President Trump: the ultimate winner

Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised.
He clearly hasn't.

""If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again.""

Yes, he said Merry Christmas
, but then Obama did too, every damn year.
So want to claim that one of his “broken campaign promises” is one that you openly admit he fulfilled?!?

:lmao: :laugh2: :laugh: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laugh2: :laugh: :laughing0301:
"Rebuild the country's aging infrastructure "

Nope, he cut taxes, bridges are still falling.
Snowflake...the nation’s “infrastructure” cannot be rebuilt in 30 days. So far, he has delivered on 100% of his campaign promises. Give him his full 8 years before you attempt to judge him on infrastructure. He never said that would be completed by April of 2018.
"Prosecute Hillary Clinton "
Ok...let’s be honest on this one. While it is terribly disappointing that he didn’t pursue the prosecution of Hitlery Clinton as he should have, this was not a “campaign promise”. It was an off-the-cuff remark during a debate with her.
""Bomb the s--- out of ISIS.""

Should I keep going on things Trump said and hasn't fulfilled?
Yes! Please keep going! I’m loving watching you make an ass out of yourself. President Trump bombed ISIS so much they barely exist anymore. He has completely castrated them.
I love it. This is the ultimate in winning.
After decades of neglect, a federalism bandwagon is rolling across the country, carrying not only conservatives who have long believed in states' rights, but also gathering up progressives who are out of power in Washington and have rediscovered the appeal of localism. In fact, many of today's big political battles are, at their base, a federalism tug of war pitting the federal government against state and local governments.
So the people who have nothing but contempt and disgust for the U.S. Constitution are now sprinting towards it out of fear of President Trump (much like how illegals are self-deporting over fear of him).

The sad part is, we could have had a century of peace and prosperity if progressives hadn’t destroyed the U.S. Constitution in the 1900’s. The left could have had socialism in San Francisco while the right could have enjoyed conservative liberty in Dallas.

Democrats finally discover federalism
In reverence to da dump

Trump headstone.gif
Trump on his New Hampshire rally last week.


No it’s NOT. Just wondering how in the hell people can support a disgusting human scum like that.

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