President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.

1. Your excuses for your lie that he did not have policies is noted and dismissed. He had policies. He did not drone on about then during campaign rallies, but we got the statement of intent and details were available on his web site.

2. The video was not discredited. You libs are full of racist hate against white people as demonstrated by your actions and words. YOu assume we are too stupid to notice. Yet, we do. And you are confused because you "know" that we are stupid, yet we are not falling for your lies. So you twist yourself into knots trying to hold on to your delusions.

Stomping his tiny feet Correll insists that Trump has policies.

1. If Trump had a "health care policy" beyond his "Repeal and replace Obamacare" bumber sticker, why did Trump have to form a Senate Committee to write the act to replace Obamacare, after the Inauguration? He didn't even have a plan to cut taxes. They spent months talking about how much the tax cut should be for corporations. If he had an actual plan, he would have been prepared before he took office.

As for "intent and details" on the website, the one thing we've learned about Donald Trump is that what someone else puts on his website, or says on his behalf, has no meaning whatsoever. Even stuff Trump says or promises out of his own mouth will be walked back in a heartbeat, or if someone promoting it pisses him off, disagrees with him or offends him in some way.

This was what Dumb Donald promised in his first 100 days:

Three years later, this is what became of Trumps "Contract with the American Voter"

2. Your video came from a tin foil hat conspiracy theory website that has zero credibility. It doesn't get more debunked than that.

Trump has signed two major pieces of legislation since his Inauguration: The tax reduction bill, and the Crime Bill - which was Jared Kuchner's project and the only piece of bipartisan legislation the administration has attempted. It's surprising in the current climate of racial justice, that Trump never mentions this Bill because it's his Administrations one great achievement, and it genuinely does help the black community.
1. Counter punching by definition is not him starting shit.

2. We republicans did not start a false FBI investigation based on known lies, and a warrant that was literally criminal. NOr did we leak it to the media to create a completely false narrative that was ginned up to a soft coup attempt. For ONE limited example of the difference.

3. AND Trump has gotten more done that people realize.

1. Trump carefully orchestrates outrage by tweeting things that are such obvious lies, but are also dangerous, unconstitutional, or threatening, and then viciously attacks anyone who criticizes him. Trump doesn't counter-punch, he trolls. He sent out his looting/shooting tweet on the day the death toll in the USA from Covid19 reached 100,000.

2. The Ken Starr Investigation - 6 1/2 years, $100 million and and was entirely based on Republican rumours and lies about the Clintons. The investigation produced zero evidence of any crimes committed by either Bill or Hillary Clinton, and no charges related to the Clinton Administration, or the Clinton Campaign were every laid, other than Bill's lie about a blow job.

The original Whitewater Investigation which kicked off the Starr investigation, did result in a number of charges against Clinton business associates, but no evidence of any wrong doing by the Clintons.

There have been more than 25 investigations by the FBI, the House, the Senate, a Special Prosecutor, and the IRS. All of these investigations have been started based on lies and rumours started by Republicans.

Robert Mercer paid authors to write two smear books on the Clintons, including "Clinton Cash" which you fools still quote in regards to the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and other Clinton Financial Scandals, all of which have been thoroughly debunked, and which lead to both House and Senate Investigations of the Clintons finances.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

What is she supposed to do, argue facts honestly?
The facts do not really support her .

I suppose that's why Trump is constantly calling people names.

I don't suppose that to be a fact, at all.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

What is she supposed to do, argue facts honestly?
The facts do not really support her .

I suppose that's why Trump is constantly calling people names.

I don't suppose that to be a fact, at all.

Of course not. A lot of people are willing to condemn others what they are not willing to condemn themselves for.

You're offended by the idea of consensual sex between a man and a woman?

I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.
Who was laughing? Cause I’ve seen a good chunk of money and attention invested from the left on the subject.

The dems in the room. Because they consider whites to be the problem, especially white men.

The video is out there. Do you want to see it?
Are you really going to make the argument that they were laughing at the deaths of white men because they hate white men? Seriously?

Why they were laughing is obvious and not for the reason stated above... do I need to explain it to you?
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head

Or is it that the media just doesn't report on his accomplishments?

I just pasted a link to a report on the prison reform package that he has been supporting and got though congress.

It has some very good shit in there. I heard nothing about it, till I went looking.
The criminal justice reform was all over the news when it passed. That was a long time ago. People like Van Jones were on CNN complimenting Trump. Look it up, it’s on video
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.
True, Trump has been very strongly opposed by Dems and the media. That’s typically what happens when you troll people... they fight back. Isn’t that Trumps mantra? He’s a counter puncher? Not the way I think a leader should act but I’m just one man.

Obama was opposed just as hard by the Reps, they made it their mission for 8 years to oppose all policy he wanted to promote.

