'President Trump Is Correcting Obama's Biggest Middle East Mistake'

"President Donald Trump announced earlier this month his intention to pull the troops out of Syria, claiming that ISIS has been defeated.

But, as
Retired Brigadier General Anthony Tata points out, Trump wouldn’t even need to make that call had President Barack Obama not pulled troops from Iraq around 2011, the time of the Arab Spring.

ISIS was able to conquer two-thirds of Iraq and Syria without the troops there in only a year and a half."

Obama refused to allow US troops strike ISIS' mile-long convoys as they traveled through open desert on the way into Iraq, allowing them to take part of Iraq US troops had already liberated at great expense.

"As Tata explains, the Obama Administration opted to put their heads in the sand as ISIS started to form and gain territory, which allowed them to grow until it was no longer something that could be ignored."

Trump Is Correcting Obama’s Biggest Middle East Mistake


So why is Trump repeating Obama's biggest mistake. Withdrawing US troops prematurely. It is not like they were in any danger as the Kurds were doing most of the fighting.

Bernard McGurk got it right. Brian Kilmeade from Fox and Friends also got it right when he said that if Obama is the founder of ISIS, Trump is the re-founder of ISIS.
The issue in Syria is not ISIS.............

You weren't here loser. There were threads after threads after threads on USMB, saying that Obama was claiming to be the hero who got the Iraq troop withdrawal, when actually George W Bush made the agreement and set the time frame for the withdraw.
All the right wing sites like Red State where leading the the charge of anger, including current top Trump advisor Sean Hannity.
Of course when things went south, right wingers did a 180 and blamed Obama.
People like you are such mindless goose-steppers and when things don't go your way it's :boo_hoo14: time. :happy-1:
Obama used the Intel organization Bush created to find UBL then sent in a SpecOps Team that 'Got UBL'....and Barry spiked the political football, claiming HE got UBL. All he did was agree to send them in the 3rd (THIRD) time he was asked if they could go. :p

After President Trump's policies (which included eliminating large numbers of Obama regulations) resulted in the strongest economy in decades Barry came out of the shadows to claim this was HIS economy.

Obama blamed Bush for 8 years then tried to take credit for Trump's success.


Thanks for making my point!
So why is Trump repeating Obama's biggest mistake. Withdrawing US troops prematurely.


Obama ordered the invasion of Syria without request or permission from the sovereign government and / or President of Syria. Invading Syria in such a manner was considered an International War Crime.

Democrats attacked Bush for invading Iraq without Iraq being a serious threat to the United States.
- HYPOCRISY ALERT: Syria posed no threat to the United States. Assad posed no threat to the United States. Don't say ISIS was a threat because evidence proves we were arming and even training ISIS members in Syria with the initial goal of overthrowing al-Assad.

ISIS has been reduced to 1% of the territory in Syria, and Turkey / Turkish troops are ready and willing to step in as we leave to finish the job of destroying ISIS.
- There was never a legitimate reason for us to invade, and now there is not a legitimate reason for us to stay and keep troops in harm's way.

If anyone is still thinking there is a shot to overthrow al-Assad they are nuts - there was NEVER any chance of that happening. al-Assad is Putin's puppet, and Putin was NEVER going to let that happen.
How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

"The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) got its hands on vast supplies of weapons by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers that may have violated international agreements between Washington and its allies, according to a new report.

As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria, U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research reported after analyzing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIS front lines between July 2014 and November 2017. By purchasing “large numbers” of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to nonstate actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the U.S. reportedly “violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters...and recipients."

“The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact–caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) member states in Eastern Europe,”
the report found, using an alternative acronym for ISIS.

“Supplies of materiel into the Syrian conflict from foreign parties—notably the United States and Saudi Arabia—have indirectly allowed IS to obtain substantial quantities of anti-armor ammunition,” it later added."

Is anyone actually making the claim that the United States invaded Syria to take on / destroy the 'creature' / 'monster' the United states (Obama administration) helped CREATE?

The US was supporting, training, aiding anti-Syrian forces - ie ISIS.

When the US invaded Syria there were reportedly no less than 6 separate entities within Syria fighting. Part of the time we had no clue who we were siding with. One famous picture of McCain in Iraq showed him standing with 2 known ISIS leaders. WTF?!

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

Obama and other western leaders should be hauled in front of The Hague for crimes against humanity for trying to help overthrow Assad., allowing the rise of ISIS and al Nusra and causing this massive refugee crisis.

First of all Assad is not a legitimately elected leader. He is a dictator who holds sham elections. Trump's withdrawal will allow ISIS to reconstitute itself. It was Assad who created the refugee crisis and who gassed his own people. Those are crimes against humanity. Trump wants to send people in Central America who are fleeing drug cartels back where they will face death. That is a crime against humanity.

You weren't here loser. There were threads after threads after threads on USMB, saying that Obama was claiming to be the hero who got the Iraq troop withdrawal, when actually George W Bush made the agreement and set the time frame for the withdraw.
All the right wing sites like Red State where leading the the charge of anger, including current top Trump advisor Sean Hannity.
Of course when things went south, right wingers did a 180 and blamed Obama.
People like you are such mindless goose-steppers and when things don't go your way it's e time. :happy-1:
Obama used the Intel organization Bush created to find UBL then sent in a SpecOps Team that 'Got UBL'....and Barry spiked the political football, claiming HE got UBL. All he did was agree to send them in the 3rd (THIRD) time he was asked if they could go. :p

After President Trump's policies (which included eliminating large numbers of Obama regulations) resulted in the strongest economy in decades Barry came out of the shadows to claim this was HIS economy.

Obama blamed Bush for 8 years then tried to take credit for Trump's success.


Trump's policies have not resulted in a stronger economy. The fact is that neither Trump nor Obama are responsible for the growth which started under Obama. What Trump has done is to make it easier for polluters to pollute. Some regulations were bad and needed to be gotten rid of but Trump has gone too far in the opposite direction. No regulation is as bad as over-regulation. He has made the rich richer and has done very little for the little guy. What the tax cuts did was create a sugar high which is now wearing off.
Obama and other western leaders should be hauled in front of The Hague for crimes against humanity for trying to help overthrow Assad., allowing the rise of ISIS and al Nusra and causing this massive refugee crisis.

First of all Assad is not a legitimately elected leader. He is a dictator who holds sham elections. Trump's withdrawal will allow ISIS to reconstitute itself. It was Assad who created the refugee crisis and who gassed his own people. Those are crimes against humanity. Trump wants to send people in Central America who are fleeing drug cartels back where they will face death. That is a crime against humanity.

What a crock. We aren't dealing with cave dwellers here. Assad never has been a dictator. The government has a constitution. The legal system is based on French law; sharia optional.

You're just rattling off bullshit talking points. Women have freedoms. Its a secular society that Obama wanted to hand over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

ETA And it always was bullshit that Assad was a brutal dictator.

Life in Damascus



Obama and every other western leaders wanted to put them in burkas. Not Assad.

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