President Trump donates his first quarter salary

How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?

I can provide A million more threads ... it got old I get it..and I am crabby today..

  1. Post
    Presidential vacations
    When President Bush was in the White House, we heard all about how lazy he was and how he was taking so many vacations and neglecting the country....
    Post by: Avatar4321, Jan 4, 2010 in forum: Politics

  2. Thread
    LIAR Obama Says, "No Vacations"
    FLASHBACK: Obama Promises No Vacations For Himself As President [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller Weasel Zippers has revived an old video of Barack...
    Thread by: Wildman, Aug 12, 2014, 48 replies, in forum: Politics

  3. Post
    Paid vacations.
    PAID VACATIONS. Complaints about the Obama’s vacationing in his home town in Hawaii at $1 million a day? Even the president needs and deserves...
    Post by: LilOlLady, Jan 4, 2012 in forum: Current Events

  4. Post
    Obama's vacations
    It has been reported that Obama has played 1100 hours of golf. That's 27.5 weeks of vacation based on a forty hour work week. Wow, no wonder he...
    Post by: jknowgood, Aug 24, 2015 in forum: Current Events

  5. Thread
    Top 4 Most Wasteful Michelle Obama Vacations
    Thread by: Lovebears65, Jul 21, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: Politics

  6. Thread
    Top 4 Most Wasteful Michelle Obama Vacations
    Top 4 Most Wasteful Michelle Obama Vacations - Independent Journal Review When most Americans cant even take a staycation They sure are...
    Thread by: Lovebears65, Jul 21, 2012, 29 replies, in forum: The Flame Zone

  7. Thread
    Obama Family Vacations Cross $85 Million Mark
    "I will not take vacations if elected." - Obama 2008 Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark [MEDIA]
    Thread by: Weatherman2020, Dec 6, 2016, 29 replies, in forum: Politics

  8. Thread
    Obama spends $1.4 billion on vacations.
    US Taxpayers Spent $1.4 BILLION On Obama's Vacations And Perks « Now The End Begins :eek:
    Thread by: Votto, Mar 12, 2013, 25 replies, in forum: Politics
Obama never said no vacations
Conservatives just don't understand English

Now Trump DID say no Golf


Awesome this, idiot:

"""""Meanwhile, Melania Trump is shunning the government housing that has been good enough for first ladies since Abigail Adams. Melania and her son, Baron, spend most of their time in New York. According to the Washington Post, the Secret Service has asked for an extra $27 million to cover the cost of protecting Melania in her golden bower atop Trump Tower.

The Secret Service has also requested an additional $30 million to cover other ballooning travel costs. The agency not only has to pay the added expense of the president’s weekend golfing expeditions in Florida and the first lady’s preference for life in the Big Apple, but they must accompany Trump’s sons and daughters on their far-flung business trips and ski vacations.

At the current rate of spending, the Post estimates that travel and protection costs will surpass half-a-billion dollars by the end of Trump’s four-year term, vastly more than has been spent for any other president."""

Taxpayers pick up the tab for Trump’s pricey golf excursions
So he donates 100,000$, but taxpayers spend millions every week so he can vacation in Mar a Lago? Millions each week so Melania can stay in New York?

His entire presidential salary can be paid off by two members joining Mar a Lago, which is more popular than ever due to his shameful promotion.

Awesome this, idiot:

"""""Meanwhile, Melania Trump is shunning the government housing that has been good enough for first ladies since Abigail Adams. Melania and her son, Baron, spend most of their time in New York. According to the Washington Post, the Secret Service has asked for an extra $27 million to cover the cost of protecting Melania in her golden bower atop Trump Tower.

The Secret Service has also requested an additional $30 million to cover other ballooning travel costs. The agency not only has to pay the added expense of the president’s weekend golfing expeditions in Florida and the first lady’s preference for life in the Big Apple, but they must accompany Trump’s sons and daughters on their far-flung business trips and ski vacations.

At the current rate of spending, the Post estimates that travel and protection costs will surpass half-a-billion dollars by the end of Trump’s four-year term, vastly more than has been spent for any other president."""

Taxpayers pick up the tab for Trump’s pricey golf excursions

Odi likes bright shiny objects too.
1/4 Trump salary is $100k.

1/4th of a weekend at Mar-a-Lago is $1 million.

So, uh, no, why should he quit?
Eagle is a she. And he still donated his check. That's commendable.
Especially considering how greedy he is, right?

