President Trump sending feds to Chicago to stop black genocide under Rahm Emanuel

...He is actually DOING something about the bloodbath that is Chicago...
Window dressing... a dog-and-pony show... a hound without teeth... a flea... a pimple... a fragment... nowhere NEAR enough to make a difference.

...And you are unable to even consider the possibility as a hypothetical if his actions might bear fruit...
Nope. I just know a Bad Joke... like sending-in 20 agents when hundreds are needed... when I see one; such as the one your boy served-up here.

...YOur anti-Trump commitment is more important to you than the lives of hundreds of fellow Americans...
Worse over-reach for a self-serving falsehood I've seen since... errrrr... ummmm... the last Donald Trump tweet.

...Sounds like YOU are the unstable one...
High praise, considering the source...

...Let me repeat my question. if their actions bear significant fruit? Will you admit that Trump is a fricking genius?

Idiot savant, at best.

And then, only if it bears fruit.

Your boy is not well.

So, you admit that even if results prove that his action was effective, after you go on record as insisting over and over again that they CANNOT be effective, resulting in saving of hundreds of American lives,

that that new and dramatic information would have no impact on your world view.

YOu just admitted that your world view and opinions are not reality based. Do you realize that?
Trump says he is sending federal help to fight Chicago crime

President Donald Trump said on Friday he was sending federal help to fight crime in Chicago that has reached "epidemic" proportions.

The government is sending federal agents to Chicago and plans to prosecute firearms cases aggressively, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Fox News when asked about Trump's statement about the plan in an early-morning Twitter post.

"Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help. 1714 shootings in Chicago this year!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

The president has regularly singled out Chicago's violent crime problem and in January decried the high crime rate in the third-most populous U.S. city as "carnage."

In 2016, the number of murders in Chicago exceeded 760, a jump of nearly 60 percent, and was more than New York and Los Angeles combined. There were more than 4,300 shooting victims in the city last year, according to police.

The number of murders, shootings and shooting victims have all decreased slightly this year in the city of 2.7 million. There have been 320 murders, down from 322 over the same period last year. There have been 1,703 shooting victims, down from 1,935, according to police figures.

Sessions said the anti-crime policies in Chicago have not worked and police "have been demoralized in many ways."

The federal assistance will come in the form of the Chicago Crime Gun Strike Force, a collaboration between the police and the Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The group, including police officers, federal agents and intelligence analysts, will work to impede the flow of illegal guns throughout Chicago and target repeat gun offenders.

"The Trump Administration will not let the bloodshed go on; we cannot accept these levels of violence," Sessions said in a statement on Friday afternoon. The group became operational on June 1, Sessions said...

All lives matter, including black people murdered by other black people.

Let us know when the realm has been cleansed and all is calm in the kingdom. And that doesn't mean report back in two years "Trump drops violent crime in Chicago by 1.8%, unheard of!"

What if "gun crime" drops by 30%? Will you admit that Trump did a good job?
Twenty ATF staffers...

Enough to say he kept his promise...

Insufficient to do jack-$hit...

Like Drumpf gives a rat's ass about the inner cities, except as window-dressing for vote-getting...

Wanna REALLY get something done in that $hithole?

Federalize the Illinois National Guard for a year's active duty (and hazardous duty pay), and declare martial law for a year, within affected Chicago neighborhoods...

Putting the Chicago Police Department under Federal military jurisdiction, within those neighborhoods...

During that time, they go house-to-house and seize all firearms for which a valid permit does not exist...

Anyone caught carrying without a carry-permit gets shipped to Gitmo for "special rehabilitation"...

"except as window-dressing for vote-getting"

Much more productive than illegal immigration

years from now when sanity has returned to the city

there will be a victims of liberalization wall memorial

built in Chicago with all the names etched in it
This isn't about Obumble... it's about Drumpf... and his throwing Black Folk a very small bone, before tossing them back under the bus again.

I see you wish to avoid what your hero has not done. So let me explain it this way: Trump is at least trying to do something. It doesn't matter whether you think it will make a difference or not. What matters here is if there are results....
1. Obumble is not my hero.

2. I am not avoiding Obumble's miserable track record with respect to reducing inner-city violence.

3. I am focused like a laser beam on the miserly pittance that Drumpf is throwing at a problem requiring far more resources than a paltry 20 ATF agents.

4. I am in complete agreement - what matters here are results.

5. It is my position that we will NOT see substantive results from this bit of window-dressing that your boy has arranged.

Here's merely serving-up Window Dressing with a crappy contribution like 20 ATF agents... and, this isn't about other Presidents... it's about Drumpf.
Oh really? And what goal does he hope to achieve with this so-called window dressing of yours? So let me reiterate: he's sending agents to a city and state that voted against him and probably will the next election...


It's about Drumpf.


He's sending-in agents to a city and state that voted against him and probably will in the next election.

Trouble is, it's a drop in the bucket.

...All this talk about how Republicans only care about the rich and could care less about the blacks and the poor are pure bullshit...
Yes and No.

If Republicans were so goddamned effective at selling that trumped-up notion, they would have more of the Black and Poor vote now, wouldn't they?

They care, alright.

As a lofty concept piece and to some very modest actual extent.

It's just that they about Balance Sheets and P&L statements MORE.

As their legislation informs the American Electorate every single day that they're in-session.