1. Counter punching by definition is not him starting shit.

2. We republicans did not start a false FBI investigation based on known lies, and a warrant that was literally criminal. NOr did we leak it to the media to create a completely false narrative that was ginned up to a soft coup attempt. For ONE limited example of the difference.

3. AND Trump has gotten more done that people realize.
“Counter punching” is just term he uses but we all know he starts fight all the time. When he does that he is praised for draining the swamp and calling it like it is. Don’t play games we all know Trump is a troll stirring shit up because he thrives in chaos and when He has an enemy to fight.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.
True, Trump has been very strongly opposed by Dems and the media. That’s typically what happens when you troll people... they fight back. Isn’t that Trumps mantra? He’s a counter puncher? Not the way I think a leader should act but I’m just one man.

Obama was opposed just as hard by the Reps, they made it their mission for 8 years to oppose all policy he wanted to promote.

1. Counter punching by definition is not him starting shit.

2. We republicans did not start a false FBI investigation based on known lies, and a warrant that was literally criminal. NOr did we leak it to the media to create a completely false narrative that was ginned up to a soft coup attempt. For ONE limited example of the difference.

3. AND Trump has gotten more done that people realize.
In regards to your second point... Republicans are exactly who started that investigation, signed the FISA and appointed mueller. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump after Sessions recused himself... Wray was appointed by Trump and constantly stood behind the validity of the investigation... remember all that?
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

The difference is that people like Hillary and Dragonlady call groups of regular people names, such a "trailer trash voters",

while Trump hits INDIVIDUALS who are players, such as Hillary herself or say, Jeb Bush.

People can tell that someone like Hillary or Dragonlady, hates them when they say shit like that, And rightfully so. People like Hillary or Dragonlady, have nothing but contempt for any working class white person that has the wrong views.

On the other hand, Trump? He slams INDIVIDUALS who are power players in their own right. ANd he is, generally a counter puncher.

While Hillary and her kind, like to Punch Down.

Voters who reached the conclusion that Trump was more on their side than Hillary?

They were right.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

The difference is that people like Hillary and Dragonlady call groups of regular people names, such a "trailer trash voters",

while Trump hits INDIVIDUALS who are players, such as Hillary herself or say, Jeb Bush.

People can tell that someone like Hillary or Dragonlady, hates them when they say shit like that, And rightfully so. People like Hillary or Dragonlady, have nothing but contempt for any working class white person that has the wrong views.

On the other hand, Trump? He slams INDIVIDUALS who are power players in their own right. ANd he is, generally a counter puncher.

While Hillary and her kind, like to Punch Down.

Voters who reached the conclusion that Trump was more on their side than Hillary?

They were right.

You saw me call the name calling out ....from both sides.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

The difference is that people like Hillary and Dragonlady call groups of regular people names, such a "trailer trash voters",

while Trump hits INDIVIDUALS who are players, such as Hillary herself or say, Jeb Bush.

People can tell that someone like Hillary or Dragonlady, hates them when they say shit like that, And rightfully so. People like Hillary or Dragonlady, have nothing but contempt for any working class white person that has the wrong views.

On the other hand, Trump? He slams INDIVIDUALS who are power players in their own right. ANd he is, generally a counter puncher.

While Hillary and her kind, like to Punch Down.

Voters who reached the conclusion that Trump was more on their side than Hillary?

They were right.
Trumps two biggest targets for attack are not individuals they are the Media and the Dems which comprise millions of people

You're offended by the idea of consensual sex between a man and a woman?


You have no concept of the meaning of the word "consenual".

"I don't even ask". That means it is not "consenual" at all. It's sexual assault. In order to have "consenual sex" you have to first ask for the other party, and they have to say"yes" for that to be given. Chosing not to file charges after the assault ended, is not evidence of "consent".

The more than 20 women who have come forward to confirm that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them, told of fighting him off, because when they told him to stop, he refused and became more aggressive. When the women are fighting and saying "Stop", that's not consent either.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

Yes, I do. I get tired of being called a Demoturd, a Libtard, a liar, a communist, and a troll with every post, and I get tired to posting links that no one reads.

But as Trump has continued to implode and to take down the US economy with him, and the Republican Party with them, the right has become every more virulent and shrill in their attacks on others, because it's all they have left.

You either stand your ground or let them run over you.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

The difference is that people like Hillary and Dragonlady call groups of regular people names, such a "trailer trash voters",

while Trump hits INDIVIDUALS who are players, such as Hillary herself or say, Jeb Bush.

People can tell that someone like Hillary or Dragonlady, hates them when they say shit like that, And rightfully so. People like Hillary or Dragonlady, have nothing but contempt for any working class white person that has the wrong views.

On the other hand, Trump? He slams INDIVIDUALS who are power players in their own right. ANd he is, generally a counter puncher.

While Hillary and her kind, like to Punch Down.

Voters who reached the conclusion that Trump was more on their side than Hillary?

