President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!

What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?

Oh look. Another dumbass who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

If those defenseless "brown" people weren't at the border getting ready to cross illegally,they wouldn't get gunned down.

Shoot a few. The rest will catch a damned clue.

They're not crossing illegally, you stupid cow, they're trying claim santuary from the narco terrorists which have taken over their country. If Trump wants to send in the army, he should send them to Central America to wipe out the American drug terrorists who have taken over these countries.

The USA is responsoible for this narca terrorist mess, and now, Trump pretends the people fleeing are the problem.
they can get sanctuary status in mexico. no need to come here. sorry friend.
the fact that they can receive sanctuary status in Mexico, and if they still come to the US, then it isn't for sanctuary status. Sorry, that is just a fact. Therefore, there is another motive.
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The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

I'd like Special Forces on the border.

Posse Comitatus is merely a Federal law, not a Constitutional mandate. It can be changed or modified by Congress.
Were under attack and now is the time to keep these criminals out. Even us dealing with MS13 and other gangs could have been avoided with proper border security.

No, we are not under attack. We have more wealth than Mexicans and we're sharing it with them. Get over it. Or, I guess, hide behind your wall. But it's going to happen anyway.
Who gives a shit about what happens in some arab shithole

Trump does. He's going out of his way to provide cover for murdering sheiks. Ever wonder why?

Nope. You're worried about a hungry Mexican mowing someone's lawn for cheap.
It is the principal of the thing,
Border Security or interfering with a sovereign government
Priority should be the US border.

If the US border was facing a real threat, you might have a point. But it's not. And you don't.
You don't follow the news do you... What happened to Europe and why are those countries booting people out by the thousands? Had they enforced their sovereignty they would not have to try and keep thier citizens safe from rape gangs and the like..

Wake the fuck up libtard... Were under attack and now is the time to keep these criminals out. Even us dealing with MS13 and other gangs could have been avoided with proper border security.
-------------------------------------------- he is awake , he wants reinforcements of Third worlder 'fifth column' to help take the USA down ,
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

I'd like Special Forces on the border.

Posse Comitatus is merely a Federal law, not a Constitutional mandate. It can be changed or modified by Congress.

Yes it can but it can't be done on a whim and it would take an act of Congress to do so.
Were under attack and now is the time to keep these criminals out. Even us dealing with MS13 and other gangs could have been avoided with proper border security.

No, we are not under attack. We have more wealth than Mexicans and we're sharing it with them. Get over it. Or, I guess, hide behind your wall. But it's going to happen anyway.
Ignorance is bliss for lib tards..
Who gives a shit about what happens in some arab shithole

Trump does. He's going out of his way to provide cover for murdering sheiks. Ever wonder why?

Nope. You're worried about a hungry Mexican mowing someone's lawn for cheap.

So you dont have to pay ten bucks for a gallon of gas.
We don't even get Saudi oil...that goes to Europe.
------------------------------- got nothing to do with oil from what i hear . USA produces enough oil when we want it to from what i hear Bode .
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

I'd like Special Forces on the border.

Posse Comitatus is merely a Federal law, not a Constitutional mandate. It can be changed or modified by Congress.

Yes it can but it can't be done on a whim and it would take an act of Congress to do so.
sue the president then.
Were under attack and now is the time to keep these criminals out. Even us dealing with MS13 and other gangs could have been avoided with proper border security.

No, we are not under attack. We have more wealth than Mexicans and we're sharing it with them. Get over it. Or, I guess, hide behind your wall. But it's going to happen anyway.

You sir, are an idiot.

Over 1000 ILLEGALS cross our border EVERY DAY. Some estimates put it at THOUSANDS PER DAY

Are you not familiar with that little thing called LAWS??

If that's not an invasion, You're Donald Trumps lover and Rosie O'Donnel is Miss America.
I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
so you think we're not allowed to defend our country? what world you live in. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course we are but not from illegals entering this country.

The military can't act on US soil. Posse Comitatus

However Border patrol and local LEO's can act.

These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.

These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.

Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.
Were under attack and now is the time to keep these criminals out. Even us dealing with MS13 and other gangs could have been avoided with proper border security.

No, we are not under attack. We have more wealth than Mexicans and we're sharing it with them. Get over it. Or, I guess, hide behind your wall. But it's going to happen anyway.

You sir, are an idiot.

Over 1000 ILLEGALS cross our border EVERY DAY. Some estimates put it at THOUSANDS PER DAY

If that's not an invasion, You're Donald Trumps lover and Rosie O'Donnel is Miss America.

Rogue agents.
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

Sent from my iPhone using

A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

I'd like Special Forces on the border.

Posse Comitatus is merely a Federal law, not a Constitutional mandate. It can be changed or modified by Congress.

Yes it can but it can't be done on a whim and it would take an act of Congress to do so.

Or, we could just go back to its original purpose which was never border control. The military controlled the borders for 50 years after the law was passed.
enough with the idle threats
He better take the lead from Nike and Just do it
Yes we should ignore Trumps tyrant buddies killing journalists, and send our military to stop the lawn care invasion.

If by "killing journalists" you mean that Jamal Khashoggi guy, why is it our business? He was a Saudi citizen in a dispute with his government. Why haven't you been complaining about all the other brutal punishments that Saudi imposes on it's citizens? I think that whining because he was a "journalist" is crap. Journalists aren't more important than anyone else.
A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
so you think we're not allowed to defend our country? what world you live in. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course we are but not from illegals entering this country.

The military can't act on US soil. Posse Comitatus

However Border patrol and local LEO's can act.

These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.

These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.

Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.
and can get sanctuary status in Mexico. so no need to come here. you know this correct?
These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.
These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.
Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.

Plain sight evidence of the stupidity of the "desperate for votes" Left imbeciles......right there


You lying leftists pretend you're so concerned....SHOW US the receipts for the money YOU HAVE PERSONALLY SENT to help all these people No, truth is, you think money grows on trees and the US taxpayer should care for everyone on the planet......or at least come here so they can vote Democrat/Marxist/Communist

You jackasses CRY AND WAIL over how DANGEROUS AMERICA is with all it's GUNS, then out of the other corner of your lying mouths say they should all come here TO BE SAFE ??


It is every honest Americans DUTY to vote these lying, traitorous hypocrites out of power next month AND in 2020 and again in 2022, 2024 etc etc until they are totally flushed out of the system
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The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

Sent from my iPhone using

A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

I'd like Special Forces on the border.

Posse Comitatus is merely a Federal law, not a Constitutional mandate. It can be changed or modified by Congress.

Yes it can but it can't be done on a whim and it would take an act of Congress to do so.

As I said.
enough with the idle threats
He better take the lead from Nike and Just do it
Yes we should ignore Trumps tyrant buddies killing journalists, and send our military to stop the lawn care invasion.

If by "killing journalists" you mean that Jamal Khashoggi guy, why is it our business? He was a Saudi citizen in a dispute with his government. Why haven't you been complaining about all the other brutal punishments that Saudi imposes on it's citizens? I think that whining because he was a "journalist" is crap. Journalists aren't more important than anyone else.

It's our business because we prop them up. We sell them weapons. We keep these sick fuckers in power. Trump keeps these sick fuckers in power.
A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
so you think we're not allowed to defend our country? what world you live in. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course we are but not from illegals entering this country.

The military can't act on US soil. Posse Comitatus

However Border patrol and local LEO's can act.

These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.

These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.

Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.

Oh an you think we should take in thousands just because they come to the border saying they are seeking asylum??

Trying to get into this country so we the tax payer can pay for their uneducated useless asses??

If so you are one stupid bitch. You and anyone like you are the problem.

Oh and you can bet your stupid ass I don't care. Hope the Mexicans kick their stupid asses back to Honduras.
A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
so you think we're not allowed to defend our country? what world you live in. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course we are but not from illegals entering this country.

The military can't act on US soil. Posse Comitatus

However Border patrol and local LEO's can act.

These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.

These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.

Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.

Are you suggesting we take in ALL such people from across the globe?

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