President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!


Grow the fuck up.

Why don't you grow up, bigot. Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge 30 years ago because he is a racist, pure and simple.

I never heard anybody in the Democratic Party criticize Robert Byrd's past all those years he sat in the Senate and he actually WAS a member of the KKK.

Maybe because Byrd showed remorse for his views and for what he did when he was younger, lightweight. Something Sessions has never done and never will. If you show remorse, most Americans will forgive you.


Grow the fuck up.

Why don't you grow up, bigot. Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge 30 years ago because he is a racist, pure and simple.

I never heard anybody in the Democratic Party criticize Robert Byrd's past all those years he sat in the Senate and he actually WAS a member of the KKK.

Maybe because Byrd showed remorse for his views and for what he did when he was younger, lightweight. Something Sessions has never done and never will. If you show remorse, most Americans will forgive you.

No, all Byrd did was apologize with a D next to his name. When someone with an R next to their name apologizes they don't get the same benefit of the doubt. And let's not forget him blurting out the word ****** during an interview as late as the year 2000.

Sen. Byrd Apologizes for Racial Epithet

And if you read some of the comments that Sessions made when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man is a racist.

And you read about some of Byrd's life history when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man was a racist.

No, all Byrd did was apologize with a D next to his name. When someone with an R next to their name apologizes they don't get the same benefit of the doubt. And let's not forget him blurting out the word ****** during an interview as late as the year 2000.

Sen. Byrd Apologizes for Racial Epithet

And if you read some of the comments that Sessions made when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man is a racist.

And you read about some of Byrd's life history when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man was a racist.

So which Repugs have apologized for being racists? I didn't think so. One of the signs of being a racist is that you never recognize when you're saying something racist. If a Repug feels bad about being a racist, then that person would resign from the racist Repug Party. Byrd understood all of this, which is why he has been forgiven.

As I've already explained to you, you're a shallow little intellectually dishonest dweeb. Keep trying to muddy the waters with your lame ass rationalizations, dumb ass.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
The original racists were the British. It's all their fault. Let's get'em.

I just got off the phone with President-elect Trump, and I have convinced him to appoint Jeffrey Sessions to the position of AG. I have upheld my promise to make America Great again! #Draintheswamp #Bringbackthe60's
Loretta Lynch is fired. Remember she was being considered as a replacement for Scalia earlier this year as the 9th SC justice. Not gonna happen!

Loretta Lynch's legacy?

Meeting Billy on a private plane in Arizona for 30 minutes. (to talk about grandchildren lol)

What a legacy huh? ;) :rolleyes:
Racist Appointed as U.S. Chief Law Enforcement Officer

You do realize the word racist means absolutely nothing anymore, right? You guys trot this word out a thousand times a day to describe anyone who doesn't share your world view and it no longer has any affect. Nobody cares anymore and it does a disservice to people who do experience actual acts of racism because nobody believes them

Members of a Republican controlled Senate labeled him a racist. Not the left or anyone else.
No they didn't. At least two credible people said Sessions had made "insensitive" remarks. I think Sessions has since denied making at least some, but I also don't think he denied them when he testified.

All of us have made insensitive remarks at some time, even in joking. I don't think anyone accussed Sessions of doing a racist act in his official duties.

That said, I don't like the little prick.

And Sessions' views on criminal-justice reform, medical cannabis and civil-asset forfeitures are archaic. Really crappy pick. Trump could have done a lot better.
I think it was about illegal aliens and muslims. That simple. But yeah, Sessions is a pretty shitty human being.

Been looking through his record. Not seeing anything that makes him a $%&*& human being any more than the next guy.

You guys aware he prosecuted kkk members who lynched a black man? Not exactly screaming closet racist to me.
He'll fit right in with Trump,and his Trumpbots ..

Who is this vile, lisping piglet known as the “top ranking Republican” on the Senate Judiciary Committee calling everybody and everything (mostly Elena Kagan) Communist and Anti-American? Why it’s Alabama heartthrob Jeff Sessions, the Reagan-era U.S. attorney in Mobile who, when nominated by the Gipper to be U.S. District Court judge in southern Alabama, was revealed to be a complete racist and Bircher-style paranoid — the kind of trash who would tell black colleagues that he thought the Ku Klux Klan were “okay” until he discovered some of them were “pot smokers.”

