President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019


Great address by Trump.

I put the TV on mute when those two turd brain Democrat assholes came on. Who would want to listen to those two hate mongering shitheads?
After watching puke inducing Nancy and Chuckie, I hope the government shutdown lasts till after the summer Olympics. Things are working jes fine without it.
You are wrong about that. The ramifications will be felt throughout the economy soon. I am already hearing that the those applying for federally backed mortgages are having real difficulties.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.
Great address by Trump.

I put the TV on mute when those two turd brain Democrat assholes came on. Who would want to listen to those two hate mongering shitheads?

What was good about it? Nothing new, nothing of any use, just the same old tied stuff told in a different setting.

Plus reading off the teleprompter is not really his thing, they would have been better served letting him wing it
Great address by Trump.

I put the TV on mute when those two turd brain Democrat assholes came on. Who would want to listen to those two hate mongering shitheads?
They said end the shutdown and we'll talk.
Dis you not year the Democratic response? They are for strong border security, including fortifying the border barriers, but to spend all those billions on an antiquated 2,000 mile wall is pure folly. A waste of money
Please...experience tells us both Pelosi and Schumer were lying their asses off...they will never secure the border or they would have done so by now...enough is enough....
The purpose of this speech was to convince the people why he needed to declare a national emergency

He failed miserably
Fact remains we have no border security on the southern border....
Up to this point it’s been an utter failure...

Amazing how all those people had been brainwashed over the years. I mean acting like that because of someone becoming a president in this nation for 4 to 8 years ? I thought every American deserved representation, but it appears that the left wanted to hog the nation to itself, and it wanted to control everyone in the nation for the foreseeable future.
One of the worst presidential speeches I have ever seen

Did he practice this thing?
He is being nice. He better not give in to these progressive socialist charlatans. Do not open up the government President Trump! They lie over and over. Maybe a couple of low radiation detonations in key areas will end this.

He blew it

This was his pitch to the American people on why the Government needed to be shut down

Pretty weak

We’ll see what the American people have to say about that!

This is the speech where our President planned to convince the public why we need to shut down Government

Not very convincing

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