President Trump donates his first quarter salary

How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..

There have not been too many threads ( that I have seen ) complain about how much Trump is costing by going to Florida, and Melania staying in New York... but when he tries to get praised for it not being paid, people will get angry.

To me it is sort of like a robber handing you flowers while he steals your jewels..
So, I assume, you think every president has robbed from us? Or is trump the exception?
Because BY LAW they must be protected.
I don't agree that we are paying for his wife to stay in another state but it is what it is.
Hell, we paid to send obamas mother in law on vacation. They even have taken separate flights going to the same place. This is nothing unusual, just a bit more expensive than usual. But we knew that. I mean, they are billionaires.
The outrage is selective.

I just found this..if I were a local business owner I would protest this..

Remind me not to go to Florida for a vacation, interesting Florida news

Let tourists pay costs of Trump's Palm Beach visits, county commissioner says

“This will come out of the pockets of tourists,” he said. “We see an increase in bed tax when the president is in town because he brings the press corps. Those revenues could help offset the security costs.”
Eagle is a she. And he still donated his check. That's commendable.
Especially considering how greedy he is, right?

He's making millions off of this presidency. But the suckers believe he's being magnanimous by handing over 1/4th of his check so far.
That's because he has only made a quarter of you fucking dolt. Oh and no he is taking a LOSS being president. He can't run his businesses.

What about Ivanka's not getting paid , but hires 2 secretaries on the tax payers dime...And keeps her businesses
Michelle had 24, you outraged?

Ivanka isn't the first lady, also did any of the first ladies keep their own businesses ?
Presidents have been career politicians with wives that never worked.
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrites you libs are, Obama sticks us with $10 trillion in new debt and you idiots are crying about chump change Trump is costing, pathetic.

youre an idiot ...

you wanted a better President than Obama was, but you refuse to hold the man you elected to higher standards than Obama had.

and you call me a hypocrite ... youre pathetic.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrites you libs are, Obama sticks us with $10 trillion in new debt and you idiots are crying about chump change Trump is costing, pathetic.

youre an idiot ...

you wanted a better President than Obama was, but you refuse to hold the man you elected to higher standards than Obama had.

and you call me a hypocrite ... youre pathetic.

I want liberals to die out and vanish from the human genome, there now you know what I want.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrites you libs are, Obama sticks us with $10 trillion in new debt and you idiots are crying about chump change Trump is costing, pathetic.

youre an idiot ...

you wanted a better President than Obama was, but you refuse to hold the man you elected to higher standards than Obama had.

and you call me a hypocrite ... youre pathetic.
Obama was a mulatto Muslim. He had zero standards.
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?
We know it hurts, snowflake. :itsok:
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

Obama wasted close to a trillion on his lame ass stimulus and you are flapping your big mouth about chump change Trump is costing us?

can anyone mention Trump without you whining OBAMA ?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrites you libs are, Obama sticks us with $10 trillion in new debt and you idiots are crying about chump change Trump is costing, pathetic.

youre an idiot ...

you wanted a better President than Obama was, but you refuse to hold the man you elected to higher standards than Obama had.

and you call me a hypocrite ... youre pathetic.

I want liberals to die out and vanish from the human genome, there now you know what I want.

wish that in one hand and shit in the other see which one fills up fastest.

F'n whining snowflake little bitch.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.
Yes, a president wasting money is completely unprecedented... :rofl:
Fucking last president armed and trained terrorists but this guy goes and sees his wife on the weekends, its just an expensive trip and all hell breaks loose!
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
You just cant quit can you?
Unfortunately, she's right.
Doesn't matter. He still did something good. You know how much I hate Obama, but I had the decency to admit when I thought he did something good. Just didn't happen much..
That should VERY WELL be getting talked about, but damn lol..

There have not been too many threads ( that I have seen ) complain about how much Trump is costing by going to Florida, and Melania staying in New York... but when he tries to get praised for it not being paid, people will get angry.

To me it is sort of like a robber handing you flowers while he steals your jewels..
So, I assume, you think every president has robbed from us? Or is trump the exception?
Because BY LAW they must be protected.
I don't agree that we are paying for his wife to stay in another state but it is what it is.
Hell, we paid to send obamas mother in law on vacation. They even have taken separate flights going to the same place. This is nothing unusual, just a bit more expensive than usual. But we knew that. I mean, they are billionaires.
The outrage is selective.

