President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!

What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?
Mowing down snowflake progressives on the National Mall?

You did ask.

We may see that some day. 'That history book on the always repeating itself'. Four Dead in Ohio may be remembered as the good old days with our president saying he'll pay the legal fees of those doing the attacks as he did in the campaign.
I doubt it. Unless a Democrat gets into office.

You do realize ALL the violence is coming from them, right?

But thats okay. We have nearly a trillion bullets and you pantywaists have soy lattes.

No...your heroes are mowing down people with their cars, in churches, preaching sermons of hate. The GOP. All hate all the time
What should Trump do, allow illegals to flow into the country RAPING and KILLING American citizens? If Obama had any balls he would have put a stop to this like Trump is doing.
We just had ANOTHER illegal arrested here in KC on a hit & run

Before president Trump none of the thousands of Americans KILLED and RAPED by illegals was being reported. You couldn't talk about it without being branded a racist. Thousands of Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals but the narrative, the propaganda was completely one sided oh look at those poor illegals they are just hard working people picking vegetables on farms.

Complete rubbish
Hate Americans eh? Nice to know traitor
Why should it be illegal to mow lawns?

Your comprehension skills are lacking. I said restricting illegals from coming here to mow lawns.

Dodge much? Why should it be illegal for people to come here to mow lawns, or do any other kind of work for that matter? Why should government be able to tell people who they can hire?
Moron. Government absolutely can say who is allowed in this country.

If you are not allowed in this country, then you are not allowed to work in this country.

Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?

You can do that. All you have to do is sponsor them and get them an H-1B visa. Good luck!
It takes a good deal more than luck, and that's the problem. Why all the "hoops"? Doesn't this really all come down to anti free trade, protectionist pablum?
Your comprehension skills are lacking. I said restricting illegals from coming here to mow lawns.

Dodge much? Why should it be illegal for people to come here to mow lawns, or do any other kind of work for that matter? Why should government be able to tell people who they can hire?
Moron. Government absolutely can say who is allowed in this country.

If you are not allowed in this country, then you are not allowed to work in this country.

Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?

You can do that. All you have to do is sponsor them and get them an H-1B visa. Good luck!
It takes a good deal more than luck, and that's the problem. Why all the "hoops"? Doesn't this really all come down to anti free trade, protectionist pablum?

No, pablum is what you find between your ears where your brain should be.

There is no trade involved. It is immigration only.
Dodge much? Why should it be illegal for people to come here to mow lawns, or do any other kind of work for that matter? Why should government be able to tell people who they can hire?
Moron. Government absolutely can say who is allowed in this country.

If you are not allowed in this country, then you are not allowed to work in this country.

Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?

You can do that. All you have to do is sponsor them and get them an H-1B visa. Good luck!
It takes a good deal more than luck, and that's the problem. Why all the "hoops"? Doesn't this really all come down to anti free trade, protectionist pablum?

No, pablum is what you find between your ears where your brain should be.

There is no trade involved. It is immigration only.
Bullshit and you know it. If they were just here on vacation, no one would give a shit.
For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
so you think we're not allowed to defend our country? what world you live in. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Of course we are but not from illegals entering this country.

The military can't act on US soil. Posse Comitatus

However Border patrol and local LEO's can act.

These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. They haven't crossed to the US illegally and they have no intention of doing so.

These are refugees from the most violent countries in the world. Worse than Syria, worse than Africa. Countries which are in the control of violent narco terrorists.

Of course ignorant, selfish and cruel people like you don't care. You're the problem.

You are an ignorant fool.

Looking at the pictures of these refugees, how is that everyone has a brand new backpack and are carrying nothing else on such a journey? No food, no water, and nothing besides what is in those nice new backpacks!

Because they buy them cheap. They are made in Mexico. :21:
Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?
Sponsor him........get him a green card and he can cut your grass......
Yes. That's what I mean by asking for permission.
Go join the left............they deserve you.
They're convinced I'm far-right. They won't have me either. ;)
Well..........I guess your screwed the meantime the law stands..........

Yep. It's not the only fucked up law on the books.
Riddle me decide to travel to have to get this funny little thing called a legally visit them................hmmmm.................

Try going to Canada without'll be a hoot......or Mexico for that you could just jump the fence and tell them you are there to mow their lawns........


Senior Trump.jpeg
Moron. Government absolutely can say who is allowed in this country.

If you are not allowed in this country, then you are not allowed to work in this country.

Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?

You can do that. All you have to do is sponsor them and get them an H-1B visa. Good luck!
It takes a good deal more than luck, and that's the problem. Why all the "hoops"? Doesn't this really all come down to anti free trade, protectionist pablum?

