President Trump Cuts Off $255 Million in Military Aid to Pakistan

Bullying? Looks like to me they are bullying US. Like Trump said: NO MORE.
Those billions could build housing. LOTS of housing.

You would no longer build housing than fly to the moon. You would hand it to wealthy people.

To say Pakistan did nothing for us is stupid. Trump is stupid. You are stupid.

Pakistan helped Iraq defeat ISIS.

Pakistan helped us in the wars in that region.

Pakistan has nukes.

But hey. lets insult & lie about them so China can take our place.,
Your entire posting history just shows how butthurt you are and how much of a partisan twat-hack you are.
Maybe the UN needs an ass kicking, I've been of that opinion well before Trump
How about taking the time to spell and post properly, you whiny little bitch?
Ignorant? LOL. you are in the top 10 of worthless head in the sand twits on this board.
You are simply a worthless loser who follows lockstep progressive bullshit. FOAD.

Don't go there Marty - Most of us are here too smart to follow your brand of abject stupidity off a cliff.

You may call them schoolyard bully tactics, others see it more like how this guy worked

"Walk softly & carry a big stick" is not about being a bully, dumbass.

Every country already knows about our military might & economic strength. You don't need to use it to get our way.,

'Trump is a fucking asshiole & apparently so are you.

It's about being a subtle bully, a nuance an oxygen thief such as yourself can't fathom in your tiny wibble mind.

The rest of the world often forgets about it, Trump is just reminding them.

What a little bitch you are.

There is zero subtle with Trump's bullying attempts. To even suggest that is proof how far upTruimp's fat ass is your head.

"We're taking names" at the UN vote? What grade school tactics are those.

The only thing of which Trump is reminding the world is what a fucking moron he is & how stupid the US must be to elect such a fool.

There are reasons you don't trash a weal govern,rnt in Pakistan.

There are reasons you publcally do not support opposition peiople in Iran.

Of course you & your little Trumpette don't get itr. Most ignorant people don't.

Your entire posting history since November 2016 just shows how butthurt you are and how much of a partisan twat-hack you are.

Maybe the UN needs an ass kicking, I've been of that opinion well before Trump

How about taking the time to spell and post properly, you whiny little bitch?

Ignorant? LOL. you are in the top 10 of worthless head in the sand twits on this board.

You are simply a worthless loser who follows lockstep progressive bullshit. FOAD.
This is a message board. Not a freakin thesis.

What I posted is the opinion of people from both parties and has been the policy through several administrations.

You are just too fucking stupid to know any better. You elected ted a fool for President & now make a fool of yourself trying to protect him

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, you pathetic excuse for a sentient organism.

The policy of the past has resulted in the same shit continuing for decades. Maybe another method is needed.

And wow, you actually admit he was elected fairly, that must make you an outcast amongst your other progressive morons.
Your entire posting history just shows how butthurt you are and how much of a partisan twat-hack you are.
Maybe the UN needs an ass kicking, I've been of that opinion well before Trump
How about taking the time to spell and post properly, you whiny little bitch?
Ignorant? LOL. you are in the top 10 of worthless head in the sand twits on this board.
You are simply a worthless loser who follows lockstep progressive bullshit. FOAD.

Don't go there Marty - Most of us are here too smart to follow your brand of abject stupidity off a cliff.


I'll go where I want to. As with Realdork, I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.
Bullying? Looks like to me they are bullying US. Like Trump said: NO MORE.
Those billions could build housing. LOTS of housing.

You would no longer build housing than fly to the moon. You would hand it to wealthy people.

To say Pakistan did nothing for us is stupid. Trump is stupid. You are stupid.

Pakistan helped Iraq defeat ISIS.

Pakistan helped us in the wars in that region.

Pakistan has nukes.

