President Trump Has Already Won...

I suspect once Mueller releases his report, Trump will face a litany of charges

I think the public will be overwhelmed with the scope and range of wrongdoing

Republicans will be faced with admitting that crimes don’t matter as long as they are the ones doing them
I suspect once Mueller releases his report, Trump will face a litany of charges

I think the public will be overwhelmed with the scope and range of wrongdoing

Republicans will be faced with admitting that crimes don’t matter as long as they are the ones doing them
And once you go down that road, you have a country that is no longer bound by any Constitutional norms, thereby leaving the country totally vulnerable to corruption. And most Republicans have no idea that they are not included in that theft for lawlessness and stealing our Democracy. They just aren't smart enough to see how they are being played. Lol! Trump said that himself.
A Trump removed from office is much more dangerous than one sitting in the WH.
The country will only accept a lawless Trump out of office who obtained that office illegally. And Trump isn't a king. We don't role that way.
I suspect once Mueller releases his report, Trump will face a litany of charges

I think the public will be overwhelmed with the scope and range of wrongdoing

Republicans will be faced with admitting that crimes don’t matter as long as they are the ones doing them

Any day now, any day now.
I suspect once Mueller releases his report, Trump will face a litany of charges

I think the public will be overwhelmed with the scope and range of wrongdoing

Republicans will be faced with admitting that crimes don’t matter as long as they are the ones doing them

Any day now, any day now.
Just like the four year failed Benghazi investigation right?
Trumps difficulties more closely mimics Nixon’s problem than Clinton’s
I suspect once Mueller releases his report, Trump will face a litany of charges

I think the public will be overwhelmed with the scope and range of wrongdoing

Republicans will be faced with admitting that crimes don’t matter as long as they are the ones doing them

Any day now, any day now.
Maybe a couple more months

But Trumps day of reckoning will come.
It won’t be pretty
A Trump removed from office is much more dangerous than one sitting in the WH.
The country will only accept a lawless Trump out of office who obtained that office illegally. And Trump isn't a king. We don't role that way.
You get what you ask for.

President Pence.

And it's roll, not role.
Pence is more like talking to a wall....not a fence.....I mean Pence.
He'll take their balls and leave the hair.
The House Democrats will likely overplay their hand. They will hold a vote on multiple articles of impeachment based on the flimsiest of evidence. If any pass, the Senate trial will be a farce and President Trump will be easily acquitted. This would embarrass the Democrats before the independent/moderate/swing voters, thus assuring President Trump's reelection.

The attacks on him are piffle.

As the year ends, the Trump legal drama winds down towards its tawdry end. The immense fraudulent fantasy of a Benedict Arnold on steroids collaborating with a foreign enemy, a Manchurian Candidate “groomed for the presidency by his Russian controllers,” has come down to a squalid dispute between the president, his crooked former lawyer, and the publisher of the National Enquirer over the nature of incentivizing the pre-electoral silence of a porn star and a former Playboy bunny.

The slab-faced, trim and grim Robert Mueller, closing in like a heat-seeking missile on the start of the third year of the most ineffective and redundant investigation in history, could be a brilliant straight man, desperately serious and purposeful as he silently marches across our television screens every night in reruns of the same old news film in the elaborate pretense that he is doing something useful and important. It is the same pattern as the Clinton investigation, which began with the financial improprieties of Whitewater and meandered around to checking the president’s semen against a White House intern’s carefully preserved dress. The lust to tear down a president leads ostensibly serious and responsible people to act contemptibly, and ultimately to become absurd....

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Yeah, it will be over any day now...

All the ABNORMALS have is PROPAGANDA....They use NAZI tactics to manipulate the citizens minds...Only one way to truly fight it....BANG!

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