President Trump Is Intentionally Attempting To Deliberately Undo The Obama Legacy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and doing a wonderful job, too. :p

President Nobama

"Trump is commonsensically undoing, piece by piece, the main components of Obama’s legacy.

Donald Trump continues to baffle. Never Trump Republicans still struggle to square the circle of quietly agreeing so far with most of his policies, as they loudly insist that his record is already nullified by its supposedly odious author. Or surely it soon will be discredited by the next Trumpian outrage. Or his successes belong to congressional and Cabinet members, while his failures are all his own. Rarely do they seriously reflect on what otherwise over the last year might have been the trajectory of a Clinton administration. Contrary to popular supposition, the Left loathes Trump not just for what he has done. (It is often too consumed with fury to calibrate carefully the particulars of the Trump agenda.) Rather, it despises him mostly for what he superficially represents.

There is not even a smidgeon of a concession that some of Trump’s policies might offer tens of thousands of forgotten inner-city youth good jobs or revitalize a dead and written-off town in the Midwest, or make the petroleum of the war-torn Persian Gulf strategically irrelevant to an oil-rich United States. Yet one way of understanding Trump — particularly the momentum of his first year — is through recollection of the last eight years of the Obama administration. In reductionist terms, Trump is the un-Obama. Surprisingly, that is saying quite a lot more than simple reductive negativism. Republicans have not seriously attempted to roll back the administrative state since Reagan.

For the most part, since 1989, we’ve had lots of rhetoric but otherwise no serious effort to prune back the autonomous bureaucracy that grew ever larger. Few Republicans in the executive branch sought to reduce government employment, deregulate, sanction radical expansion of fossil-fuel production, question the economic effects of globalization on Americans between the coasts, address deindustrialization, recalibrate the tax code, rein in the EPA, secure the border, reduce illegal immigration, or question transnational organizations. To do all that would require a president to be largely hated by the Left, demonized by the media, and caricatured in popular culture — and few were willing to endure the commensurate ostracism.

Trump has done all that in a manner perhaps more Reaganesque than Reagan himself."

Status-Quo, pro-'Big Government', Pro-bureaucracy Democrats and Washington Establishment Republicans hate the man for doing what the majority of Americans have wanted and demanded for decades from federal politicians who have shed their mantles as 'Servants of the People' in exchange for the self-appointed title of 'Ruler', more concerned with retaining what power they have and growing it at every opportunity than doing what is best for this country and the American people.

Some Liberals call Trump a 'protest vote'. I believe Trump has no problem with that, believing the people have had enough, that Obama did keep his promise of 'transforming America'...into a nation with a little more courage and backbone, a nation tired of self-imposed rulers who violate Constitution and Law to impose their own ideology, agenda, and governance. I believe Trump believes, correctly, that he was voted into office to oppose everything the government had become...and everything Hillary was / represented.
That's one of the reasons my wife and I voted for him. Another year and it will be like "Obama? What's an Obama?"
That's one of the reasons my wife and I voted for him. Another year and it will be like "Obama? What's an Obama?"
Anti-America was the Obama legacy

You might not realise this but it was under the previous four administrations before him as well them all being puppets of the NWO.:biggrin: Trump looks to be doing something none of the previous five administrations did before him.serve the PEOPLE instead of the bankers.:thup:
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Anti-America was the Obama legacy

You might not realise this but it was under the previous four administrations before him as well them all being puppets of the NWO.:biggrin: Trump looks to be doing something none of the previous five administrations did before him.serve the PEOPLE instead of the bankers.:thup:

Before you post a winner sign there for me Crusader Retard,you better do some better counting because i said FIVE administrations so that starts with your hero mass murderer Reagan who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that every president has followed and expanded on.LOL

this troll folks throws temper tantrems when he cant refute pesky facts how reagan was a traiter to americans and covers his ears and closes his eyes to them when people take him to school on this.LOL
Anti-America was the Obama legacy

You might not realise this but it was under the previous four administrations before him as well them all being puppets of the NWO.:biggrin: Trump looks to be doing something none of the previous five administrations did before him.serve the PEOPLE instead of the bankers.:thup:

Before you post a winner sign there for me Crusader Retard,you better do some better counting because i said FIVE administrations so that starts with your hero mass murderer Reagan who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that every president has followed and expanded on.LOL

this troll folks throws temper tantrems when he cant refute pesky facts how reagan was a traiter to americans and covers his ears and closes his eyes to them when people take him to school on this.LOL

Hell lib YOUR OWN DEM PARTY LEADERS campaigned all over the news in 2008 about how great Reagan was and how they all want to be like Reagan including Obama. Here talk to the hand fool :eusa_hand:
Anti-America was the Obama legacy

You might not realise this but it was under the previous four administrations before him as well them all being puppets of the NWO.:biggrin: Trump looks to be doing something none of the previous five administrations did before him.serve the PEOPLE instead of the bankers.:thup:

Before you post a winner sign there for me Crusader Retard,you better do some better counting because i said FIVE administrations so that starts with your hero mass murderer Reagan who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that every president has followed and expanded on.LOL

this troll folks throws temper tantrems when he cant refute pesky facts how reagan was a traiter to americans and covers his ears and closes his eyes to them when people take him to school on this.LOL

Hell lib YOUR OWN DEM PARTY LEADERS campaigned all over the news in 2008 about how great Reagan was and how they all want to be like Reagan including Obama. Here talk to the hand fool :eusa_hand:

thats our corrupt congress for ya.:banana:

and yeah I have tried to explain to the reaganut apologists that are so brainwashed over him from our corrupt school system like crusader retard,their biggest cheerleader,that Obama like every president since Reagan has not only continued what Reagan got started,but expanded it and continued the destruction of america that each has expanded on.:up:

Thank God for Trump who is not part of the NWO gang they are were. Had mass murdererer Hellery been elected,the destruction the Gipper got started and has gone on since then,would have continued for sure.:muahaha:
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