President Trump holds Another MAGA Rally!

Trump is holding rallies in the midst of the vile lawfare and courtroom appearances the left is throwing at him ..he's even having mini campaign events outside said dem courtrooms ! the man is a dynamo ! how many major rallies with thousands of people in attendance has Briben held ! heck ! where is Briben ?
Trump could be sitting in prison and still win primaries. He has no competition. That was a forgone conclusion...from last year. :)
Again, do you need to be taught again that the ability to draw large crowds at pep rallies is no indication of electoral popularity?
The math is the same. The result will be the same. He is going to lose.
Trump is holding rallies in the midst of the vile lawfare and courtroom appearances the left is throwing at him ..he's even having mini campaign events outside said dem courtrooms ! the man is a dynamo ! how many major rallies with thousands of people in attendance has Briben held ! heck ! where is Briben ?

He's in the basement eating ice cream and crying because America hates him and laughs at him and he will never have the kind of vitality that President Trump displays in one day of campaigning.


He's in the basement eating ice cream and crying because America hates him and laughs at him and he will never have the kind of vitality that President Trump displays in one day of campaigning.

He's in the White House. Doing the job he was elected to do.

2020 tropes won't work in 2024.
"Imagine Joe Biden was winning a clear +300 electoral college vote victory on election night 2020.All swing states were tight, but breaking for Biden. Data trending wrong way for Trump.Then, suddenly the counting STOPS.Magically, untraceable Trump votes “appear” overnight in ALL 5 swing counties where they are desperately needed to turn the tide for Trump.Over the next few days every state Biden was winning on election night flipped to Trump by the thinnest of margins and as SOON as it did the media declared it WON by Trump. Anyone who questioned this process was immediately BANNED from social media and — eventually, targeted by our own government for prosecution.Immediately, the Trump administration began centrally organizing the criminal prosecution of Joe Biden and his family in dark red districts across America using taxpayer dollars and authorizing federal raids on Joe Biden’s home.Do you think Libs would be content with this result?This is why so many in America are waking up right now. We know.We all know…"

well, it may be sweat

the deep state is deep

and sick

maybe we cynics don't even the extent of it.................

He has what appears at times to be supernatural energy. I'm one who believes that he has divine assistance.


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