President Trump: the ultimate winner

Ya know, there's nothing easier on this forum than proving what an imbecile you are...
This coming from the nitwit who attempted to dispute manufacturing job opening numbers with employment numbers. :lmao:'ve been so thoroughly humiliated on this board that nobody takes your posts (or your numbers) seriously.

I just proved what an idiot you are by proving the debt started dropping before Trump was sworn in and you're already coming back for more punishment??

Fine, check this out....

Snowflake....Obama LOST 10 million jobs. He didn't get plus 1 million until the end of his presidency. It's too bad you only listen to what he tells you instead of looking at the facts.

You poor thing, you're so demented, you're completely disconnected from reality. :cuckoo:

1/2009: 134053
1/2017: 145541

Net gain: 11.5 million

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You may want to revise your original post. Now that it's 7 months later, and the only legislative victory is the one he signed on with the democrats.
Um...sweetie? Presidents don't write legislation. That's Congresses job. Congress is in the legislative branch. President Trump sits in the executive branch.

Once you get to high school, you'll have government classes which will explain all of this "adulty" stuff to you.
Spits the idiot who credited Trump with lowering the debt for "7 months or so" but then blames "unconstitutional government" for when it goes up.

And what did Trump do to lower the debt...?

Easy, Snowflake beotch. Head to a doctor for that extreme butthurt. :rofl:
^^^ another rightard who has no explanation of how Trump lowered the debt. :clap:

So are you really unhappy the Debt has been lowered under Trump? What's your malfunction hater tard?
You're deranged -- where did I say that made me unhappy?

The question on the table, which you're running from ... is ... what did Trump do to lower the debt?

So are you happy or unhappy the Debt has been lowered under Trump? Just gauging whether or not you're just an average hater-douche.

You cannot be this dumb. The current US debt has not changed since Trump took over. With his tax cuts more likely it will be higher not lower.

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock
Snowflake....Obama LOST 10 million jobs. He didn't get plus 1 million until the end of his presidency. It's too bad you only listen to what he tells you instead of looking at the facts.
How come I'm still waiting for Buttplug to show where Obama lost 10 million jobs and gained only 1 million by the end of his presidency?

Snowflake....Obama LOST 10 million jobs. He didn't get plus 1 million until the end of his presidency. It's too bad you only listen to what he tells you instead of looking at the facts.
Nearly two months later and Buttplug has still not showed where Obama lost 10 million jobs and gained only 1 million by the end of his presidency, as he falsely claimed. Any more evidence needed to prove Buttplug a moron AND a liar?

President Trump has had unquestionably the most impressive first year in office of any president in the modern era...
  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.
This list doesn’t even include how President Trump has secured the border, created over a million jobs, oversaw record numbers on the stock exchange, renegotiated trade agreements to favor the U.S., restored power to the states, or returned constitutional government at the federal level (among other things).

Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?
That’s because it absolutely was unifying (unlike any speech ever given by Barack Insane Obama).
More than eight out of 10 Americans - 81% - who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night think he was trying to unite the country, not divide it, a CBS News poll found.
Which begs the question - what is wrong with the other 2 out of 10 who can’t accept or admit reality?

Trump Sought to Unite the Country in State of the Union Address, CBS News Poll Finds
Debt to the Penny

During the first 3 weeks of January, before Trump was sworn in, the debt had already dropped by more than 32 billion.

Trump was uniquely talented to inherit a booming economy he could take credit for.

This way Trump could concentrate on the important things, like repeal of obamacare.

They are all this stupid folks.
That’s because it absolutely was unifying (unlike any speech ever given by Barack Insane Obama).
More than eight out of 10 Americans - 81% - who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night think he was trying to unite the country, not divide it, a CBS News poll found.
Which begs the question - what is wrong with the other 2 out of 10 who can’t accept or admit reality?

