President Trump: “The Democrats… Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can’t Figure That

The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.
Reality is all those democrats raising their hands in support of illegals' medical bills paid by Americans. Reality is Nancy Pelosi saying that MS-13 should be treated gently because they have the spark of divinity. Reality is hundreds of thousands of Americans in tents while illegals have public housing. Reality is mattresses for illegals, and food, and games and every other damn thing they want. It ain't the Koch brothers.
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.
The goal of left wing ideology is a world without are correct that democrats do not want open borders but liberals salivate at the mere thought of it.
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.
The goal of left wing ideology is a world without are correct that democrats do not want open borders but liberals salivate at the mere thought of it.

That's the means... the goal is a 3rd world style society, where there are only the zombie NPCs and their democratic masters. No thinking people or middle class are allowed.
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
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The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall. What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees Are you as afraid of your shadow as you are of Mexicans?

No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’

The Democrats want open borders. They want anybody they wanted, including MS-13, pouring into the country.”

— President Trump, speaking on Monday at a campaign rally in South Carolina

the facts

Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

Calls to Abolish ICE Not 'Open Borders' -

The small minority of Democrats in Congress calling for the end of ICE have all said they would like to have many of ICE’s functions redistributed to other, existing government agencies. None has called for abandoning border enforcement.

Responding to the president’s claims about Democrats supporting open borders, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “No, we do care about the border. We care about protecting our country, but we don’t think we need to protect the border by putting children in cages. We want to be smart and strong not reckless, rash and ruthless in this case.”
The Democrats are easy on illegals but they do not want open borders. That's the goal of rich internationalists like the Koch brothers. Dabble in reality if you want to be taken seriously.

Dude, pull your head from your fucking ass...PLEASE.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Calls to Abolish ICE Not 'Open Borders' -

Abolishing ICE
Trump has stepped up his claims about Democrats supporting open borders as several prominent Democrats have announced support for abolishing ICE.

One of the most prominent opponents of ICE is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a House candidate from New York who upset Rep. Joe Crowley in last week’s Democratic primary. As the issue of family separations became a hot topic, Ocasio-Cortez’s calls to abolish ICE became a key part of her message.

casio-Cortez campaign website: The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency was created in 2003, in the same suite of post-9/11 legislation as the Patriot Act and the Iraq War. Its founding was part of an unchecked expansion of executive powers that led to the widespread erosion of Americans’ civil rights. Unlike prior immigration enforcement under the INS, ICE operates outside the scope of the Department of Justice and is unaccountable to our nation’s standards of due process. …

As overseen by the Trump administration, ICE operates with virtually no accountability, ripping apart families and holding our friends and neighbors indefinitely in inhumane detention centers scattered across the United States. Alex believes that if we are to uphold civic justice, we must abolish ICE and see to it that our undocumented neighbors are treated with the dignity and respect owed to all people, regardless of citizenship status.

Several other prominent Democrats have joined that call, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand.
Damn the stupid is thick in the thread...What you idiots are trying to call Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/socialism/etc/etc. is just a mish mash of word salad without dressing to compliment..The echo chamber is feeding yous well though.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
At the very least it is an ingredient, like a drivers license it is a step in that direction, and the left most certainly craves open borders...everywhere
Damn the stupid is thick in the thread...What you idiots are trying to call Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/socialism/etc/etc. is just a mish mash of word salad without dressing to compliment..The echo chamber is feeding yous well though.
When it comes you will find that winning is not the same as having. I would support the break up of our nation into smaller ones and even consider voting for a dictator. I also believe that there will be hard liners in more local and regional elections with protection at some point.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)

Why is simple. The Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race as a majority for the first time in history. With whites finally out of the way, they will have a path to a single-party country forever. At that point the end the great experiment will begin. It will quickly turn to Socialism, and a rocks throw away from Communism.

Many years ago the Communists said they will take over the USA, but not with bullets or bloodshed. They will take over from within. We are witnessing that prediction coming true today.
That's right …..Dude Rational and sensible people do not want a wall.

No, rational and sensible people do want a wall. It's the Democrats that don't. Why? Because walls have worked everywhere they've been tried. You can't have a closed border without them. And if you don't want a closed border, it can only mean you want an open border.

What we do want is a fair and humane system of immigration and for processing refugees

The United States allows nearly a million people to join our country as citizens every single year. That's on top of the work permits and various Visa's we provide foreigners. No other country in the world is as generous with their land as the people of the USA.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
At the very least it is an ingredient, like a drivers license it is a step in that direction, and the left most certainly craves open borders...everywhere
Horseshit! Moronic Trumpanzee talking points . Crave open boarders.? Give me a fucking break. Try THINKING for yourself on this Only fucking idiots believe that.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
At the very least it is an ingredient, like a drivers license it is a step in that direction, and the left most certainly craves open borders...everywhere
Horseshit! Moronic Trumpanzee talking points . Crave open boarders.? Give me a fucking break. Try THINKING for yourself on this Only fucking idiots believe that.

Yes, they crave for open borders. Frothing and lusting over it. All you need to do come to that conclusion is to listen what they say.

Their voter-base the anti-Americans are on the other side of the border and must be transported here.
I agree Mr. President. Don't they realize when you have open borders, you don't have a country.

BOOM! President Trump: "The Democrats... Want to Have Open Borders, for the Life of Me, I Can't Figure That Out" (VIDEO)
The title of the thread is just another one of Trumps flat out lies that you mindlessly repeated.. or an indication of serious cognitive impairment on your part and his. Providing health care for undocumented people IS NOT WANTING OPEN BOARDER.
The United States should never provide health care for undocumented criminals and their families. They should be denied and tossed in the Rio Grand to drown. Oh, since your here, same thing goes for Homosexuals, both Illegal ones and civilian ones.
You are a wonderful Godly person. I'm sure that there will be a place awaiting you in paradise. Or not. What would Jesus do?

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