President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY (900+) Air Force Academy Graduate

Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)
I wonder if he will still respect them if they get captured during war.
LOL...what a load of shit.

He only did it because he knew the cameras were watching.

It meant NOTHING.

He calls war heroes cowards, he got his daddy to get him out of military service.

He is pathetic maggot of a POTUS and he has utter contempt for the military.


I highly doubt that very much.
Btw, so Obama was even better at respecting the Military?

Obama's Top 30 Most Disrespectful Insults to the Military

Honestly read your 30 items...

Few are just plain lies, others are setting out false premise like Obama not attending Soliders funeral(either did Bush, Presidents don't attend these funerals), other you insult soliders who happen to be gay,....

You know when you say 'Trump respects the troops', you are just showing yourself as being a victim of the Trump Con... You're a mark..

I pity you, while Trump will come and go, you will be alway an easy target...
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)
Willie Nelson does the same thing...after every show.
LOL...what a load of shit.

He only did it because he knew the cameras were watching.

It meant NOTHING.

He calls war heroes cowards, he got his daddy to get him out of military service.

He is pathetic maggot of a POTUS and he has utter contempt for the military.


I highly doubt that very much.
Btw, so Obama was even better at respecting the Military?

Obama's Top 30 Most Disrespectful Insults to the Military

I quit reading your stupid list at number 30 since it was a lie. Military members have held umbrellas for every POTUS going back to Reagan and likely much further back. It is not an insult, it is part of their assigned duties

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Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?
Why should he do that? He has White Privilege so he owes nobody an apology.

White Privilege?
Are you White?

that what is says on my birth certificate that I got in Kenya .........
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)
That's nice.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?

It was a military doctor that examined him and gave him his status.
His status also didn’t exempt him from the draft in times of war.

So how is that “draft dodging”?

Remind us how many years BJ Clinton, Hildabeast, and the Hussein served in the military.

When Trump was in college from 1964 to 1968, he obtained four student draft deferments. In 1966, he was deemed fit for military service based upon a medical examination and in July 1968, a local draft board briefly classified him as eligible to serve. In October 1968, he was given a medical deferment that he later attributed to spurs in the heels of both feet, which resulted in a 1-Y classification: "Unqualified for duty except in the case of a national emergency." In the December 1969 draft lottery, Trump's birthday, June 14, received a high number that would have given him a low probability to be called to military service even without the 1-Y. In 1972, he was reclassified as 4-F, which permanently disqualified him from service.

In 1973 and 1976, The New York Times reported that Trump had graduated first in his class at Wharton. However, a 1984 Times profile of Trump noted that he had never made the honor roll. In 1988, New York magazine reported Trump conceding, "Okay, maybe not 'first,' as myth has it, but he had 'the highest grades possible."

During the Vietnam War, Clinton received educational draft deferments while he was in England in 1968 and 1969. While at Oxford, he participated in Vietnam War protests and organized a Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam event in October 1969. He was planning to attend law school in the U.S. and was aware that he might lose his draft deferment. Clinton tried unsuccessfully to obtain positions in the National Guard or Air Force, and he then made arrangements to join the Reserve Officers' Training Corps(ROTC) program at the University of Arkansas.

He subsequently decided not to join the ROTC, saying in a letter to the officer in charge of the program that he opposed the war, but did not think it was honorable to use ROTC, National Guard, or Reserve service to avoid serving in Vietnam. He further stated that because he opposed the war, he would not volunteer to serve in uniform, but would subject himself to the draft, and would serve if selected only as a way "to maintain my political viability within the system". Clinton registered for the draft and received a high number (311), meaning that those whose birthdays had been drawn as numbers 1 to 310 would have to be drafted before him, making it unlikely that he would be drafted. (In fact, the highest number drafted was 195.
When Obama was president he was a complete traitor to the United States military. Massive cuts to the defense budget was just the beginning. The social compact of alternate lifestyles was pushed way beyond any sense. The standards were lowered for it. Traitors to the safety of other military personnel appeared. Giving up ones life because of a traitor like Obama and his attempt to destroy the military is a thousand times more important then bone spurs. And Obama did not even attempt to serve in the military himself. He was to busy toking and coking! I am sorry. But your good life today is tied into a strong military. I do not say I agree with it. But it is the truth. And it is getting more expensive in our lower standards equality nation that destroys people by perception.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?

As many times as Obama did, but that doesn't seem to upset you. I wonder if partisan politics has anything to do with it.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?

It was a military doctor that examined him and gave him his status.
His status also didn’t exempt him from the draft in times of war.

So how is that “draft dodging”?

Remind us how many years BJ Clinton, Hildabeast, and the Hussein served in the military.

When Trump was in college from 1964 to 1968, he obtained four student draft deferments. In 1966, he was deemed fit for military service based upon a medical examination and in July 1968, a local draft board briefly classified him as eligible to serve. In October 1968, he was given a medical deferment that he later attributed to spurs in the heels of both feet, which resulted in a 1-Y classification: "Unqualified for duty except in the case of a national emergency." In the December 1969 draft lottery, Trump's birthday, June 14, received a high number that would have given him a low probability to be called to military service even without the 1-Y. In 1972, he was reclassified as 4-F, which permanently disqualified him from service.

In 1973 and 1976, The New York Times reported that Trump had graduated first in his class at Wharton. However, a 1984 Times profile of Trump noted that he had never made the honor roll. In 1988, New York magazine reported Trump conceding, "Okay, maybe not 'first,' as myth has it, but he had 'the highest grades possible."

During the Vietnam War, Clinton received educational draft deferments while he was in England in 1968 and 1969. While at Oxford, he participated in Vietnam War protests and organized a Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam event in October 1969. He was planning to attend law school in the U.S. and was aware that he might lose his draft deferment. Clinton tried unsuccessfully to obtain positions in the National Guard or Air Force, and he then made arrangements to join the Reserve Officers' Training Corps(ROTC) program at the University of Arkansas.

He subsequently decided not to join the ROTC, saying in a letter to the officer in charge of the program that he opposed the war, but did not think it was honorable to use ROTC, National Guard, or Reserve service to avoid serving in Vietnam. He further stated that because he opposed the war, he would not volunteer to serve in uniform, but would subject himself to the draft, and would serve if selected only as a way "to maintain my political viability within the system". Clinton registered for the draft and received a high number (311), meaning that those whose birthdays had been drawn as numbers 1 to 310 would have to be drafted before him, making it unlikely that he would be drafted. (In fact, the highest number drafted was 195.
When Obama was president he was a complete traitor to the United States military. Massive cuts to the defense budget was just the beginning. The social compact of alternate lifestyles was pushed way beyond any sense. The standards were lowered for it. Traitors to the safety of other military personnel appeared. Giving up ones life because of a traitor like Obama and his attempt to destroy the military is a thousand times more important then bone spurs. And Obama did not even attempt to serve in the military himself. He was to busy toking and coking! I am sorry. But your good life today is tied into a strong military. I do not say I agree with it. But it is the truth. And it is getting more expensive in our lower standards equality nation that destroys people by perception.

Thanks for your BULL SHIT Obama feces fest; I guess that means you are giving Trump a pass for draft dodging.

Trump owes each and everyone of them a handshake, my personal opinion about the military.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?

As many times as Obama did, but that doesn't seem to upset you. I wonder if partisan politics has anything to do with it.

I guess that means you are giving Trump a pass for draft dodging.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

He is indeed the engergizer bunny. I'm the same age but there's no way I could keep pace with the guy. It must be all that clean living. No drugs, no alcohol etc.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)
Not bad for a germaphobe....He gets caught in yet another lie..

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