President Trump donates his first quarter salary

Excellent point. He continues to violate the Constitution for not completely divesting his business interests, continues to earn millions while on the public dime. Yet the Trump whores won't call him out on THAT.

Other presidents didn't divest themselves of their private interests, including our 1st and richest president, Washington.

Just because someone is well to do doesn't make them a 2nd class citizen and ineligible to be potus.
Chances are good Trump knew a trial would bode VERY poorly for him. And the plaintiffs were almost all financially distressed people who badly needed compensation since their "degrees" provided them with absolutely nothing but debt.

If that is true,and the $25 M settlement was pathetic and inadequate, why did the plaintiffs agree to it?

Sure, there is always a risk in a trial and even worse for Trump, a trial would be a distraction when he is engaged in his work as President.

There are plenty of unemployed and underemployed college graduates out there in this country. Not just Trump U. people. And Trump University charges a whole lot less than most other academic institutions.

#1, I never said $25M was pathetic and inadequate. And I just explained why plaintiffs agreed to what they agreed to.

#2, the Trump U degree was literally worthless. So the fact that it was more inexpensive is hardly relevant.

#3, I suppose we should expect Trump to settle his incitement of violence lawsuit soon? That one is nearly as pernicious.

What we have is a lying, con-artist of a president who has no regard for human life or human safety. He's literally the worst option available, and you support him.

What's that feel like?
#1, I never said $25M was pathetic and inadequate. And I just explained why plaintiffs agreed to what they agreed to.

#2, the Trump U degree was literally worthless. So the fact that it was more inexpensive is hardly relevant.

#3, I suppose we should expect Trump to settle his incitement of violence lawsuit soon? That one is nearly as pernicious.

What we have is a lying, con-artist of a president who has no regard for human life or human safety. He's literally the worst option available, and you support him.

What's that feel like?

Another poster called the $25 M settlement to be "bs".

A lot of degrees from a lot of institutions are worth less than those at Trump. What can someone do with a degree with GBLT art history, or French poetry? Nothing. There is however a call for people with talent and skill in real estate.

As far as the "incitement of violence" lawsuit, that's just foolishness. Project Veritas has it admitted on tape from liberal bigwigs that they were the ones who orchestrated violence at Trump rallies. So if anyone had damages for this violence, they should be suing the DNC.
How much is Trump costing us for going to Florida every weekend, while his wife stays in New York and running the WH while they are gone?
And when will we see the bill for entertaining and security... I bet we will see all of Trumps addresses on those bills?
You just cant quit can you?
1/4 Trump salary is $100k.

1/4th of a weekend at Mar-a-Lago is $1 million.

So, uh, no, why should he quit?
Eagle is a she. And he still donated his check. That's commendable.
Especially considering how greedy he is, right?

He's making millions off of this presidency. But the suckers believe he's being magnanimous by handing over 1/4th of his check so far.
Excellent point. He continues to violate the Constitution for not completely divesting his business interests, continues to earn millions while on the public dime. Yet the Trump whores won't call him out on THAT.
He doesn't violate the constitution with that. That's why.
Yup...they're making money on the taxpayer's dime. Emoluments Clause anyone? are officially a nitwit. For starters, the Emoluments Clause has nothing to do with “making money on the taxpayer’s dime” (even by your standard, that comment alone is a special kind of stupid).

Second, they didn’t even make money off the taxpayer. They made it by selling what they owned.

Third, Eric Trump has never held public office - so he couldn’t even violate the Emoluments Clause if he wanted to.

Fourth, the article clearly states it occurred two weeks before his father was even sworn in (again snowflake, it it literally impossible to violate the Emoluments Clause if you don’t hold public office).

Fifth, the courts just exposed the idiocy of every nitwit progressive who has been screaming “Emoluments! Emoluments! Emoluments!” without having the slightest clue what it was by throwing it out of court. The courts won’t even hear the case becuase it is so absurd.

Group That Tried to Sue Trump Over 'Emoluments' Clause Just Got Booted Out of Court

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