They were right.
Trumps two biggest targets for attack are not individuals they are the Media and the Dems which comprise millions of people

And yet he is -

The Undefeated, Undisputed, Champion!
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

Trump had no policies at all. Trump had bumper sticker slogans. Build that Wall! Lock her up! Drain the Swamp!

A policies have a stated goal, a plan and a timetable for achieving it. Anybody can say "I'm going to drain the swamp", but what would that look like? Whenever Trump was asked about his programs, he always said "Elect me and I'll show you".

While Trump claimed that one "Day One" he would repeal and replace the ACA, or restore law and or order, or a dozen other things, in reality, on Day One he didn't even have a cabinet, much less a legislative agenda, or a plan to achieve it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

No, they're not. Often they're called "core" voters, or "supporters". "Base" is a good word for the core supporters of the Republican Party. They're the ones who are permanently on the bottom, because of Republican policies.

You definitely don't know what permanently on the bottom means.


When Reagan was elected, hourly rated workers had unions, health care, and a living wage. They owned 5% of the wealth of the USA. Reagan promised them a big wage increase if they got rid of unions, and sold them on the idea that NAFTA would be good for working Americans. Reagan cut taxes for the rich and crashed the economy. Workers never got that raise. Wages stagnated without unions. Nobody got raises - for years. NAFTA started a landslide of offshoring. The rich got richer.

40 years later, those same working Americans are sick, broke and unemployed. 3 major economic crashes, each worse than the last, under the past 4 Republican Presidents, have left the "Base" sick, broke and unemployed - again. Unemployed people in the USA have no health insurance. 40 of working class Americans rely on government handouts for basic living expenses. America is about to have it's first ever Trillionaire.

How are working Americans going to thrive or get ahead now? The base. Always on the bottom, and they've been on the bottom since 1987. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, why are working Americans still voting for Republicans?

Nafta was signed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into affect in 1994.
Reagan was out of Office in January of 1989 and became a private citizen.

I stopped reading there -
Try again.

You should try reading history instread of going with the usual troll farm talking points.

Here's a picture from the signing ceremony:

View attachment 348906

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

So now you agree that it was not Reagan.
Thank you.

You said it was Clinton
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

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I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

Your video source has been discredited. Your lies have been exposed, and still you keep lying.
Cherry picking for political purposes is a well known tactic, and you are good at it. You know good and well that Trump has delivered on many promises, yet your hatred puts you in denial mode, and worse it causes you to try and fool the wise with your convoluted opinions or writings that are derived out of your hatred.
Cherry picking is also citing examples and she cited some major ones. But you are correct he has also done many things that he promised. The other half of her point which you didn’t address was Trumps lack of planning. He seems to be stuck in the bumper sticker campaign mode where everything is going to be perfect and he promises these amazing platitudes but when it gets down to complex details and execution it all seems to be way over his head
Over his head or harassed big time by the Democrats ?? Have they stopped him in anyway possible ? Last I checked my truck driver friends are leading the way back to normalcy.

There is no "way back to normalcy" because the old "normal" no longer exists. We will be living with the virus until a vaccine exists, or until 75% of the population has developed immunity.

I'm not holding my breath on a vaccine. We haven't achieved a vaccine for either SARS or MERS and SARS happened in 2002. The common cold is a corona virus, and we don't have a vaccine for that either.
Giving up already or did the Democrats tell you to say that ?? Funny thing how we have been living our lives normal ever since this thing hit, and even went on vacation as well, eating in resteraunts, staying in hotels, going to the beaches, and enjoying normal life while hollywood celebrities are televised cowering in their houses worried about getting the thing. Life is good, you should try it again. Oh and what about all the reports of people dying like they've always done, yet due to incentives given to hospitals, nursing homes and more, they are being tagged with the virus as somehow being associated with their deaths ????? Something is very rotten in Denmark.

No one is "cowering in their homes".

Yes, we've been watching Americans "living their lives" without concern for the virus. That's why 2 million people have gotten sick, and 115,000 have died, and another 100,000 will die before the end of the summer. People in the rest of the first world, are smarter than that.

We're living our lives in such a way that we can still work, and go out and enjoy our lives, without speading disease to those we know and care about. Americans are going with the "right" to get sick and die from stupidty.

I'm looking forward to Trumpy Bear resuming his rallies. He's already thrown his elderly voters under the bus to save the economy. Now he's going to sicken and kill the trailer trash voters.

This doesn't help. I do not understand why people refuse to learn. Hillary calling people names really hurt her. Politicians are still using that to run on today.

Let Trump do the name calling. People grow tired of it.

Yes, I do. I get tired of being called a Demoturd, a Libtard, a liar, a communist, and a troll with every post, and I get tired to posting links that no one reads.

But as Trump has continued to implode and to take down the US economy with him, and the Republican Party with them, the right has become every more virulent and shrill in their attacks on others, because it's all they have left.

You either stand your ground or let them run over you.

Are you under some International Court Order to post links that you already know no one will read?

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