President Trump announces rally on night of White House correspondents' dinner

po' po' president tinkles..... he just can't take any negativity & must CONjure up accolades for himself because yes----

his itty bitty ego IS that fragile.
DJ Trump seems to love the rally sh!t.

He says he is getting ready for 2020.

What he needs to do is (1) get the government funded and (2) start massive infrastructure projects.

There won't be any Trumpcare rebate for him. He needs to work with what he has got now.

There is no way around further deficits, so the GOP far right won't support him, so he needs Pelosi and Schumer on his side for the infrastructure -- a classic New Deal policy.
More proof that he is a narcissist. $100.00 says he tweets that he has more at his rally than were at the dinner. The man is pathetic.
Trump doesn't realize that there is a team investigating every aspect of his post inauguration rallies. The more he has, the more evidence to be used at his impeachment hearing.
keep those rallies comin Donald. they drive liberal lunatics like Bulldog even crazier!
Trump, in order to survive, has to please the voters en masse.

He needs to seek ground with the Dems and center of the GOP.
Of course there will be more at the rally than at the dinner. The room only holds so many people.

The Correspondent's dinner will be unending routine jokes about someone who isn't there. Poor reporters, they didn't get to tie Trump to a chair and make him listen.
More proof that he is a narcissist. $100.00 says he tweets that he has more at his rally than were at the dinner. The man is pathetic.

look how narcissistic he is!

I hear Trump has been in talks with Germany to allow Trump and his team to renovate and hold his rallies at Nuremberg. Trump envisions huge rallies, huge. Some at night with his followers carrying torches walking into the rally. These rallies will be tremendous, beautiful.
Never have I heard more shallow idiotic replies to nothing in my life.

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