say they are.

Obama and the American people and GOP presidents in the future will wins this hands down.
Obama is just making the far right look stupid . . . again.

The GOP could win far more elections if the far right would just vote but shut up. 10% of the people should not hold the party hostage to their collective stupidity.
Obama is just making the far right look stupid . . . again.

The GOP could win far more elections if the far right would just vote but shut up. 10% of the people should not hold the party hostage to their collective stupidity.

tough shit...we are not going to shut up...and the Gop just won in a historic midterm election AGAINST the thug in chief and his comrades in arms after ONLY THREE YEARS in power..

so you all might want to look in the mirror at stupidity..:lol:
Obama is just making the far right look stupid . . . again.

The GOP could win far more elections if the far right would just vote but shut up. 10% of the people should not hold the party hostage to their collective stupidity.

tough shit...we are not going to shut up...and the Gop just won in a historic midterm election AGAINST the thug in chief and his comrades in arms after ONLY THREE YEARS in power..

so you all might want to look in the mirror at stupidity..:lol:

That's what I mean, and more than two years ago I said here your time would come and go. It is going. Romney will be the nominee, he stands a good chance of being elected, and he and the rest of the mainstream will continue to make you folks inconsequential once again, like post-1964.
The decision could go either way.

I provided the link. Read it!

We are not persuaded that the President acted beyond his authority in this
case: both the words of the Constitution and the history of the nation support the
President’s authority.
Clear now?

It depends on how the moves and motives of all are interpreted.

Here's an analogy:

Let's say there's a rural county in the US west somewhere.

And further, let's say that there's a very long well-paved county road with a 65 mph speed limit for about 5 miles. At only one point, there's a farm road at an intersection. It's a private road that's only used for farm equipment to travel from one side to the other when crops are planted, or sprayed, or harvested.

Now, does the county have the right to put a stop sign on the paved road, or even to post a lower speed limit sign of about 25 mph on a half mile stretch of that road.


But what if the only reason the county is doing this has nothing to do with public safety? What if the only reason the county posted the stop sign and the lower speed limit was to create a speed trap? That's different.

Congress is playing a disingenuous game with the pro forma sessions where no business is planned or conducted. And by doing so, they're trying to prevent the president of the us from being able to fulfill his constitutional duties. I cry foul!

The recess appointment exception was created to fill vacant positions.....not to create new bureaucracies.

We already can't afford the size of government we had before this act. He keeps piling these huge spending increases one on top of the other.

Did you know that the purpose for this new office is to speed up a new $2 trillion dollar program Obama intends on unveiling later this year? One designed to buy votes by forcing banks to forgive loans for qualified applicants. They will be allowed to refinance at the current value of their home, not the value when they closed. The costs will be absorbed by the Treasury/taxpayer. The intention is to appear like he's helping people with underwater mortgages. The Devil is in details, but figure the odds on many home owners being qualified for the program, but that won't stop him from bragging about it, even if it is a total farce.
Wow, ya don't say!

You retards need to quit acting like opposing the President is treason.

Remember when dissent used to be patriotic? Funny how that stopped in January of 2009.

You numbnuts.


Yep he iz.

He seems to have forgotten how bush's dissenters were treated.
Unamerican, traitor, you are either with us or against us.

Seems like the right even called me that for opposing the Iraq invasion and The Patriot act.
Actually, I think he's relishing the fight, as he should be.

well wonderful...let him act like a dick. the people are already sick of him

Now please contact your congresscritter to get impeachment proceedings going. I'm sure the Republicans in the Senate are eager to explain - in this political climate, no less - why they were holding up not only Cordray's nomination, but also for members of the NLRB.

You think the Prez is so unpopular, they should have no problems, then.

You'd think by now the wingnuts would know that Obama going to bat for consumers while the GOP holds, in this case, to their obstructionist whims is a loser for them in an election year.

Best shut up and take it but, oh no, everything is an issue to these guys.
I would spend a little time thinking about the stance some of you are taking today. It will come back to bite you in the ass when a Republican is in office.

Don't be a crybaby butt-hurt hypocrite trying to diminish the power of the executive when it suits you and then conveniently suffer amnesia when it doesn't.

Oh, you mean like the left did for 8 years under Bush, then excusing and rationalizing it whenever Obama does the same thing?

Let me guess: That's different. Somehow. It just is.
obama never did like the Constitution. Ignoring it doesn't bother him one bit.

Really? He taught constitutional law for years. I wager he knows it better than any RW radio host does, including Mark Levin.

You would lose big time. Levin is motivated by the Constitution, Obama, like every Progressive Statist is obstructed by it. When You abandoned Individual Liberty, you abandoned Conscience and Soul. No matter how you package your Bullshit, it's still Bullshit. You need to back track and explain why Individual Liberty is such a threat to your style of Government. Be honest. What is it about what you can;t control, that you Must lie, steal, and scam, to harness it? It's the mystery of life, a sacred trust between Each of us and our Maker, and you are at war with it, probably since the beginning of time. What is it that terrifies you about free will? Individual Accountability? You don't see the disconnect? We do. ;)
I would spend a little time thinking about the stance some of you are taking today. It will come back to bite you in the ass when a Republican is in office.

Don't be a crybaby butt-hurt hypocrite trying to diminish the power of the executive when it suits you and then conveniently suffer amnesia when it doesn't.

Oh, you mean like the left did for 8 years under Bush, then excusing and rationalizing it whenever Obama does the same thing?

Let me guess: That's different. Somehow. It just is.
BUSH didn't do it for a new Bureaucracy.

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