President Trump just dropped climate change as a national security threat


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I’m not sure if this was the right move or not since nonstop liberal tears will result in record setting sea level rising.
But you can support research that will replace the GHG emitting technologies with clean technologies. That is happening right now, first quarter of 2016, over 16 gw of renewable generation added in the US, not a single coal plant added, and not much added in the way of gas plants. Thanks to Musk and others, the EV's now come in many flavors, from small cars to semi's.
If liberal faggots actually gave a fuck about the environment, they would stop using private jets and oppose birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.
TRUMP is putting AMERICA FIRST! Unlike the DEMS who only want to make America more dependent and SLAVES to THEM!
I’m not sure if this was the right move or not since nonstop liberal tears will result in record setting sea level rising.

I thought they already did that after Trump got us out of the Paris Accords.

But you gotta love liberals. Open borders are not a security threat, people migrating from the middle-east are not a security threat, sanctuary cities are not a security threat, but global warming is.
That explains why all our snow melted and tropical jungle vines engulfed my house in a matter of hours.
He will add Godzilla in place of Global Warming as a National Security threat.

They both threaten the National Security of the US the same.....none.

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