But hey. lets insult & lie about them so China can take our place.,
sure--China will take our place because of that :rolleyes-41:

The statement reflected and sealed the administration’s complete disillusionment with Pakistan, which had sought to brazenly disregard the explicit warnings issued by President Donald Trump personally and leading members of his cabinet, such as secretaries James Mattis and Rex Tillerson.

This could be the severest blow dealt to Islamabad by this administration if it indeed decided to withhold it,” said a leading US expert on Pakistan, who did not want to be identified. “There is more coming,” the expert added.

If only the billions more we send in foreign aid would be cut off. We could afford to pay for a massive effort to improve our own infrastructure.

From No More Free Money to Pakistan: President Trump Cuts Off $255 Million in Military Aid to Pakistan

Trump is enacting Rush Limbaughs "Shit List."

They want our money? Stay off our Shit List.
I'll go where I want to. As with Realdork, I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.

Let's compare education. I've got degrees in Chemical Engineering. Bachelor's and Master's. What about you?

Wow that's impressive! I have Bachelors of Arts in Sociology, Masters Science, Master of Philosophy, Master of Education, Masters of Science & Real Estate Development, Masters of Design Urban Planning, Master of Arts Coexistence and Conflict, Masters Humanities, and Doctor of Design Urban Planning & Real Estate.

Shall we have a Penis-Off now? - Something to the effect of - my nuke button is bigger than your nuke button??

I'll go where I want to. As with Realdork, I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week.

Let's compare education. I've got degrees in Chemical Engineering. Bachelor's and Master's. What about you?

Wow that's impressive! I have Bachelors of Arts in Sociology, Masters Science, Master of Philosophy, Master of Education, Masters of Science & Real Estate Development, Masters of Design Urban Planning, Master of Arts Coexistence and Conflict, Masters Humanities, and Doctor of Design Urban Planning & Real Estate.

Shall we have a Penis-Off now? - Something to the effect of - my nuke button is bigger than your nuke button??


If true that's a lot of wasted education.

If you are lying, then you overplayed your hand by listing too many, quite frankly, bullshit degrees.

Care to try again?
need to cut these crap big time --it helps nothing
need to cut many consulates--cutting immigration-- also--saving more money...we don't need all these consulates in shithole areas
By donating money to the ruling elites of these third world countries, they do their best to restrain the radicals inside their own populations, especially Marxist radicals and Jihadists.

Pakistan got its aid cut because of the two faced efforts they have made and Trump is telling them to get their shit together or face more cuts.

These donations we make to foreign governments are some of the most effective expenditures we make on the whole.
I will agree, but cutting off pakistan is the right thing to do. All we realy got out of it was the right ti fly over other wise they used the money against us and I do not belive they did not know Osama was just miles from a militaRY BASE.
If true that's a lot of wasted education.

If you are lying, then you overplayed your hand by listing too many, quite frankly, bullshit degrees.

Care to try again?

Bet I'm richer than you, can press 375 pounds and oh --- This is my girlfriend.


If true that's a lot of wasted education.

If you are lying, then you overplayed your hand by listing too many, quite frankly, bullshit degrees.

Care to try again?

Bet I'm richer than you, can press 375 pounds and oh --- This is my girlfriend.



Figures you can't answer honestly.

You are now dismissed as nothing more than a troll-twat.
Figures you can't answer honestly.

You are now dismissed as nothing more than a troll-twat.

Only troll twats attempt to compare levels of education, dick size or wealth on anonymous chat boards ;)


Who makes up having a degree in Chemical Engineering?

It can be done if discussed between non-troll-twats. It seems I am holding up my end, maybe you can try holding up yours and be honest for once?

Or at least try to lie more effectively.

If not, run away little girl, run away.
Who makes up having a degree in Chemical Engineering?
It can be done if discussed between non-troll-twats. It seems I am holding up my end, maybe you can try holding up yours and be honest for once?
Or at least try to lie more effectively.
If not, run away little girl, run away.

Please cut it with the troll twattery - no one with a brain engages in such adolescent braggadocio.



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