President Trump cruelly slashes legal help, English classes, even soccer for detained migrant kids

Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).
Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).


Stadiums, uniforms & equipment, busing them to events, providing a coach (who is usually a teacher), parents might need the child at home to babysit/work fields/clean house, etc, etc, etc,...


First they are illegal, which in common english means they are here in violation of federal law. Under what pretense should they be afforded the opportunity to drain resources dedicated toward the health and welfare of legal residents?
they need the money for diapers

Border Agency Buying 2.2 Million Diapers to Help Migrants


NEIL MUNRO4 Jun 20194,978
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is buying 2.2 million diapers to help deliver economic migrants and their young children into Americans’ worksites, schools, and neighborhoods, according to an online contract request.

The purchase implements the welcome policy set by a bipartisan panel in Congress, which in February directed the Department of Homeland Security to help the migrants — despite the impact on Americans’ wages, schools, and neighborhoods — instead of helping Americans by giving the agency the legal authority needed to block the migration.

The purchase request was posted May 31 and is numbered 20113222-a. It asks for diapers, baby wipes, and showers shoes. For example, the first item on the shopping list is “DISPOSABLE DIAPERS, SIZE 2 144 per case ALL ITEMS WILL HAVE 5 DELIVERIES DELIVERY JUNE 15 800 BOXES JULY 1 800 BOXES AUGUST 1 800 BOXES SEPTEMBER 1 800 BOXES SEPTEMBER 30 800 BOXES.”

fuck me
I do find it ironic that our own children are asked to accept mediocrity so the liberal politicians can have their crisis and talking point.
Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).
We are trying to discourage them from coming. I would feed them day old bread-maybe.
When I was growing up there were literally millions of European refugees attempting to flee Post WW II Europe for America that were denied entrance and yet today here we have no boarder control and a political party determined to keep the boarder open to flood our country with low skilled laborers. I guess the Dims need to expand their plantation system, all in the name of humanity. Go figure.
they need the money for diapers

Border Agency Buying 2.2 Million Diapers to Help Migrants


NEIL MUNRO4 Jun 20194,978
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is buying 2.2 million diapers to help deliver economic migrants and their young children into Americans’ worksites, schools, and neighborhoods, according to an online contract request.

The purchase implements the welcome policy set by a bipartisan panel in Congress, which in February directed the Department of Homeland Security to help the migrants — despite the impact on Americans’ wages, schools, and neighborhoods — instead of helping Americans by giving the agency the legal authority needed to block the migration.

The purchase request was posted May 31 and is numbered 20113222-a. It asks for diapers, baby wipes, and showers shoes. For example, the first item on the shopping list is “DISPOSABLE DIAPERS, SIZE 2 144 per case ALL ITEMS WILL HAVE 5 DELIVERIES DELIVERY JUNE 15 800 BOXES JULY 1 800 BOXES AUGUST 1 800 BOXES SEPTEMBER 1 800 BOXES SEPTEMBER 30 800 BOXES.”

fuck me
Let them crap in the streets like L.A.
Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).


Stadiums, uniforms & equipment, busing them to events, providing a coach (who is usually a teacher), parents might need the child at home to babysit/work fields/clean house, etc, etc, etc,...



I thought they were in camps? None of that. Put up goals (or don't even bother--just paint a white line) give the kids the ball and leave 'em alone.
Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).
We are trying to discourage them from coming. I would feed them day old bread-maybe.
The sad part is, all the stories about ill treatment that the Dems are publishing every two days or so haven't had a bit of impact back at "home," have they? There are plenty of ways to stop them. Punishing them with small discomforts is not the way that works.
When I was growing up there were literally millions of European refugees attempting to flee Post WW II Europe for America that were denied entrance and yet today here we have no boarder control and a political party determined to keep the boarder open to flood our country with low skilled laborers. I guess the Dims need to expand their plantation system, all in the name of humanity. Go figure.

When will the average American realize that the word is "border" instead of "boarder"?

Your opinions matter little if everyone thinks you are a dumbass!
We should boot them all back to Mexico. Let the Mexicans deal with their stupid useless asses.

I wouldn't spend one cent on any of them.
Too many people coming to the border--you only get so much money each year, right? Gotta feed 'em, provide 'em with shots and healthcare. I don't see how soccer is expensive, though. What is expensive about letting the kids out on the field to kick a ball around?

Literacy Volunteers would step up to the plate and teach English--I train tutors in ESL. Down there I am sure there are a lot of volunteers (that means they're free).
---------------------------------- feck'em , why make their invasion into a summer camp setting OldLady .

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