Through the course of his confirmation hearings, black and white colleagues described Sessions’ constant, blatant racism: calling the NAACP “anti-American,” aggressively prosecuting fake “voter fraud” in black neighborhoods while ignoring actual fraud in white polling stations, calling a black U.S. attorney “boy,” and describing the Voting Rights Act of 1965 a “piece of intrusive legislation” — a quote he stood behind during his hearing.

Sessions has never forgotten his humiliation in the Senate. The Reagan Administration had been installing fringe-right racists and anti-Semites throughout the nation’s lower courts and U.S. Attorney offices, but Sessions was the first to meet an organized front of opposition. He still seethes, as you can see today at the Kagan hearings.

When he won the office of Alabama Attorney General, his jihad against African-Americans continued — when an epidemic of racist arson attacks on Alabama’s black churches hit the same year Sessions became AG, he steadfastly refused to investigate. He gets a steady “F” from the NAACP on his consistent anti-minority voting record.

Sessions is aligned with southern Holocaust deniers, white nationalists and Klan defense lawyers.

hell, he should be Trumps VP.
Donald Trump Selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney General - Breitbart

YES! 4 positions named and 3 I love! This is turning out wonderfully. The last 2 I can't wait to hear are Education Secretary and SOS! I heard last night Moskowitz doesn't want the DoE job.

Now we got that out of the way. :D

HuffingPaint is already screaming racism
Still screaming racism. They haven't stopped since Obie declared his candidacy.
Been looking through his record. Not seeing anything that makes him a $%&*& human being any more than the next guy.

You guys aware he prosecuted kkk members who lynched a black man? Not exactly screaming closet racist to me.

Avatar they are going to bitch about anyone that is nominated or hired... Whining and bitching is what the libs do best... Let them cry because the more they cry, the less they pee...

Grow the fuck up.

Why don't you grow up, bigot. Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge 30 years ago because he is a racist, pure and simple.

I never heard anybody in the Democratic Party criticize Robert Byrd's past all those years he sat in the Senate and he actually WAS a member of the KKK.

Maybe because Byrd showed remorse for his views and for what he did when he was younger, lightweight. Something Sessions has never done and never will. If you show remorse, most Americans will forgive you.

Why don't you grow up, bigot. Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge 30 years ago because he is a racist, pure and simple.

I never heard anybody in the Democratic Party criticize Robert Byrd's past all those years he sat in the Senate and he actually WAS a member of the KKK.

Maybe because Byrd showed remorse for his views and for what he did when he was younger, lightweight. Something Sessions has never done and never will. If you show remorse, most Americans will forgive you.

No, all Byrd did was apologize with a D next to his name. When someone with an R next to their name apologizes they don't get the same benefit of the doubt. And let's not forget him blurting out the word ****** during an interview as late as the year 2000.

Sen. Byrd Apologizes for Racial Epithet

And if you read some of the comments that Sessions made when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man is a racist.

And you read about some of Byrd's life history when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man was a racist.

No, all Byrd did was apologize with a D next to his name. When someone with an R next to their name apologizes they don't get the same benefit of the doubt. And let's not forget him blurting out the word ****** during an interview as late as the year 2000.

Sen. Byrd Apologizes for Racial Epithet

And if you read some of the comments that Sessions made when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man is a racist.

And you read about some of Byrd's life history when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man was a racist.

So which Repugs have apologized for being racists? I didn't think so. One of the signs of being a racist is that you never recognize when you're saying something racist. If a Repug feels bad about being a racist, then that person would resign from the racist Repug Party. Byrd understood all of this, which is why he has been forgiven.

As I've already explained to you, you're a shallow little intellectually dishonest dweeb. Keep trying to muddy the waters with your lame ass rationalizations, dumb ass.

So I imagine you oppose Keith Ellison's bid to head the DNC, right?
Racist Appointed as U.S. Chief Law Enforcement Officer

You do realize the word racist means absolutely nothing anymore, right? You guys trot this word out a thousand times a day to describe anyone who doesn't share your world view and it no longer has any affect. Nobody cares anymore and it does a disservice to people who do experience actual acts of racism because nobody believes them
Believe me, people know a racist when they hear or read how they talk and they do care, very much.
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