President Trump Called His Generals a ‘Bunch of Dopes and Babies’ in a Fit of Rage, Book Claims

President Trump Called His Generals a ‘Bunch of Dopes and Babies’ in a Fit of Truth, which is true, We have not won a war since WW2. All Generals are now politicians no longer warriors. Not fighting to win, only to extend their egos. President Trump got it right again
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they dont talk about Pearl Harbor on FOX News, thats what Trump doesnt know about it
Perhaps if those giving these lessons on the fundamental basics of US foreign policy should have started with all their accomplishments in the last 20 years to justify all the money they have spent and all the US lives that have been lost...

Looks like Private Vindman is at it again!! Next he will be telling us about Russian Collusion and Quid Pro Joe isn't really Quid Pro, yah Know?

I like soldiers who weren’t captured and Traumatic brain injury is merely a headache
So you like Amrican soldiers CAPTURED? I agree with Trump.

Why do you take your next sentence out of context? Nevermind. You're a Democrat.
The general's very expensive endless wars are sinking the US by adding to the $23T Debt, which they themselves identified as the biggest threat to the US.
The generals need to GTFO of the stupid endless ME wars ASAP.

methinks even they realize it kyzr......notice how we've a revolving door of top brass in the last generation....~S~

Agree. The good news is that Esper has a functioning brain and he should be able to figure out a way to get it done.
Syria worked out well, AFG not so much. Iran needs to make up its mind, war or peace. Its not a simple area.

Mark Espey perhaps?
when Trump had the Helsinki summit with Putin, he said at the press conference that he sees no reason to believe that Russia interfered with the election. that led to a bloody confrontation with Krazy Kellyanne Conway

“That isn’t what I said,” Trump told Conway.

“It is what you said,” Conway told him.

“I didn’t say that,” the president insisted. “Why would I say that?”

“That’s a great question,” Conway said. “Why did you say that?”
That piece of shit Obama purged the military of all the leadership with courage and put in his "yes men" so if Trump did say that (unlikely) then he is probably correct.
according to the book, Trump said he admires "the deep and resounding voice" of Turkish President Erdogan.

Erdogan's performance has been called "chilling and disturbing" and has been compared to Hitler
according to the book, Trump said he admires "the deep and resounding voice" of Turkish President Erdogan.

Erdogan's performance has been called "chilling and disturbing" and has been compared to Hitler
Trump ALWAYS finds something to praise about you UNTIL you disrespect him. The left will never figure him out.
This is disgusting, pathetic and warrants Trump’s immediate removal from office. So does everything else he does.
Trump said that John Kelly "didn't have the guts to work hard and become president like i did" and that when he was chief of staff he acted like he was the president
Trump said that John Kelly "didn't have the guts to work hard and become president like i did" and that when he was chief of staff he acted like he was the president

Are you going to provide a running commentary of unsourced commentary for the rest of this thread? If so, I suggest you close it.
We have been in the Middle East for twice as long as we fought in Vietnam. Some would have us fight forever. I think we can all agree that Trump is at least right on this, we need to get out of these endless conflicts.
We have been in the Middle East for twice as long as we fought in Vietnam. Some would have us fight forever. I think we can all agree that Trump is at least right on this, we need to get out of these endless conflicts.

Afghanistan is NOT in the Middle East. Correct your thinking please.

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