President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY (900+) Air Force Academy Graduate

if Hillary tried to pull a stunt like this, and letting all 1000 students know that she will be shaking all of thier hands,,I wonder how many will show up, then race on out of the stadium before Hillary gets her hands on them
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?
Why should he do that? He has White Privilege so he owes nobody an apology.
if Hillary tried to pull a stunt like this, and letting all 1000 students know that she will be shaking all of their hands,,I wonder how many will show up, then race on out of the stadium before Hillary gets her hands on them

Just visualizing that would want to make me want to puke. :D
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?
Why should he do that? He has White Privilege so he owes nobody an apology.

White Privilege? Only in AmeriKKKa.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?
Why should he do that? He has White Privilege so he owes nobody an apology.

White Privilege?
Are you White?
I have the facts, you just have a rather ignorant political bias that lacks any critical thinking.

Give it you are just talking the talk. :D

I haven't seen any so-called "evidence" as you are suggesting that there is. So, calling someone "a rather ignorant political bias that lacks critical thinking" is like having a mind of a gnat. :D
My God who chooses the Trump buzz words? He's cheating around and grabs anything , uh he's got strength stamina and its one heck of a deal! Too! On my used car lot where I sleep.
I haven't heard Anything about breaking into Vietnamese family homes, that's where its at. Just like the Good Old Days! Yes sir, they knew their place, in that one particular point of time, probably the Vietnam war, rule of the street, break into Vietnamese family homes!
I have the facts, you just have a rather ignorant political bias that lacks any critical thinking.

Give it you are just talking the talk. :D

I haven't seen any so-called "evidence" as you are suggesting that there is. So, calling someone "a rather ignorant political bias that lacks critical thinking" is like having a mind of a gnat. :D

Its better that you cut and run now little white dude.
Incredible! Saw it, this man is heaven sent. Thank you Lord. Amen! AND he just got off the plane from Japan! The stamina and strength in President Trump is really unbelievable. What better way to create pride and patriotism in these cadets? Could Hillary have done this? No! Her handlers would have been shoving her into the Scooby Van before the fifth graduate had crossed the stage. No ladies are gentleman, it's simple but amazing things like this that impresses normal Americans about him.

President Trump Stands, Salutes and Shakes Hands with EVERY Air Force Academy Graduate - OVER 900 Cadets (VIDEO)

So, when 'Private Bone Spurz' shook all 900 hands did he also make a personal apology with every hand shake, telling each graduate the he is sorry for draft dodging & for NOT serving?

Watching liberals give shit to Trump about draft dodging the Vietnam War is laughable. At the time, it was the Left that celebrated draft dodgers and evaders. 20 years later, it was the Left that told US prior military service was not necessary when they voted in Clinton. Not only did Clinton dodge or evade the draft, he evaded National Guard service and went to London and protested against the guys fighting the war in Vietnam. Let’s go further... The Left supports John Kerry who served in Vietnam only to come back and make statements that were used as propoganda against Vietnam POWs and pretend to throw his medals in protest over the White House fence only to be found out those were not his medals but someone else’s.

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