President Trump donates his first quarter salary

Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.

She can live where she wants if she pays for it long term...I get it that her son wants to finish school . But OMG please green acres ..
LISTEN TO YOU!!! Condemned to live in the White House? Will you Trump supporters please touch base with this planet soon?

The WH is pretty dumpy compared to the Trump Tower, and besides, Mrs. Trump is reviled by Washington DC society.

Further, she needs to be in New York to parent little Barron who attends school there.

All of this was known before the election, BTW.
Yes, a president wasting money is completely unprecedented... :rofl:
Fucking last president armed and trained terrorists but this guy goes and sees his wife on the weekends, its just an expensive trip and all hell breaks loose!
Yes, a president wasting money is completely unprecedented... :rofl:
Fucking last president armed and trained terrorists but this guy goes and sees his wife on the weekends, its just an expensive trip and all hell breaks loose!

Republicans complained about Obama taking a trip to NYC where Michelle dined on $400 lobster at the Waldorf Astoria. Only problem is, it was 'fake news' and never happened.

lobster | eehard's Weblog

NOVEMBER 3, 2008 · 2:03 PM
Michelle Obama’s $400 Lunch A Hoax!
A new e-mail claims to depict a $400 room service receipt signed by Michelle Obama. Guess what? It’s phony.
Further, she needs to be in New York to parent little Barron who attends school there.

All of this was known before the election, BTW.

Nope. Everybody expected Trump and Melaina to move to Washington like every presidential couple before them. Staying in NYC means it's costing NYC $1 million a day to secure Trump Tower. I wonder if Trump will donate his salary to pay that cost?
A better question is why does Malia Obama have a SS detail with her while she's drunk, doped up, and attacking white people in nightclubs she's not old enough to be in. :eusa_hand:

Same reason Jenna Bush still has SS protection, oh, and scored a job with NBC even though she's woefully unqualified to be a national news correspondent.

Presidential children get privileges. Welcome to Earth, you fucking moron.
so do Presidents.....welcome to Earth Harry by the way.....
Analysis | Why President Trump’s frequent golfing is even more hypocritical than it seems

As a candidate, Trump said at one point that he wouldn't take vacations and wouldn't even depart the White House very often.

"I would rarely leave the White House, because there’s so much work to be done," he told The Hill newspaper in June 2015. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”

That should be filed next to Mexico paying for the wall.

What i'm waiting for, is the check Trump promised to make out, with the income he's making from foreigners
Trump lawyer says he will give foreign government profits at his hotels to Treasury

Trump lawyer says he will give foreign government profits at his hotels to Treasury

A lawyer advising Donald Trump on ethics issues said Wednesday he will give hotel profits generated by foreign government payments to the U.S. Treasury as part of a plan to avoid possible conflicts of interest.

Sheri Dillon, a tax attorney at Morgan Lewis, announced the action at Trump's news conference in New York, along with a plan for the president-elect to hand over his business to his two eldest sons and a Trump Organization executive.

It is not entirely clear how much money Trump's hotels would make from foreign governments or who would ensure that Trump donates those profits.
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
She is just too stuck up to hang out with Sam Drucker and Mr Haney
President Barack Obama's vacation travel costs during his eight-year presidency have totaled more than $96 million, according to a report by Judicial Watch.

The government watchdog foundation said it filed two separate Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for Secret Service costs related to the Obama family's travel.

The costs totaled $96,938,882.51 over the past eight years, according to documents Judicial Watch received from the Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years

Which is about what Trump is on pace to spend for 2 years, dumbfuck.,
I guess this makes up for him destroying the environment in our parks........Here is $100,000 now leave me alone

Actually i'm surprised Trump chose the same park service that tweeted just how small his inaugural crowd was, by showing Obama and Trump photos of the National Mall.

It is not entirely clear how much money Trump's hotels would make from foreign governments or who would ensure that Trump donates those profits.

Mr. Trump hires a whole team of auditors to monitor his financial affairs, I don't think this would be a big problem to ask them to do this.

Each property of Trump's is probably a separate corporation, or venture, that's why some of them were able to go bankrupt without affecting Mr. Trump.
Mr. Trump hires a whole team of auditors to monitor his financial affairs, I don't think this would be a big problem to ask them to do this..

Trump also hires a whole team of tax lawyers and accountants, and it's a big problem for them to release his taxes. How can you expect them to release private financial information.
I guess this makes up for him destroying the environment in our parks........Here is $100,000 now leave me alone

Actually i'm surprised Trump chose the same park service that tweeted just how small his inaugural crowd was, by showing Obama and Trump photos of the National Mall.

Actually, I don't think the Park Service estimates sizes of crowds for Washington DC events any more, not since the "million man march" turned up far short of that total.

President Trump's estimate of crowd size also included the tens of millions who were watching at home or in local barrooms,tap rooms, taverns and cocktail lounges across the Fruited Plain. Include those folks, the vast majority which would never go to Washington, and there was more interest in Trump's inauguration than any other
The park service was an excellent choice. :2up:

Yeah, if only his budget hadn't slashed the fuck out of the Park Service, we might take this gesture seriously.

As it sits now, this is an insult.

I guess this makes up for him destroying the environment in our parks........Here is $100,000 now leave me alone
Your post reminded me of the vid I saw in this thread..... lol
San Francisco Snowflake Meltsdown Over Couple Kissing In a Resturaunt


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