No, pablum is what you find between your ears where your brain should be.

There is no trade involved. It is immigration only.
Bullshit and you know it. If they were just here on vacation, no one would give a shit.

You have to be the dumbest poster on this message board or you had a traumatic brain injury. Which is it?
Yes. I understand that. I'm asking why. Why can't I invite someone to come here and work for me? Why should I have to ask government for permission? Why should they? Is this just the basic authoritarian mindset?

You can do that. All you have to do is sponsor them and get them an H-1B visa. Good luck!
It takes a good deal more than luck, and that's the problem. Why all the "hoops"? Doesn't this really all come down to anti free trade, protectionist pablum?

No, pablum is what you find between your ears where your brain should be.

There is no trade involved. It is immigration only.
Bullshit and you know it. If they were just here on vacation, no one would give a shit.

You have to be the dumbest poster on this message board or you had a traumatic brain injury. Which is it?
If they were here on vacation they would have to have permission..........a passport.
What should Trump do, allow illegals to flow into the country RAPING and KILLING American citizens? If Obama had any balls he would have put a stop to this like Trump is doing.
We just had ANOTHER illegal arrested here in KC on a hit & run

Before president Trump none of the thousands of Americans KILLED and RAPED by illegals was being reported. You couldn't talk about it without being branded a racist. Thousands of Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals but the narrative, the propaganda was completely one sided oh look at those poor illegals they are just hard working people picking vegetables on farms.

Complete rubbish

^^^ liberal denial.
What should Trump do, allow illegals to flow into the country RAPING and KILLING American citizens? If Obama had any balls he would have put a stop to this like Trump is doing.
We just had ANOTHER illegal arrested here in KC on a hit & run

Before president Trump none of the thousands of Americans KILLED and RAPED by illegals was being reported. You couldn't talk about it without being branded a racist. Thousands of Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals but the narrative, the propaganda was completely one sided oh look at those poor illegals they are just hard working people picking vegetables on farms.

Complete rubbish

^^^ liberal denial.
It's not denial. It is WILLFUL IGNORANCE
ann coulter's dreams are coming true!

"I am watching the Democrat Party led (because they want Open Borders and existing weak laws) assault on our country by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose leaders are doing little to stop this large flow of people, INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS, from entering Mexico to U.S

In addition to stopping all payments to these countries, which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught - and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!

The assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS pouring in, is far more important to me, as President, than Trade or the USMCA. Hopefully Mexico will stop this onslaught at their Northern Border. All Democrats fault for weak laws!" - President Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

SWEET BABY JESUS--are you Trump tards really this stupid. There isn't 4 thousand migrant (farm workers) coming to the border. HARVEST SEASON is OVER.

This is just a political strategy to get you all in an hysterical frenzy right before the midterm election season.


While you're at it, you might want to read some articles about farmers & others in agriculture--(who voted for Trump) whom are in a real jam over seasonal workers (migrant workers) because of your hard line stance on immigration.

Since reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to try the below articles.

1. Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
2. CNN: Dairy Farmers Criticize Trump's Immigration Policy
3 .Farmers: Trump 'terrible for agriculture'
4. Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
5. The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill


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What a garish display of power for him to be the President of the Residents!
Google the "railroad killer" in Texas (where else). Just for one that blows your idiotic premise out of the water. The death of Mark Kilroy (while not the same thing, his killers was spotted in Texas (where else) numerous times.
What should Trump do, allow illegals to flow into the country RAPING and KILLING American citizens? If Obama had any balls he would have put a stop to this like Trump is doing.
We just had ANOTHER illegal arrested here in KC on a hit & run

Before president Trump none of the thousands of Americans KILLED and RAPED by illegals was being reported. You couldn't talk about it without being branded a racist. Thousands of Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals but the narrative, the propaganda was completely one sided oh look at those poor illegals they are just hard working people picking vegetables on farms.

Complete rubbish

^^^ liberal denial.
It's not denial. It is WILLFUL IGNORANCE
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States; muster the militia.
Here's an idea, Mr President: do an executive order to build the wall then start mass deportations of illegal aliens. Oh, and arrest sanctuary city mayors. JUST DO SOMETHING instead of TWEETING!
Here's an idea, Mr President: do an executive order to build the wall then start mass deportations of illegal aliens. Oh, and arrest sanctuary city mayors. JUST DO SOMETHING instead of TWEETING!

A President cannot make an executive order for a spending bill. That has to be passed by Congress.

Kicking people out of the country without a court hearing is illegal in this country, and deportation courts are backed up for years.

The liberal court stopped Trump from withholding federal funds yet alone allow him the ability to arrest anybody.

You need to learn more about politics.

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