...Unlike DumBama (yes I'm bringing him up again) he's demonstrating that he's the President of all people and not just the people that voted for him. That's a hell of a lot more than Hillary or DumBama has shown to Republican cities or states...
1. A neighbor has a life-threatening problem that requires a thousand dollars to fix.

2. The previous owner of your house talked a good game but never did diddly-squat to help that neighbor.

3. You move into that same house.

4. You have millions at your disposal.

5. You claim to have the answers and promise to fix your neighbor's problem for him.

6. You throw ten dollars at his thousand-dollar problem.

7. You defense that "Well, I did more than the other guy" is sophomoric and untenable, in the context of a miserly and miserable and highly-flawed execution.

And there is where you are wrong. If I made a wrong call here (i.e., Drumpf's 20 ATF agents are like a teacup against a tsunami of lawlessness on Chicago's West and South Sides), I will gladly 'fess up. What is your gauge for "improvement" ? What quantification would you care to apply to that gauge? What is your timeline for achieving that quantification?
My gauge for improvement is a reduction of needless murders. My gauge for improvement is reducing the amount of drugs that come into that city that are responsible for those murders. My gauge for improvement is getting deadly weapons out of the hands of gangs in Chicago.
Well, now you've given us your gauge.

Thank you, for that.

I repeat the related question... what is your 'quantification' to be measured by your gauge... what might be an acceptable reduction, attributable to these 20 agents? Guess.

I repeat the related question... what is your 'timeline' to be applied against your gauge... when might we see such reductions, attributable to these 20 agents? Guess.

The truth of the matter is, you cannot make an intelligent guess in such matters, no more than I can prove that 20 agents are a drop-in-the-bucket, and mere window-dressing.


I hold to my common-sense position, that 20 ATF agents are grotesquely and pathetically insufficient, to counter the massive problem on Chicago's West and South Sides.

Doesn't matter a damn, whether the other guy did anything or not.

What matters in this context is whether this "move" is likely to put a noticeable dent in Drumpf's promise to fix the problem.

I, for one, do not believe that it will put such a dent in his promise.

Time will give us the answer to that question.


Good exchange, BTW... thanks, and kudos.
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While i agree Chicago is in bad shape, where does the federal government have authority to do this?
The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America?

" domestic tranquility..."

The preamble is not a grant of authority. It's a statement of why they created the constitution. And putting down rebellions is not the same as policing high crime areas.
While i agree Chicago is in bad shape, where does the federal government have authority to do this?

Good for you.

If Obama had pulled thus lame brained stunt, you RWNJs would have been all over it.

But of course, President Obama knew what he was doing and Herr Cheetolini knows good chocolate cake.

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Twenty ATF staffers...

Enough to say he kept his promise...

Insufficient to do jack-$hit...

Like Drumpf gives a rat's ass about the inner cities, except as window-dressing for vote-getting...

Wanna REALLY get something done in that $hithole?

Federalize the Illinois National Guard for a year's active duty (and hazardous duty pay), and declare martial law for a year, within affected Chicago neighborhoods...

Putting the Chicago Police Department under Federal military jurisdiction, within those neighborhoods...

During that time, they go house-to-house and seize all firearms for which a valid permit does not exist...

Anyone caught carrying without a carry-permit gets shipped to Gitmo for "special rehabilitation"...
You're attacking Trump for the f*ed up mess Emanuel let happen and Barry ignored?

As Chicago set and broke new records each year for gun violence, those 2 clowns did NOTHING. Black Lives...andd Chicago...may Matter, but not to those two, as their records show.

Damn, snowflakes just have to invent reasons to hate Trump and Kiss Barry's ass.
I am not attacking Trump for the f*ed up mess Emanual let happen and Barry ignored.

I am dissing Trump because he's not doing anywhere near enough... what he's doing is window dressing... a band-aid on a severed limb... got it, now?
If that's true, it is still infinitely more than Barry and Rham ever did.

No, actually, that's not true at all.

All you fools know to do is throw the same shit, day after day.

That's all you know because that's all you want to know.

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While i agree Chicago is in bad shape, where does the federal government have authority to do this?
The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America?

" domestic tranquility..."

The preamble is not a grant of authority. It's a statement of why they created the constitution. And putting down rebellions is not the same as policing high crime areas.
It's all a matter of interpretation, isn't it? Juicy rationalizations work in the courtroom, too.
The President of the United States had no idea what was going on in the US?

Damn, he was the worst President in US history...
Twenty ATF staffers...

Enough to say he kept his promise...

Insufficient to do jack-$hit...

Like Drumpf gives a rat's ass about the inner cities, except as window-dressing for vote-getting...

Wanna REALLY get something done in that $hithole?

Federalize the Illinois National Guard for a year's active duty (and hazardous duty pay), and declare martial law for a year, within affected Chicago neighborhoods...

Putting the Chicago Police Department under Federal military jurisdiction, within those neighborhoods...

During that time, they go house-to-house and seize all firearms for which a valid permit does not exist...

Anyone caught carrying without a carry-permit gets shipped to Gitmo for "special rehabilitation"...
Sieg Heil!
While i agree Chicago is in bad shape, where does the federal government have authority to do this?
The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America?

" domestic tranquility..."

The preamble is not a grant of authority. It's a statement of why they created the constitution. And putting down rebellions is not the same as policing high crime areas.
It's all a matter of interpretation, isn't it? Juicy rationalizations work in the courtroom, too.

There is no room to interpret the preamble as a grant of authority. Supreme court said otherwise years ago

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