Trump Sought to Unite the Country in State of the Union Address, CBS News Poll Finds

Some polled may have lied about watching or they watched while wearing their liberal glasses. They are too full of hate to appreciate anything other than the vitriol spewing out of the spiteful leftists. They are closed-minded useful idiots who refuse to listen to the truth. The left's control of our education system combined with the constant barrage of Republican bashing has caused some to turn into mindless robots. They want free shit. Period. Tax cuts mean nothing to those who don't pay taxes. More available jobs means nothing to those who are comfy on the liberal plantation. They are being told that mean old Republicans are keeping their money instead of giving it to them.

We have too damn many people sitting their with their hands out and their minds closed. All they want is for politicians to give them more. They don't care how government gets the money. Too many are convinced that the left only goes after the super wealthy people and they have been taught to hate them. Most don't know or care that it's middle class people getting robbed and it's causing hardships for many. Of course, the left would rather take middle class people down in hopes more will turn to government.

So, when Trump keeps his campaign promises, their nefarious plans for America are turning to ashes. That is where the hate comes from as far as the politicians are concerned. Same with college professors and others who understand what the left is actually trying to do. They want America destroyed. The uneducated idiots simply believe that they need liberals to keep the checks coming because they are clueless how to survive like the rest of us.
the awful awful awful pictures of Dreamers getting deported will rally the country against Trump & his minions!
Snowflake....Obama LOST 10 million jobs. He didn't get plus 1 million until the end of his presidency. It's too bad you only listen to what he tells you instead of looking at the facts.
And now, here we are 4½ months later and Buttplug has still not showed where Obama lost 10 million jobs and gained only 1 million by the end of his presidency, as he falsely claimed. Any more evidence needed to prove Buttplug a moron AND a liar?
Here we are 4½ months later and Faun Over Men is still talking about really sick homosexual stuff. But...that’s all he has done since joining USMB. He accidentally got this site mixed up with one of his homosexual sites and he’s been back-pedaling ever since.
the awful awful awful pictures of Dreamers getting deported will rally the country against Trump & his minions!
Yeah...uh...deporting criminals is exactly why We the People elected President Trump. You will hear the collective roar of 300 million cheering President Trump as those criminals are kicked out. It would all but guarantee his re-election.
Snowflake....Obama LOST 10 million jobs. He didn't get plus 1 million until the end of his presidency. It's too bad you only listen to what he tells you instead of looking at the facts.
And now, here we are 4½ months later and Buttplug has still not showed where Obama lost 10 million jobs and gained only 1 million by the end of his presidency, as he falsely claimed. Any more evidence needed to prove Buttplug a moron AND a liar?
Here we are 4½ months later and Faun Over Men is still talking about really sick homosexual stuff. But...that’s all he has done since joining USMB. He accidentally got this site mixed up with one of his homosexual sites and he’s been back-pedaling ever since.
I see you’re back to calling a “homosexual site.” Seeing homosexuality in non-homosexual websites clearly indicates you’re gay. You’re also an abject moron who actually said, Obama lost 10 million jobs and gained only 1 million by the end of his presidency. And you’re a pussy because you run away every time I challenge you to prove that lie.

the awful awful awful pictures of Dreamers getting deported will rally the country against Trump & his minions!
Yeah...uh...deporting criminals is exactly why We the People elected President Trump. You will hear the collective roar of 300 million cheering President Trump as those criminals are kicked out. It would all but guarantee his re-election.

You mean, Donald “amnesty” Trump??


Trump amnesty to cover 1.8 million Dreamers; triple Obama’s DACA
I see you’re back to calling a “homosexual site.” Seeing homosexuality in non-homosexual websites clearly indicates you’re gay.
Every single day, Faun Over Men attempts to convince himself that I share his bizarre and deep-seated homosexuality. Creepy to say the least.
I see you’re back to calling a “homosexual site.” Seeing homosexuality in non-homosexual websites clearly indicates you’re gay.
Every single day, Faun Over Men attempts to convince himself that I share his bizarre and deep-seated homosexuality. Creepy to say the least.
Spits the forum poster who is such a flamer, he thinks is a gay website.


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