He's making millions off of this presidency. But the suckers believe he's being magnanimous by handing over 1/4th of his check so far.
That's because he has only made a quarter of you fucking dolt. Oh and no he is taking a LOSS being president. He can't run his businesses.

What about Ivanka's not getting paid , but hires 2 secretaries on the tax payers dime...And keeps her businesses
Michelle had 24, you outraged?

Ivanka isn't the first lady, also did any of the first ladies keep their own businesses ?
President Barack Obama's vacation travel costs during his eight-year presidency have totaled more than $96 million, according to a report by Judicial Watch.

The government watchdog foundation said it filed two separate Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for Secret Service costs related to the Obama family's travel.

The costs totaled $96,938,882.51 over the past eight years, according to documents Judicial Watch received from the Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force.

Watchdog: Obama's 'Vacation, Political Travel' Cost $100M Over 8 Years
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Eagle is a she. And he still donated his check. That's commendable.
Especially considering how greedy he is, right?

He's making millions off of this presidency. But the suckers believe he's being magnanimous by handing over 1/4th of his check so far.
That's because he has only made a quarter of you fucking dolt. Oh and no he is taking a LOSS being president. He can't run his businesses.

What about Ivanka's not getting paid , but hires 2 secretaries on the tax payers dime...And keeps her businesses
Michelle had 24, you outraged?

Ivanka isn't the first lady, also did any of the first ladies keep their own businesses ?
Roosevelt became a spokesman for many brands on the market.
Many first ladies have written books(the state dept didn't but 70K copies though)
Could be more IDK
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..

There have not been too many threads ( that I have seen ) complain about how much Trump is costing by going to Florida, and Melania staying in New York... but when he tries to get praised for it not being paid, people will get angry.

To me it is sort of like a robber handing you flowers while he steals your jewels..
His entire presidential salary can be paid off by two members joining Mar a Lago, which is more popular than ever due to his shameful promotion.

President Trump hasn't been doing any work, promoting Mar a Lago since his inauguration.

As far as Mrs. Trump living at Trump Tower, would it be any cheaper for her to live elsewhere in New York? She needs to be there because that's where her parents live and her son attends school. Parenting is a pretty important detail.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..

There have not been too many threads ( that I have seen ) complain about how much Trump is costing by going to Florida, and Melania staying in New York... but when he tries to get praised for it not being paid, people will get angry.

To me it is sort of like a robber handing you flowers while he steals your jewels..
So, I assume, you think every president has robbed from us? Or is trump the exception?
Because BY LAW they must be protected.
I don't agree that we are paying for his wife to stay in another state but it is what it is.
Hell, we paid to send obamas mother in law on vacation. They even have taken separate flights going to the same place. This is nothing unusual, just a bit more expensive than usual. But we knew that. I mean, they are billionaires.
The outrage is selective.
His entire presidential salary can be paid off by two members joining Mar a Lago, which is more popular than ever due to his shameful promotion.

President Trump hasn't been doing any work, promoting Mar a Lago since his inauguration.

As far as Mrs. Trump living at Trump Tower, would it be any cheaper for her to live elsewhere in New York? She needs to be there because that's where her parents live and her son attends school. Parenting is a pretty important detail.
I respect the decision, but I shouldn't have to pay for it.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
1/4 Trump salary is $100k.

1/4th of a weekend at Mar-a-Lago is $1 million.

So, uh, no, why should he quit?

Don't like it stop losing elections and getting rejected by the American people.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

Awesome this, idiot:

"""""Meanwhile, Melania Trump is shunning the government housing that has been good enough for first ladies since Abigail Adams. Melania and her son, Baron, spend most of their time in New York. According to the Washington Post, the Secret Service has asked for an extra $27 million to cover the cost of protecting Melania in her golden bower atop Trump Tower.

The Secret Service has also requested an additional $30 million to cover other ballooning travel costs. The agency not only has to pay the added expense of the president’s weekend golfing expeditions in Florida and the first lady’s preference for life in the Big Apple, but they must accompany Trump’s sons and daughters on their far-flung business trips and ski vacations.

At the current rate of spending, the Post estimates that travel and protection costs will surpass half-a-billion dollars by the end of Trump’s four-year term, vastly more than has been spent for any other president."""

Taxpayers pick up the tab for Trump’s pricey golf excursions
None of which is true. According to New York the extra costs associated with Melania Trump's residence would amount to 58 million a year. Of course her residence is only until Barron gets out of school. According to the City, the cost is negligible.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrites you libs are, Obama sticks us with $10 trillion in new debt and you idiots are crying about chump change Trump is costing, pathetic.

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