I just found this..if I were a local business owner I would protest this..

Remind me not to go to Florida for a vacation, interesting Florida news

Let tourists pay costs of Trump's Palm Beach visits, county commissioner says

“This will come out of the pockets of tourists,” he said. “We see an increase in bed tax when the president is in town because he brings the press corps. Those revenues could help offset the security costs.”
They will be gone by tourist season. They are only staying there until baron finishes school year.
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
Excellent logic. Let his family, whom is guaranteed protection, live wherever they want. Because his wife isn't in shackles.. This tax payer doesn't care!
Oy vey
Eric Trump’s Trip to Uruguay Cost Taxpayers $100K. That’s Not Even the Most Infuriating Part.

Early last month, two weeks before he’d watch his father be sworn in as president, Eric Trump traveled to a seaside town in Uruguay to help sell condos that bear his family’s name. The younger of President Trump’s two adult sons was accompanied by a Secret Service detail and joined on site by State Department staff, which together gave the business trip the unmistakable gloss of a diplomatic one. It also cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $100,000 in hotels alone.

That last detail—reported by the Washington Post on Friday—makes crystal clear that the federal government will be forced to spend money every time one of Trump’s adult sons heads out the door on business for a company owned by the president. President Trump’s conflicts, then, are more than just a massive ethical problem; they’re now a massive ethical problem that the American taxpayers are paying to help maintain.

Yup...they're making money on the taxpayer's dime. Emoluments Clause anyone?

Talk about a clueless bitch, you might want to actually read the Emoluments Clause before you keep making a fool of yourself.
Excellent logic. Let his family, whom is guaranteed protection, live wherever they want. Because his wife isn't in shackles.. This tax payer doesn't care!
Oy vey

You have to "let them" live where they want. Its in the Constitution. Mrs. Trump and Barron have committed no crimes, they aren't condemned to living in the WH merely because the patriarch of the family got elected as our president.
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
The additional expenses of maintaining security at two locations (WH and Trump Tower) for the First Family simultaneously is entirely the Trumps' choice and so is the additional expense of going to Mar a Lago frequently for weekends and for state visits. This would not be as expensive if Trump stayed at the WH or went to Camp David until it was vacation time. I don't begruge the man a vacation or hell--even golf every weekend--he needs the exercise. But the lifestyle choices the Trumps are making are much more expensive than any we have seen from previous Presidents. So I just can't get tears of gratitude in my eyes when he gives $100,000 to the Park Service, which he plans to cut funds to.
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
Excellent logic. Let his family, whom is guaranteed protection, live wherever they want. Because his wife isn't in shackles.. This tax payer doesn't care!
Oy vey
This tax payer does. If she didn't want to go to Washington, he shouldn't have run.
Excellent logic. Let his family, whom is guaranteed protection, live wherever they want. Because his wife isn't in shackles.. This tax payer doesn't care!
Oy vey

You have to "let them" live where they want. Its in the Constitution. Mrs. Trump and Barron have committed no crimes, they aren't condemned to living in the WH merely because the patriarch of the family got elected as our president.
LISTEN TO YOU!!! Condemned to live in the White House? Will you Trump supporters please touch base with this planet soon?
Okay, TN. It was nice of him to throw his chump change salary to the Park Service, but it would be more appreciated if he wasn't making choices that cost us ten times more, choices he does not HAVE to make. I gotta agree this a shell game. Don't buy it.

I guess the President doesn't have to entertain foreign leaders, play golf with them or invite them to his home. But other presidents have entertained these folks, so it shouldn't be surprising that President Trump is doing the same.

As far as Mrs. Trump living in New York, that's her choice, and she's not an elected official. She'd feel like Eva Gabor in Green Acres being forced to Washington- eastern European socialite leaving her Manhattan penthouse to follow her successful husband. But its not the 1960's any more, so she doesn't have to leave for the sticks.
Excellent logic. Let his family, whom is guaranteed protection, live wherever they want. Because his wife isn't in shackles.. This tax payer doesn't care!
Oy vey
This tax payer does. If she didn't want to go to Washington, he shouldn't have run.
You do know that Melania is staying in New York until the school year ends.

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