President Trump: the ultimate winner

This is what happens when a president shows leadership, backbone, and resolve (all of the things that Obama was lacking)...
North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has told South Korean envoys he is willing to negotiate with the United States on abandoning his country’s nuclear weapons, officials from the South said Tuesday. Mr. Kim also said he would suspend all nuclear and missile tests while such talks were underway, they said.
Kim Jong Un was used to dealing with a limp-wristed, spineless pacifist in Obama. He was not prepared for President Trump. He decided he was going to stare down the United States and he blinked first.

North Korea Signals Willingness to ‘Denuclearize,’ South Says
The Republican Party continues to promote, protect, and prosper the African-American community. This is what happens when you treat people as equals instead of useful idiots for an agenda.
The unemployment rate for black Americans fell back down to an historic low in February. Just 6.9% of black adults were unemployed in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second-lowest such ratio since the agency has been keeping track.
Well done President Trump. Well done.

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February
After 8 long years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed “cower and appease” strategy, it is so refreshing to see real leadership in the White House once again.
Praising the president’s leadership, South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-Yong...revealed Thursday evening that Kim is eager to meet “Trump as soon as possible.”

Pence emphasized that “the North Koreans are coming to the table despite the United States making zero concessions,” as past U.S. presidents have done to appease the Kim regime. Instead of concessions, the U.S. has continued to ratchet up the pressure on North Korea, urging it to pursue a path of peace instead of destruction.
Kim Jong Un understands that the U.S. has a real leader in the Oval Office now, who will not tolerate any of his antics. Appeasement does not ingratiate the U.S. to maniacs. But showing resolve and superior strength causes maniacs to heel.

Pence: Kim Jong Un Wants to Talk Because Trump Stood Firm
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction

Yep. It's the usual pattern. Democrats expand government; Republicans show us why it's a bad idea.
Trump's ex campaign manager Paul Manafort is looking at 305 years prison sentence... unless he gives up valuable information on the Trump Crime Family.
I don't think Manafort will go to prison for Trump.

More Trump " winning."

More Trump " winning."

More Trump " winning" and seniors losing.
Just another example of making America great again.
Trump's ex campaign manager Paul Manafort is looking at 305 years prison sentence... unless he gives up valuable information on the Trump Crime Family.
I don't think Manafort will go to prison for Trump.

More Trump " winning."
He should immediately plead guilty in a plea agreement. Then have President Trump “pardon” him before they can even drive him to the prison. :laugh:

After all, that’s how the Dumbocrats do it. Obama and Slick Willy made sure Hitlery didn’t go to prison. And racist Eric Holder made sure that nobody black ever went to prison.
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More Trump " winning" and seniors losing.
Just another example of making America great again.
And the difference, unreasonable? The “meals on wheels” is 100% unconstitutional (not to mention unnecessary if greedy, selfish people like you would actually show up and help those in need), while President Trump is fully allowed by law to play golf.

Also - if Barack Insane Obama hadn’t broken the record for golf, there might be more money in the coffers for “meals on wheels”.
Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning.

Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone Pipeline, the repeal of devastating regulations on small business, the abandonment of the TPP, the fiscal responsibility of the hiring freeze, and sound national security policies - but he's also changing the hearts and minds of the limousine liberals of Hollywood. When the most bizarre and irrational liberals start rooting for you while you have an "R" behind your name - you know you are winning.

Morgan Freeman on President Trump: “What I see is a guy who will not lose.”

Morgan Freeman endorsed Clinton. What he says about President Trump may surprise you.
Winning failure? Who wants to win failure?
He promised to “drain the swamp” and he is delivering on that in a very big way. The corruption in the EPA and the politicization of the EPA was repulsive. So glad to see they are cleaning up the correction and relying on real science finally.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt may be just a lawyer, but so far he has done more to bring sound science to the EPA than any scientist ever affiliated with the agency.
This repulsive organization shouldn’t even exist as the people (by way of the U.S. Constitution) never gave the federal government authority over the environment. But until a president comes in and shuts the damn thing down, the least the American people deserve is an organization that is free from corruption and relying on actual science rather than political activists posing as scientists.

EPA Chief Puts Science Back Into Environmental Protection
Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning.

Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone Pipeline, the repeal of devastating regulations on small business, the abandonment of the TPP, the fiscal responsibility of the hiring freeze, and sound national security policies - but he's also changing the hearts and minds of the limousine liberals of Hollywood. When the most bizarre and irrational liberals start rooting for you while you have an "R" behind your name - you know you are winning.

Morgan Freeman on President Trump: “What I see is a guy who will not lose.”

Morgan Freeman endorsed Clinton. What he says about President Trump may surprise you.

He clearly hasn't.

Here are 76 of Donald Trump’s many campaign promises

"Build a wall along the southern border "

No. He hasn't done this, he doesn't have funding to do it either.

"Make Mexico pay for the wall."

No, he's definitely not done this.

""If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again.""

Yes, he said Merry Christmas, but then Obama did too, every damn year.

"Get rid of Common Core "


"The Environmental Protection Agency might also disappear."

Hasn't disappeared, but he's certainly out to destroy the environment.

"Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific""

No, he did not replace it with something "terrific"

"Rebuild the country's aging infrastructure "

Nope, he cut taxes, bridges are still falling.

"Defund Planned Parenthood."

yeah, he's done this one.

"I will take care of women,"


"Temporarily ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States"

Nope, he banned a few countries (including "Muslim" Venezuela), not most by any means.

"Never take a vacation while serving as president."


"Prosecute Hillary Clinton "


"Stop spending money on space exploration"

Nope, in fact wants to increase spending.

"Be unpredictable."

He's not even unpredictable. Just chaotic, but it's so predictable it's ridiculous.

"Allow Russia to deal with the Islamic State in Syria"

Sort of, but then demanded that everyone praise him for dealing with ISIS.

""Bomb the s--- out of ISIS.""


Should I keep going on things Trump said and hasn't fulfilled?


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